Chapter 9.

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The ride to the stadium was tense and dead silent but somewhat peaceful.

But finally, the classic car pulled into the packed parking lot of the stadium, however, Caspian didn't park; he simply stopped and waited for Storm to grab her duffel bag and climb out of the car. The teenager slammed the door shut, slung her bag over her shoulder and began walking towards the changing room for her team.

This match was at Wayville Highs home stadium so the school's mascot; Wilder The Werewolf was almost everywhere but so was the school's colours; teal, mint and peacock green. The green grass was perfectly cut, the benches were cleaned and everything was set up to it's usual excellence; including the changing rooms.

Storm walked into the changing room for the girls' soccer team and was greeted by a few members on her team.

The teenager smiled as she greeted her teammates and made her way over to her locker. Storm quickly took out her teal and mint coloured uniform then she placed it on the bench in front of her locker before she turned around, entered her locker combination, popped open the metal door and placed her closed duffel bag inside.

Before Storm could change, she found Yarah's phone in her pocket so she turned back to her opened locker and put both her and Yarah's phone's into the bag then she slammed the door shut. The tall teenager sat down on the bench and changed into her black cleats, shinguards and the mandatory teal and mint coloured soccer uniform.

The moment she finished, Storm stood upright and stretched her arms out then she got slapped upside her head. "What the fuck?" Storm blurted out as she nearly lost her balance but then she spun around to face the person who slapped her.

With a look of annoyance on her scowling face, Tasha had her arms crossed in anger to create a barrier between herself and her girlfriend then she flared her nostrils in anger.

"Hey.. babe?" Storm said awkwardly.

"Babe? Babe? Are you fucking kidding me, Storm?!!"

"What's wrong?"

"'What's fucking wrong?' she asks!! You are what's wrong, Storm! You bloody left me yesterday!"

"Chill out and let me explain, okay?" Storm said, trying to calm her girlfriend down.

Suddenly, Tasha's slim hand landed with a surprising amount of impact on Storm's right cheek and this shocked everyone that stood nearby.

Storm's eyes were wide in shock.

She opened her mouth to speak but Tasha said loudly "I've had enough of you, Storm Carter! Get your fucking act together otherwise we're done! Okay?!"

Storm's brows were widened in surprise as Tasha wildly swung her hair in the taller teenagers face before she walk away.

Suddenly, thoughts of Yarah's naked body from the previous night suddenly flashed into Storm's mind.

The thought was brief and unexpected but it was more than enough motivation for Storm as she unwillingly smiled from the excitement as she walked towards the area where her team had gathered. Coach Luna Baxter stood on top of a bench where her team of teenage girls awaited her pep talk.

Wayville's coach and gym teacher was woman well into her thirties yet she still looked like 20 year old and that was why Storm flirted with her a lot. Luna Baxter was well-known at Wayville High and a lot of people pursued her but she only seemed to give Storm the time of day.

Luna stands at 5'6 with nut brown hair that reached just below her jawline, jade green eyes that sparkled with enthusiasm and a sexy athletic body that was greatly complimented by her tanned skin. Luna also has light freckles splattered across the bridge of her nose and a small diamond tattoo behind her left ear.

She ran her teams; soccer, football, basketball and volleyball the way her father taught her and that meant that everyone knew their role. On Luna's teams; if you know your role, you cannot mess it up or you're off the team!

Coach Baxter smiled brightly as Storm stepped into view.

"I'm so glad to see that everyone looks sober enough to play and that you're all here on time.. Especially you, Carter. But, nonetheless..." Coach Baxter started to say as she watched her team chuckle in amusement then she continued "Today, we face an old rival and well, I've known Coach Killian for years and his strategy is to win.."

"Coach Killian has his daughter on his team and Marcelline is the only threat to us! So, because I'm going to need our offense game to be on point; I'm only having Carter and Gustar upfront since that's what we've prepared for!!" Coach Baxter concluded as she glanced at the two foreign exchange students that stood near each other.

Hünter Gustar was a student from Moscow with pale skin, a thick Russian accent, thick golden brown eyebrows that was complimented by her neck length golden brown hair and her soul piercing coal black eyes. And even though, Hünter was one of the best players on the team, she rarely spoke to anyone in the entire school; other than Storm since their native tongue was very similar.

Hünter gave Storm a small smile as the rest of the team moved in closer to each other.

Coach Baxter said loudly "Werewolves?!! Let's Go!!!!" The entire team of teenage girls began howling as they began moving towards the entrance of the changing room. Storm and Hünter were apart of the crowd but as they approached the field; they moved to the front.

The soccer team moved inline with their roles and positions before they walked up beside their competition clothes in a bright bubblegum pink uniform. Storm; who stood directly in front since she was the captain of the all-girls team, turned to face her opponent with a sarcastic smile plastered on her face.

The tall teenager said without paying much attention to the other team Captain "Guess you guys' status isn't the only positive thing in y'all lives since your uniforms look like awareness outfits..."

But before the angered girl could speak, Storm and her team had already begun their jogging onto the field whilst the crowds screamed wildly in excitement.

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