Lemon Beach House Love!

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Squid Girl returns from her little meeting, and she looks down.

Eiko: You had to put that on hold?

Squid Girl: YEAH! I mean, the closest Oil Rig is miles from here!

Chizuru: So, how are you going to make up for the hours you lost?

She looks very threatening while saying it.

Squid Girl: I-

Chizuru: Just kidding! Nagisa handled it.

Then they noticed Nagisa was gone.

Squid Girl: I'm not going to hurt you! Seriously!

Nagisa: Liar! Why should I trust you?

Squid Girl: Okay, this is stupid. Come on! Give me a hug!

But then Sanae jumps out to hug her!

Sanae: Hi Squiddy! Welcome back!

Squid Girl: NOT YOU!

She uses her tentacles to suplex her, and smiles brightly!

Sanae: Worth it.

Then you show up with both Cindy and Keiko.

(Y/N): Hey!

Eiko: Where've you been (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I picked up Cindy from her first interview with an alien!

Cindy: Did you know that Namekians don't eat? They survive on water! Amazing! And also, he looked annoyed the whole time. How sad.

(Y/N): Piccolo is like one of the most serious people I know. So, that's why he doesn't talk to many people. Also, he doesn't have a house.

Cindy: How does he even live off of-

(Y/N): Ladies! There's something I want you all to realize!

Squid Girl: I know where this is going.

(Y/N): Everytime you ladies get close to me, Squiddy here gets jealous. Can you guess why?

Girls: Uh .... W-why?

Then you notice all of them blushing, even Chizuru, who you never saw like that before!

(Y/N): Just admit it! You all want to share me, like Squiddy.

Squid Girl: Ugh! This isn't fair.

Eiko and Chizuru: How about you go back to serving tables again?

Squid Girl: Okay, I'll be quiet.

(Y/N): Well, what do you-

Then you feel all the girls hug you, and-

Girls: Yes!

(Y/N): Thought so. Now, please behave Squid Girl.

Squid Girl: Okay! I will!

Eiko: Promise?

Squid Girl: Yes, .... I promise.

Though, she would still be bratty, and boy would she show it!

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