Getting on the Date Wagon!! (Soul Society Edition!)

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You start going around and asking all of the heads of the Squad various questions. 

(Y/N): It's urgent! You see, the upcoming Summer Festivals, require various snacks, but no one has thought to use any. 

Shunsui: Is that so? Well, I was thinking of rice herbs, served with- 

(Y/N): Its sake right? 

You both stay quiet for a while. 

Nanao: Captain, are you alright? You seem to be- 

Shunsui: Yes, of course. If you were asking Old Man Yama, he would have just said tea. 

(Y/N): Yeah, but serving sake to high schoolers is kind of not responsible. 

Shunsui: Hahahahahaha. That's a good point. 

Nanao: We'll just serve tea or something else. 

She pushes her glasses back into place, and then follows you to Squad 2. 

At the Squad 2 Barracks... 

(Y/N): Well? 

Soi Fon: This is pointless. Even though I love spending time with you, I don't know how to answer something like that. 

Marechiyo: You know, you could always just do some kind of candy cat popsicle thing. You know, in order to make you happy. After all, you're always thinking about Yoruichi. It's really funny how you mumble in your sleep when you pass out from work and, you- 

Soi Fon took offense to that and kicked her lieutenant in the crotch. 

Soi Fon: Shall we go then? I am in the mood for something like sushi, or preferably anything else after that. 

Squad 3 Barracks... 

Nanao: What do you have? 

Rose: Well, I had the simplest form of art. Biscuits in the form of musical notes. 

(Y/N): Interesting. And you Izuru? 

Izuru: Oh ... well ... they were in the shape of foxes, which- 

(Y/N): HELL NO! Those remind me a bit too much of Gin, and I don't want to think about his face. Because- 

Izuru: CAPTAIN!! WHY?! 

(Y/N): OH DEAR!!

Soi Fon: Just ignore him. He's dealing with a lot of stress. If he can't handle it, we should go. 

Rose: It's for the best. Izuru is still having trouble letting go. 

Squad 4 Barracks... 

Right now, you were about to pick up Unohana and Isane. 

Unohana: Oh, planning something special for the end of Summer? How about some invigorating soup? 

(Y/N): Unohana, I don't think t- 

She then forms her killer aura. 

Unohana: Don't you think it would be a good idea to accept the offer? Well? 

(Y/N): Sure! Yes Ma'am! 

Isane: Sorry about that. Captain Unohana worked all day on it. 

(Y/N): Man, and I was thinking Hanataro would offer something sweet or- 

Hanataro: I do have this little chocolate candy thing. 

(Y/N): Oh a BonBon! Thanks Hanataro! 

Hanataro: It's even got some healing Kido in it! 

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