Chapter 36.

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Storm walked into Yarah's bedroom with the towel wrapped around her waist and water dripping down her body.

"Oh God?" Yarah gasped as she turned around and looked at Storm then she used her hands to cover her eyes like a child. Storm chuckled as she walked over to Yarah's bed then she said "You've already seen me naked, Meyers. No need to act shy."

The two teenagers chuckled as Yarah dropped her hands and said "You're right. It's not like I haven't seen this... God given gift to humanity." Storm couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks as she looked down at her feet. "Thanks..." Storm mumbled as she scratched the back of her neck from nervousness.

Storm looked at the clothing on the bed and asked "Is that for me?" Yarah nodded with a small smile then she said "Yeah. I think it'll fit since it's practically your own boxers and my largest t-shirt." Storm nodded as she started drying herself then she quickly tugged on the clothing; whilst Yarah walked over to her closet.

Yarah returned to her bedroom as Storm pulled up her checkered sky blue and white boxers then the shorter teenager said "I'll be in Zoe's room then you can have my bed. Sound cool?" Storm immediately shook her head in disagreement.

"You do know that we can share, right? I like, don't want to kick you out of your own room." Storm said as she took a step forward then she pulled her most adorable pleading face and said "I came all the way here for you and I swear; I'll be nice."

Storm placed her right hand on her heart and pouted cutely; even though she looked like a ghost.

The adorable look just weakened Yarah's knees as she stared straight into Storm's pleading eyes and then she conceded with a soft sigh. "Fine.." Yarah said as she nodded then she said; pointing firmly at Storm "Don't do anything funny because I swear, I'll fuck you up."

Storm nodded like an overjoyed child as she watched Yarah walk over to her side then the shorter teenager jerked open her bedsheets and said "Stay on your side, okay?"

Yarah climbed into the bed and moved over to the left side before she climbed under the sheets and began building a barrier of pillows to run down the middle of her bed.

Smiling weakly from excitement; Storm watched Yarah until she finished then she climbed into the bed and pulled the bedsheets over her body.

Yarah turned off the bedside lamp and sighed softly as she laid on her back in silence.

The pair stared up at the roof as they got engulfed by a peaceful silence.

Storm whispered as she listened to the light raindrops tapping on the roof "Can you tell me a story?"


"Tell me a story?"

"Are you serious?"



"I like the sound of your voice.." Storm turned onto her side and whispered as she looked at Yarah "It's beautiful."

The tall teenager added as moved closer to the pillow barricade "Like you." Yarah's cheeks were burning red from her blushing as she couldn't dare to face the teenager staring at her with intent.

Storm reached over the pillows and whispered; sounding a bit sleepy "Like the tiny little beauty mark below your the corner of your left lip, or the tiny scratch above your right eyebrow that caused a slight slit in that eyebrow.. And then there's the almost missable bump on the tip of your sharp nose.."

The tall teenager bopped the tip of Yarah's nose and she snorted before began she giggling from nervousness. The sound was beyond hypnotic for Storm as she stared at Yarah with a smile on her face.

"Stop staring." Yarah deadpanned as she used her hands to cover her hot face. Storm, with her medication slowly kicking in, whispered "I'll stop staring; if you tell me a story."

"About what?!" Yarah asked softly as she turned to face Storm. The taller teenager shrugged as she innocently smiled then she whispered "I don't care.. Tell me anything. I just want to hear your voice."

Yarah gave Storm a tight lipped smile as she returned to her previous position; then she said "Just sleep, Storm. You need to rest."

"But-" Storm started to say; but, Yarah interjected by faking an obnoxiously loud and very annoying snore.

The tall teenager sneezed softly as Yarah closed her eyes, pretended to sleep and fake snoring; then, Storm whispered "Okay. You want to sleep. I get it. Goodnight, Meyers."

Storm laid on her back and closed her eyes with a soft sigh.

A minute passed.

Another silent minute followed.

"Meyers?" Storm whispered again and Yarah groaned in annoyance as she asked "What now?"

"Now, I won't tell you because you're rude."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, I'm dead serious. I do not like being spoken to like that."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't mean that."

"You're a fucking child, you know that, right?" Yarah huffed with annoyance as she turned to face Storm.

Storm crossed her arms in front of her chest then she said; rubbing her eye "You have an attitude problem and you have to deal with it; before it deals with you."

Yarah rolled her eyes as she smirked then she said "You're so adorable when you're sleepy-"

Suddenly, Storm burst into a brief fit of sneezes.

Yarah immediately sat upright and grabbed the box of tissues next to her then she handed it over to Storm with a look of worry on her face. Storm took some tissue and blew out her nose before she dropped the tissue on the dresser and turned to look at Yarah.

Smiling sweetly, Storm teased as she playfully poked Yarah "You really like me.." The shorter teenager shook her head as she said; lying down and turning her back to Storm "I'm fully convinced that you didn't graduate kindergarten."

Yarah pulled her bedsheets over her head and hid away from Storm as she teased "Dude, I read somewhere that cuddling helps with sleeping and getting better faster.. Wanna try it?"

Yarah groaned loudly as she shifted under the bedsheets; making Storm chuckle as she laid back down.

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