CP0's Return!

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Jack had managed to finally knock out Katakuri! 

Jack: Sorry about that. Okay, you guys alright? 

Crime Sorciere: Yeah, pretty much. 

Jack: Great! Now let's hurry before something bad h- 

He feels a gunshot through his chest. 

Jack: OW!!! WHAT THE HELL?! 

???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hello again!! 

Spandam shows up. 

Meredy: Who the hell are you? 

Spandam: I'm Spandam. 

(Y/N): Yeah, real asshole there. I really didn't want to see him again. 

Spandam: No more moves, or I put another bullet in his body. 

(Y/N): So, you finally threw away that stupid elephant sword of yours? 

Spandam: No! Of course, I have Funkfreed, but this is the fastest way! 

Ultear: Why you! ICE MAKE: BLOOM!!

Spandam: Oh shit! AAAGH! 

He is hit in the face, and sent flying. 

Spandam: Damn it! 

This only leads to Kumadori and Jabra jumping in. 

Jabra: Oh look at all the prey we have! 

He goes into his Wolf-Man form! 

Jabra: Time to do some hunting! 

Kumadori: Now criminals and aids of pirates, you will perish from the world! YOYOI!!! 

Jack: Yeah, they're a bunch of weirdos. So, where's kitty cat boss? Did he have to go get his milk bath? 

Lucci then shows up. 

Lucci: Not likely. 

Jack: Oh boy. 

Racer: Man, the World Government is even involved in this? 

Hoteye: How tragic. Unfortunately, while I pity the fact that you all are serving such horrible people, I must stop you. OH YES! LIQUID GROUND!!

He causes the ground to liquefy and he manages to trap Kumadori, but notices that Jabra and Lucci have dodged using Moonwalk! 


He stabs Hoteye, only for- 

It turns out to be a liquid ground clone. 

Hoteye: My eyes can see everything. 

Lucci: What the? 

Lucci activates his leopard form and goes to attack, only to be blindsided by Racer! 

Racer: How do you like this? You follow a corrupt system! 

Lucci: You were criminals in the past. Criminals will always be criminals no matter what. 

Midnight: If you really think that, then, you're a lost cause. INVISIBLE SCYTHE! 

Lucci: IRON BODY!!!

He defends, and out of nowhere Jabra goes to attack! 


But then, one thing he doesn't expect is- 


He swarms Jabra and starts beating him up! 

On another hand... 

A ship is watching from nearby. It belongs to the Revolutionary Army!

Sabo: So, is this where the Marines, the Big Mom Pirates, Beast Pirates, and CP0 all are? 

Koala: Apparently so. Are you sure you want to go in there?

Sabo: Yeah, because my Brother is in there. 

Koala: Okay. Why do you always have to put us through situations like this? 

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