More Daughters from the Future!/Fire Dragon God!

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Azad had his plans settled, to seek out the Dragon Gods and get their powers.

He made sure his minions got everything down.

Azad: Now, my faithful and fellow old minions, meet your new comrades! Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, and Pride!!

Suzaku: They're our new comrades?

Madmole: I greatly appreciate your cooperation.

Greed: Heh, I like this guy. A little welcome wagon.

Sloth: What a pain.


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Azad: He's very very lazy.

Envy: A bunch of human scum? You're literally the lowest of the lowest.

Azad: Envy!

Nebaru: Me no like you!

Envy: Oh yeah? Well, the feeling is mutual!

Lust: So, what's our goal?

Haku: We're to help our Master obtain the powers of the Dragon Gods.

Envy: Really? How does that help us in-

Azad: Because then I can destroy anyone who keeps opposing me so I can get my sister back! Because you're small and insignificant, and I'll pummel you if you keep being a jerk to my subordinates, even if they are a bunch of idiots, we all need to get along if you work for me!

Gluttony: Lust, are they going to be mean to us?

Lust: Don't worry Gluttony, they're not going to harm you. If they do, you can just eat them.

Azad: No! Eat someone else who isn't on our side. Now, Wrath, would you come with me?

Bradley: Very well. Pride, can you handle every one else?

Pride: Of course, Brother.


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And so...

Azad was accompanied by Bradley and Kimblee to search for Ignia, the Fire Dragon God!

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