My New Adventure with- DEADPOOL?!

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You were making a list of what you could do for Yor's wedding!

(Y/N): It has to be amazing! And my honeymoon with all of my wives will be great! They actually don't have much beef with her! Miia literally doesn't try to outsmart her, becuase she's afraid of getting skinned. But too bad, Yor's a really sweet girl when she's not on the job! I better bring Ezzie and Anya too! Ezzie can babysit her youngest sister while the girls and I-

And then the door bursts open!

Kinue: Oh (Y/N), you have a visitor!

(Y/N): I can tell Mom!

Then a familiar red figure appears!


(Y/N): Deadpool? Why don't you hang with Spidey?

Deadpool: Because I want something different! I-

Kinue then appears.

Kinue: Would you like some chimichangas, Mr. Wilson?

Deadpool: HELL YES! Nice Sister you have.

(Y/N): DUDE! She's my Mom!!!

Deadpool: Oh .... You literally have your whole family living here?

(Y/N): Yeah. Did I mention I have a kid brother now?

Deadpool: Special! Come on!

(Y/N): Wait, don't I get a say in-

Deadpool: NOPE!!

Though Jack had seen the whole thing...

Jack: Oh boy! I need help. Let's see.

He begins to call for some assistance and look for the Phantom Ruby.

Still with Jack...

Jack: I have assembled you guys because we're dealing with a maniac. I want him to be crushed and-

Izuku: Uh ... but you said he wasn't evil.

Jack: He's annoying.

Katsuki: How annoying?

Jack: Permission to kill, Bakugou.

Katsuki: Heh, then I'm going to enjoy this!


Katsuki: What?!

Izuku: We'll just come up with a better plan. Something where we have to find (Y/N) and Deadpool, talk him out of-


Izuku: (sigh) I don't know why I bother trying to plan with you.

Katsuki: It's simple. We find that annoying chatterbox, kill him, and-

Izuku: No! We don't kill him!

Katsuki: Then explain a plan that I get!

Izuku: That takes time.

Katsuki: And I don't have patience, Deku! Or have you forgotten that?

Jack: Brother. I am really not liking this rescue mission. Now where are the others?


You're running away from explosions and various attacks coming from giant robots!

You're running away from explosions and various attacks coming from giant robots!

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Sentinels (Mutant hunting Machines! Created by Bolivar Trask!)


Deadpool: Oh! A herd of Sentinels! Awesome! This couldn't get any-

But then he's punched.

???: Hey! Capturing others for your immature adventures is really annoying Bub!

(Y/N): Oh boy.

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