The Greatest Tournament in Kanto!

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You and Misty had arrived in Vermillion City, to board the SS Anne. 

Misty: Ah, the SS Anne! About time we have something luxurious happen to us. 

(Y/N): Time to actually get a challenge out of the Pokemon Trainers in this competition! 

Misty: Yeah, well guess we'll be having a rematch sooner than you thought! 

(Y/N): You'll just lose again. I mean, you have all water types, what if you have to battle a trainer who uses all Grass types? Or all-electric types? 

Misty: Okay, I get the point. But, you just used one very powerful Pikachu, who- 

Pikachu: PIKA!! 

(Y/N): Pikachu says he doesn't really like how you're about to insult him. 

Misty: Did I mention how adorable you are Pikachu? 

Pikachu: Pika Pi. 

(Y/N): Now he says that you trying to play the innocent card is not really funny. Now, this is starting to remind me of how Lucy and Happy interact. You know, without a talking cat who actually speaks the human language, and is a massive troll. 

On the ship... 

You both are waiting to sign in, and then- 

???: Hey! Misty! 

Misty: Huh? May?! 

May (A Pokemon Trainer from the Hoenn Region! She's the daughter of Gym Leader Norman! She's got a massive appetite, which also is represented in one of her Pokemon, Snorlax! Her team also consists of Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Wailord, and Ludi...

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May (A Pokemon Trainer from the Hoenn Region! She's the daughter of Gym Leader Norman! She's got a massive appetite, which also is represented in one of her Pokemon, Snorlax! Her team also consists of Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Wailord, and Ludicolo!) 

May: Did you miss me? 

(Y/N): Oh, I see the Princess has a rival. 

Misty: Could you not call me that in front of her? 

May: So, you finally got yourself a boyfriend? 

Misty: WHAT?! NO! We're just friends. 

(Y/N): You keep blushing every single time I call you cute! 


May: Totally in love. 

(Y/N): Yep. 

Misty: I'M NOT! I'M NOT!! I'M NOT!!!!

And then her Psyduck comes out. 

Psyduck: Psyduck! 


(Y/N): HAHAHAHA! Psyduck agrees too. 

May: Wow! You understand Pokemon? 

(Y/N): You just hang around with them, and you get them. Like this little guy. He's got kind of a cocky attitude. Luckily, he doesn't have a filthy mouth like some people. 

You look at the Pokeball with Charizard in it. 

(Y/N): Anyway, you've got a diverse team? 

May: Oh you know it! My Blaziken can really kick butt. 

Misty: Did it do well against my Gyrados? Oh no, I didn't think so. 

May: HEY!! (pouty face) You don't have to be a jerk about advantage types. 

Misty: Yeah, well, you only beat me because you have a Grass/Water-type Pokemon! 

May: It's called strategizing! 

Misty: Yeah! I know that! 

(Y/N): Oh this is going to be rich! 

Indeed, it was. The First Part of the Tournament would take place on this ship, and so many interesting people would appear. 

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