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You place your phone on your side cabinet so its facing your wardrobe.
You dry yourself and your hair
You do as tom said which was to take your time so you're looking for your pjs in your wardrobe even though they're on your bed
You're just playing with tom because you no longer have a towel around you so he's seeing you naked
You're not facing him so all he can see is the back of you
You-shit i cant find my pjs
You say bending down so tom has a full view of your ass.
Tom-I'm convinced you're doing this on purpose
You turn around
You-what makes you say that
Tom-Jesus christ y/n
Tom clears his throat
Tom-because you always keep them on your bed not in the wardrobe.
You bite your lip
You-must of misplaced them
Tom-I'm getting you a taxi
Tom-I'm getting you a taxi
You-uh why and when
Tom-because i said so and right now
You-to where
Excitement rushes through your body
Oh my god finally
You-but its late
Tom-i don't care
You-you've got work and so do i
Tom-i will call in sick
You-you can't do that
Tom-watch me
You-what about Vicky
Tom-she'll manage without me for a day
Tom-you're coming over mine so pack a few things and get something on
You-what if the taxi driver kidnaps me
Tom-they wont
You-but you never know..especially of i decide to just come in one of your T-shirts
Theres a rustling noise coming from toms end and you see him get of his bed
You-what are you doing
Tom-I'm getting dressed, I'm picking you up
You see tom put on a shirt and him coming closer to the phone
You're still standing by your wardrobe naked
Tom-darling get something on and pack a bag because i will be there in less than 10 minuets
You go up to the phone smiling
Tom-see you soon
You nod
You-i love you
Tom-i love you more
And the call ends

Next chapter some time this week :)

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