Amestris Military!

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You quickly decided to befriend Ed, Al, and Winry, and well, they seemed to have recognized you, mostly. 

Ed: Why do you seem familiar? 

(Y/N): Well, do you remember my name? 

Ed: (Y/N) right? 

(Y/N): Okay, it's like my interactions with them caused them to remember me. Okay, what about your Dad? Do you have a Dad and/or a Mom? 

Alphonse: Dad died a long time ago. We still have our Mom. 

(Y/N): Awww! How sweet! Though from what I saw, their Dad's not such a bad guy. He really wanted to stop that Father guy. A shame. 

Winry: Well, my parents they also died. I was raised alongside Ed and Al. 

(Y/N): Now that's different!!! It's like the three of them are siblings! Ed's the eldest, and short-tempered one, Winry is the middle child with more common sense, and Al is the sweetest and naive one! You two know anything about alchemy? 

Ed: Yeah, youngest State Alchemist. See? 

He shows off a silver pocket watch. 

(Y/N): How nice. Fullmetal Alchemist. 

Ed: Hey, do I look like I have a metal arm? 

(Y/N): No, but maybe you should have a bigger size. 


(Y/N): Still Ed in every way. No matter which version, he's sensitive about his height. 

But then.. 

Ed: Aw damn it, what know? 

Ed answers his phone. 

Ed: Yeah? Oh, hi Colonel. 

???: So, did you reach New Tokyo? 

Ed: Yeah, why? 

???: I'm requesting that you, deliver anything that you research to me. 

Ed: What's the catch? 

???: Simple, let's not forget how you almost- 


???: Good. 

(Y/N): Huh? I better go check things out. 

After a quick Instant Transmission... 

You found the State of Amestris, which happened to be in Germany! 

(Y/N): Of course. 

Inside of the Central Command Center for the Amestrian Military... 

Colonel Mustang sat on his desk. 

Mustang: Yes, I would appreciate it if you handed your paperwork over to me. Now- 

???: Colonel. 

Riza Hawkeye herself walks in. 

Mustang: Lieutenant, perfect timing. Have you finished your report? 

Riza: Yes. Any rebels who were trying to attack have been subdued. Also, you have a visitor. 

Mustang: Who is it? 

Riza: Lt. Col. Hughes. 

Mustang: (Sigh) Send him in. 


Lt Col Hughes (Roy Mustang's Best Friend and high-ranking officer of the Amestrian Military! Loves his wife and daughter very much that he won't shut up about them!) 

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Lt Col Hughes (Roy Mustang's Best Friend and high-ranking officer of the Amestrian Military! Loves his wife and daughter very much that he won't shut up about them!) 

Mustang: What is it Hughes? 

Hughes puts on the dorkiest face. 

Hughes: Oh, Alicia turned 6 recently! Look at her! She's big enough to ride that little tricycle that I bought her!

He starts showing cute little pictures of his daughter! 

Hughes: And this is when I brought her to the beach! And here's her with Gracia in a nice little shot I took myself. And this is- 

Mustang: I would do anything to get out of this right now? 

(Y/N): Ah, it warms my heart to see them getting along. And no Homunculi in sight. Now, I can just go home and- 

And so... 

You got home, only to see a Stranger outside. 


You kick the stranger outside of the mansion, and it's revealed to be who else, this universe's version of Ling! 

Ling: Ow! Can't you please treat a lonely stranger to- 

(Y/N): You can't fool me! You just want a free meal, mooching prince! 

Ling: Oh please! I don't have any housing, and I'm here to do research to help my clan! Please?! 

(Y/N): What makes you think, I will- 

Then a figure tries to hit you. 

(Y/N): Lan Fan. 

Lan Fan: Don't insult Master Ling. He's very sensitive. 

Ling: Now Lan Fan, there's no need for violence. 

(Y/N): Okay, but you're not mooching off of me alright? 

Ling: I do owe you that much. 

(Y/N): Huh? 

He gives you a bill which he used under your name after talking to your Mom. 

(Y/N): You ... swindled my MOM?! 

You look at him demonically. 

Ling: Uh ... hahahaha. 


You then punch him into the sky. 

Lan Fan: MY LORD!!!!

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