Confession Time ... Again!

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(Y/N): Now Yuffie, I know you feel uncomfortable about what Shinra did to Wutai, but that doesn't mean that you can go around stealing stuff! They stole Wutai's glory, so does that mean you can go around stealing people's stuff?

Yuffie: I ... I guess not.

Tifa: There is a God!

(Y/N): He's right here!

Aerith; Tee hee! That's true.

Yuffie: Okay, but you owe me something!

(Y/N): You want me to get you back into classes?

Yuffie: Yeah! I mean, you're dating and living with pretty much the best of the best kunoichi here!

(Y/N): How do you-

Yuffie: I'm stealthy like the shadows!

(Y/N): Right.

Tifa: So, does that mean, we can be part of the harem too?

Aerith: Please?

(Y/N): Of course!

And that pretty much ends with all three girls hugging and kissing you everywhere!

(Y/N): Great! Now, do you think you can clean the dresses Yuffie?

Yuffie: Yes Sir!

She salutes and takes off.

Aerith: Aren't you just the sweetest thing?

(Y/N): Thanks!

They then hug you again while talking big plans!

Aerith: Maybe you can get me a flower stand!

Tifa: And update the bar's menu?!

(Y/N): Well, I'm a good cook. And I can get some more to help.

Girls: YAY!!

(Y/N): Life is sweet.

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