Taking out Big Mom!

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Big Mom still continues to attack Law and Erza, who are just struggling to try and manage to knock her out!

Erza: Wall, hang on. I have an idea, but you might want to stand back. 

Law: Erza, you're one of those people that I know that causes massive destruction with a plan, but go ahead. 

He starts to put up a new room. 

Big Mom: I don't know what you're up to, but I won't let you get away with this plan of yours! 

She begins to command Misery to take out Erza, but then she notices something- 


Her eyes become like a dragon, and her arms become dragon-like. Her sword grows Dragon scales, and flames also emit from said sword. 

Big Mom: What the? 

She slashes at Big Mom and then hits Misery, turning her back into Napoleon, Prometheus, and Hera! 

Homies: OH NO!!!!! 

Big Mom: What kind of power is this?! 

Erza: It's your end! DRAGON QUEEN'S ETERNAL FLAME!!! 

She slashes through the entire room, and sets Big Mom on fire! 

She desperately begins to roll around in order to put herself out! 

Meanwhile... in the Armory... 

Yamato had taken out so many enemies, and then had a bright idea. 

Yamato: It's time that I blow up the whole place. Hopefully Luffy found Kaido. 

She removes her mask and takes a deep breath. 

Yamato: Here goes. 

She starts hitting the big bombs and anything else explosive in the whole room. 

Yamato: We're going to go out with a big bang. 

She continues to destroy everything and light gunpowder. 

Yamato: Now to get out of here and warn the others. 

But then- 

Big Mom is seen falling down through the floors on fire, and breathing blood. 

Erza and Law had been moved out of the way thanks to the room. 

The entire room was lighting up on fire, and soon everything would go KABOOM!!!!


Kaido took a swing of Sake from his gourd, and then after putting it down- 

Kaido: You ready for a rematch, Straw Hat? This time, I will- 

But instead he saw- 

(Y/N): HEY KAIDO!!! 

Kaido: You? How disappointing. 

(Y/N): Yeah, well ... I guess I'm holding out for Luffy, because for some reason, he's not going yet. Gotta stall for time. 

Kaido: Fine then. But you wo- 

He then notices 7 other figures behind you. 

(Y/N): Let's see you take on 8 Dragon Slayers at once!

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