Tournament of Power Arc Opening!!

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We open with the Super Dragonballs flying to show the Arena of the Tournament of Power, and you clashing with fists with Jiren as both of you power up and start punching the crap out of each other!!

This then leads to a TITLE CARD!!

The Dragonballs show up all surrounding Team Universe 7, which includes You, Naruto, Broly, Rimuru, Piccolo, Natsu, Luffy, Erza, Medaka, and Jack!

We see montages of everyone training, which also includes Piccolo training your kids, and well you training with the rest of the team!

This follows up with all of the Gods of Destruction watching, including shots of Beerus and Champa scowling at each other, and Quitela laughing as everyone is getting beaten to a pulp. 

Zeno is watching with a smile on his face with the Grand Minister observing everything. 

All of the Universe Teams are shown, with you facing Jiren, who looks pleased to see you again. 

This resolves in everyone fighting back against all of the universes, and the arena starting to tear apart as you continue to clash with Jiren, both of you going at your strongest. 

With a mix of Kaioken, MUI, and The Saiyan X Kryptonian Armors, you sock Jiren in the stomach, and he powers up more and more to try and crush you! 

Finally, we end with you united with all of Team 7 in front of the arena, holding the Four Star Dragonball!

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