I lost track of time watching people walk by and realized that it was one minute two three and I better hurry up and get inside. It isn't good to be late on a job interview.

I got out of the car and by now it was raining, but I wasn't shocked, after all I did live in Boston. I pull the hood of my black topcoat over my wig to protect the glue and hustle inside of the coffee shop. I take a deep breath, realizing that I needed to start working out more seeing I was a bit out of breath.

I've seen a picture of the boss of the magazine company and searched the little amount of people inside the shop. When I don't see the face I was searching for I decide to grab my own table. It was a two person booth next to the window and behind me was the door. I just hoped the boss new what I looked like.

I pull out my phone while I wait, but each time I hear a ring from the bell above the door I would turn and look.

A waitress in her fifties came up to me asking if I would like anything and I told her just a cup of black coffee with some sugar and cream. After about the third time the door opened, I turned seeing the woman I saw a picture of when I was filling out my application for this job. I smiled at her and she returned it then walked over here. In her hand was a brown leather brief case and in the other was a case that held what looked like a laptop. She place he bags in the seat across from me and then following was her coat that she took off then finally herself.

She offers her hand and I shake it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Adrianna Fleez. You're Madeline Andrews correct?"

She looked like she was in her forties; she had long brown hair and green eyes. In a way I could say that she resembled my mother but it's been so long since I last seen my mother and I had no pictures for they all burned in the fire.

"Yes, it's lovely to meet you." I say with a smile. She nods before grabbing her brown leather case and searching through it before she pulled out a small packet of papers.

"Now I'm just going to get to the point, I really liked you application for the job." She says.

"Thank you," I say even though I know that not all of the things on that were true.

"But compared to my other workers, you have very little experience," She says, "But I see potential in you and I personally think that you would be perfect for this job."

I had a little flash back to when I was interviewing with Ms. Hilten, she said the exact same thing to me.

"But of course I talked with some of my co-workers and they weren't too pleased with the idea of you being there with not much capability as everyone else,"

I looked down at the coffee that had been place in front of me a couple minutes ago from the waitress.

"But they don't own the magazine company, do they now?" She says which causes me too look up with a smile.

"Now I leave the decision up to you. I am offering the job that you applied for but I'm afraid that if you do accept the offer you will not be so accepted by your co-workers and I was wondering if that would be a problem?"

I thought back to when I was a detective; she was describing exactly how it was when I worked there. I was judge because to them I was given the easy card. But thinking about it now, I didn't really mind it now. Because right now, Cat Miller is being judge because she was working with a group of six criminals and I literally do not give to shits about what I see on TV or magazines about me because yes, I was working with criminals but those criminals taught me more than anything anyone could ever teach me. They taught me how to survive – though it might not have been the best way – I am strong because of it and I could care less about what people think of me.

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