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Chapter 56




I look around the room trying to figure out where I'm at, which I finally realize is my living room. I pull the blankets off of my body and sit up from the couch I was laid down on. When I move my arm I feel something pulling at the hairs, I look down seeing a cotton ball tapped to my inner elbow. Seeing that made me recall what had happened before I was here.

Pans and pots banging together snapped me out of my thoughts that I was becoming afraid of. I get up from the couch seeing stairs and almost falling over my own feet. Once I gain my balance I walk to the kitchen.

Caleb's body is turned facing the stove. "Caleb? What's going on? How and when did I get back here?"  I speak. I must have startled him because he jumped before he faced me.

"Cat you need to go back and laydown."

"Answer my questions first then I will." I say but I start to see stars again and I grab on to the counter to keep my balance.

"No, go back and laydown now, before I take you back over to the couch myself." Caleb demands which makes me do as I'm told and head back to the couch.

I hear the door open which causes me to look in the direction. "How is she?" I hear Louis ask. He obviously took the other hallway to the kitchen instead of the living room since he hasn't noticed I'm awake. Louis sets two grocery bags on the counter and starts taking out all of the things he – or Lela – must have bought and then throws away the grocery bags.

"Ask her yourself." Caleb says. By now the smell of pancakes had filled the house; it smells delicious considering I have never liked pancakes.

Louis turns to the living room and sees me and a smile appears on his face which causes me to smile. "She has questions that I'm not in the mood for answering." I hear Caleb mumble. The smile on Louis face fades slowly as he walks over to the couch sitting next to me.

"Louis what wrong?"

"Do you not remember any of it?"

"Just that I was in the hospital and then I woke up here. The nurse she was taking my blood? Why?"

"She wiped her memory," I hear Caleb says in disappointment but there was a pinch of relief.

"Who?" I asked confused.


"Why was Dalia here?"

Louis shakes his head, "No we weren't here. We were at your old high school for what you call knockoff senior prank night," Louis starts explaining the night that I have forgotten about. And as he explained all of it all started coming back in flashes - flashes that caused tears to form in my eyes. He then mentions Sammy but from his voice it sounded like he was holding back something.

"Sammy, where is he?" I ask. Louis couldn't look me in the eyes. He either looked passed my shoulder or down at his palms. It didn't take me long to know what that look meant.

"He's gone isn't he?" I say and feel a pang in my heart.

"Cat, I'm sorry. Harry and Freya said that it was too late and there was nothing they could do to help him when they poisoned him."

"W-What did you do with his body?" I ask but stutter because I don't want to think about it.

"We still have him. He's in the basement of the warehouse. We weren't sure what to do with him since you weren't yourself at the time. But we need to get rid of him soon; the smell is getting unbearable to even walk into the warehouse."

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