My New Companion!

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You are in the Cerulean City Gym, and are about to challenge Misty! 

Misty: Alright, you ready? 

(Y/N): Oh you know it! I'm ready! Pikachu! 

Pikachu steps up. 

Misty: That's it? Just Pikachu? 

(Y/N): Not only do I have the element advantage, but a speed advantage too! 

Misty: Suit yourself! Okay, I'll send out Seak- 

Out from one of her Pokeballs comes Psyduck! 

Psyduck: PSY!! 

(Y/N): HAHAHAHAHA! I think Psyduck wants a turn. 


(Y/N): Oh go easy on him. He's one of your Pokemon, right? 

Misty: Alright. 

Pikachu and Psyduck start attacking each other, and well Psyduck hits it's head which causes it to scream in pain! 

Misty: UGH! How embarrassing! 

(Y/N): Pikachu use Iron Tail! 

Pikachu instantly knocks out Psyduck with Iron Tail. 

Misty: Okay, fine! Psyduck return! LET'S GO DEWGONG!!! 

Misty sends out Dewgong. 

Misty: Use Ice Beam Dewgong! 

(Y/N): Pikachu, use agility! 

Pikachu begins moving around really fast, and Dewgong can't freeze Pikachu in place. 

Misty: Come on! Don't miss! You got this! 

(Y/N): Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on the water! 

Misty: WHAT?! 

Pikachu: PIKA PIKACHU!!! 

Pikachu electrocutes the water and instantly knocks out Dewgong. 

Misty: OH COME ON!!! Fine! Fine! I've got the best Pokemon for last! GO GYRADOS!!

Misty sends out her Gyrados. 

(Y/N): Oh cool! I have one too. 

Misty: Really? 

(Y/N): Yep, I leveled up my Magikarp so fast and gave it lots of love that he evolved. 

Misty: Well that's really- HEY! I'm supposed to focus! Gyrados use Hydro Pump! 

Gyrados tries to blast Pikachu, but the little guy lies on top of it's head. 


Gyrados tries to shake Pikachu off, but Pikachu smiles and you nod. 

And with that Gyrados gets electrocuted by the little mouse! 

(Y/N): Nice job Buddy! 

Pikachu: PIKA!! 

(Y/N): Hey, don't think I'm going to give you a bottle of ketchup just because you easily knocked out Misty's Pokemon. 


(Y/N): Hey, I love my Pokemon. Why do you think they got strong so fast? 

Misty: Yeah, well it wasn't easy for me. Do you know how hard it is being the youngest of your family? And having to prove to your sisters how strong you can be? And then you finally become the Gym Leader, AND NOW LOSE TO A GUY IN HIS FIRST GYM BATTLE?! 

(Y/N): Yeah, well where I come from, I deal with idiots. Especially this one guy, don't get me started on him. I mean he's a great friend, but it's like he's trying to get himself killed! And he drags his comrades out into danger, and they have to look after his well being, and put up with his stupidity, and then there's the fact that I also- 

Misty: Okay, woah, you seem stressed. 

(Y/N): Sorry, dealt with a Psychic whatever it was. I'm just going to go and see if I can get a badge from another Gym Leader. 

Misty: HEY! You're not going anywhere! 

You stop. 

(Y/N): Why? 

Misty: Because I'm going with you! 

(Y/N): Huh? Why? 

Misty: You seem like the type of guy who would bring actual exciting adventure. 

(Y/N): Right. Let's just hope we can find good hotels. I don't want to sleep under a tree with bugs. 


(Y/N): Did I mention you're adorable when you're scared? 


(Y/N): But you're blushing. You like it when I compliment you. 

Misty: SAYS WHO?! 

(Y/N): Says you, Princess. 

Misty: Let's just go. 

And with that, a new traveling companion is found! Maybe something even more would happen!

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