My Saiyan Children!

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(Y/N): Can you believe it Chi-Chi? You're not the only girl in this house who will carry Saiyan lineage. Say, where's Videl? 

Chi-Chi: Well, right now, she's attending an event with her Dad. 

(Y/N): Oh boy. Knowing that it's Hercule, says a lot. 


Hercule was literally answering questions in front of all of his fans. 

Hercule: Of course, I wasn't scared of Cell! Why would I be? I'm the one who destroyed him. 

Videl: I would give anything to be back at home with (Y/N). I mean, he stated that I'll have a daughter in the future, and she's at home! I- Ugh. Being the daughter of the World Martial Art's Champion is annoying. 

Back with you... 

(Y/N): I see. 

Chi-Chi then begins to find Goten and drag him out. 

Chi-Chi: Aren't you just the cutest thing? 

Goten: MOM!!! 

Chi-Chi: I could just eat you up!!! 

Goten: I can see she never changed. 

(Y/N): She's even like that in the- Oh boy. 

Goten: You're not going to make me study are you? 

Chi-Chi: Do you plan on attending school? You're not turning into some delinquent! 

Goten: I want to be a hero like Dad! 

Chi-Chi: (Sigh) Alright fine, but you need education too. So, I'm going to teach you what you don't know. 

Goten: But- 

(Y/N): Now Goten, listen to your Mother, even if you're from the future, and she's from the present, you shouldn't disrespect her. 

Chi-Chi: See? Now that's a responsible father. (whispering to you) What if we have a baby girl too? 

(Y/N): You'll find any reason for us to- 

You then stop when you see Goten is still there. 

Goten: What? Oh come on, I know all about the birds and the bees and the- 

With Bulma... 

Bulma: OH MY GOD!! I HAVE A DAUGHTER TOO?! YES!!!! My Baby Trunks is taking good care of his little sister! 

Trunks and Bra: MOM!!!! 

Bulma: What? It's true? Oh, your father must be so proud!! Bra, is it true that you have my smarts? 

Bra: I know a lot of things that you do, Mom. 

Bulma: I'M SO EXCITED!!!! EEEE!!

They both sigh at their mother's energy. 

And soon... 

Videl returns. 

Videl: I'm back. So, where's my daughter? 

???: Welcome Home Mama! 

Pan shows up. 

Videl: Hello there. 

Pan: Mom looks really pretty. I didn't think I would see as that when I came from the future. Hi Mama! I promise you, I'll become really strong just like Papa! 

Videl: That's .. nice to hear. She really is (Y/N)'s, daughter. I can't believe I'll be carrying a Saiyan Child. Chi-Chi and Bulma must be really excited right now. 

On your hand... 

(Y/N): My Saiyan Children look amazing. I just hope that Chi-Chi, Bulma, and Videl don't start arguing when it comes to who's stronger. Then they could growl at me if I try to stop them. Women can be very intimidating sometimes. 

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