Ah, Gotta Love Magical Girls!

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Right now, you were just lying by the side of the pool ready to take a nice dip in, and then you're immediately joined by Erza, Lucy, Yukino, Sorano, Minerva, Ultear, and Meredy. 

(Y/N): Hello ladies! 

Girls: Hi (Y/N)! 

They all begin to wink and blow kisses at you. 

And then they snuggle up close to your body ready to line up with the kisses. 

(Y/N): Easy there girls!! Easy, one at a time. 

Ultear: You're just too handsome. You're like a big handsome chunk of- 

Meredy: Handsomeness. 

(Y/N): I don't even think that that's a real word. 

Ultear: Too late, it is to us now. 

(Y/N): Brother. 

You just follow up with some laughter and then decide to kiss them everywhere. 

(Y/N): I love you all so much. 

Sorano: This is what we're going to get from living here with him? Me likey. Me likey very much. Right little sister? 

Yukino: (blushing) Yes. Very much so. As far as I consider it, all of Fairy Tail are honorary Sabertooth Members. 

(Y/N): I could say the same for you as Honorary Fairy Tail members. Hell, Honorary Straw Hats. 

Ultear: Same would go for Crime Sorciere. 

(Y/N): Great!! 

And with that, you and the girls spend lots of time bathing and making love, and of course as with all your girls, it was absolute heaven. 

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