A Hunting we Will Go!

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And with that, you're brought before Colonel Mustang. 

(Y/N): So, you're Colonel Roy Mustang? 

Mustang: Fullmetal mentioned you. To be honest, I expected someone more experienced. 

(Y/N): Huh? I expected a wise general. You look more like some pretty boy. 

Mustang: Flattery is not improving our situation. Lieutenant, get everyone ready. 

(Y/N): You must be a bona fide leader then. 

Mustang: Listen, I'm willing to go through with this because my country's safety is important. Once I become Fuhrer, I will change everything for the better. For example, ALL FEMALE OFFICERS WILL BE WEARING TINY MINISKIRTS! 

Riza: Colonel. 

Mustang: Just ignore her. 

Riza: Idiot. 


(Y/N): This is the Fifth Laboratory? Creepy

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(Y/N): This is the Fifth Laboratory? Creepy. 

Jack: To be honest, everything about this arc is creepy. 

(Y/N): When could you- 

Jack: I've been with you for a long time, of course, I can. Wait, where is Ed? 

(Y/N): He said he had to do some investigating concerning the body of the mother they tried to bring back, as for Al, he should be nearby. 

Happy: And that Colonel guy? Where is he? He said he would show up. 

(Y/N): Any moment. He should- 

???: There you are. 

Mustang arrives with his whole squad. 

Team Mustang (From Left to Right (Kain Fury, Vato Falman, Jean Havoc, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Heymans Breda, and Black Hayate!) 

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Team Mustang (From Left to Right (Kain Fury, Vato Falman, Jean Havoc, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Heymans Breda, and Black Hayate!) 

(Y/N): About time you made it. 

Mustang: Precautions had to be made for the plan. Does everyone have their priorities? 

Members: Yes Sir!/BARK!

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