Crime Wave (Final Part!!!)

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As Izuku and Shoto were desperately trying to solve the riddle, Riddler continued to taunt them over and over again.

Shoto: Midoriya, we're going to run out of time.

Riddler: You're wasting time. At this point, the two of you are just idiotic Homunculi, with no intelligence whatsoever.

???: I would think not Mr. Nigma.

A figure then enters the room.

Saiko Intelli (She's a student of Star Academy who is looked upon highly as one of the best in the hero courses! Her Quirk is IQ, which lets her boost her intelligence!)

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Saiko Intelli (She's a student of Star Academy who is looked upon highly as one of the best in the hero courses! Her Quirk is IQ, which lets her boost her intelligence!)

Izuku: Intelli?

Shoto: Good timing. What kept you?

Saiko: I had a drink of tea in order to solve this.

She then starts moving objects around and then-

The bombs disarm.

Izuku: Wow, that was .... Incredible.

Riddler: No!! THIS CAN'T BE!! YOU MUST HAVE CHEATED!!! How else can y-

With you...

You manage to find Joker and All For One!

(Y/N): Yo! Clown Face, All For One!

Joker: Oh poo. Now what?

Batman also shows up.

Batman: Justice always comes through. Now we can either do it the easy way, or the hard way.


A giant robot clown in a sailor suit comes in, and tries to crush you both!

(Y/N): I hate that clown!

All For One: Where did you-

Joker: I forced Lexy to build me one.

But then, Nightwing and Red Robin arrive, along with Jack!

Jack: GET AWAY!!

The three start disabling it's joints, and disarming it's movements. And then Jack smashes it.

Jack: Whew. Good work guys!

Joker: GRRRRR!

Nightwing: Doesn't count. He's a robot.

Joker: He was so close to retirement. Oh it makes me want to-


Joker: Ugh. See? You just don't get the joke!

(Y/N): Okay, this is too fun. Like I said before you guys are nothing to us. You're just two insane evil jerks who have nothing better to-

Joker: AAAAAAARGH!! If you both won't see it our way then-

All For One injects Joker with something!


Joker turns into a giant hulking monster!

All For One: Now come and get it!

The two start attacking, with you dealing with AFO, and Batman dealing with Joker!

On the roof...

Helicopters are circling with-

Vicky: Vicky Vale here with an urgent news report. Batman is seen fighting against Joker who has turned into-

The noise interrupts her.

Vicky: There they are now!!

Joker: Come on Bats! Show me what you got!

All For One sends you up to, with a lot of flaming fists!

(Y/N): How about you try, this on for size? REQUIP: KRYPTONIAN ARMOR!

All For One: What?

(Y/N): I had a little assistance from my pal Superman, and now I'm fighting with the abilities of Superman! And what's even better-

You had Eradicator backing you up as he was powering the suit!


You both clash, and Eradicator boosts your strength.

Eradicator: Boosting strength to 110%.

Batman had managed to trick Joker into a trap with lots of explosive gel displayed, and he falls onto a gas truck!

Joker: Oh boy!

He is blasted up, and has severe burns!

Joker: Come on! I can take it! Show me everything you've got! Ready for the next round?

Batman: Always.

Joker: WHAT?!

Play from 0:23...

All For One: You've got to be kidding me!

And then you deliver a deadly blow to his face, which shatters his mask!

All For One: Damn! I'm sick of you!! This isn't over.

He teleports all the villains away, who have obtained a lot of injuries!

(Y/N): Damn, you're too cool. I mean, did you come up with that on your own, or-

Batman: Just rest now, you've earned it.

(Y/N): Thanks again Bruce. You're a damn good comrade.


All For One had brought Joker back, who was badly hurt.

All For One: How's he?

Garaki: I don't know. Something has affected him. The Venom, it-

Joker was starting to get worse and worse by the looks of it.

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