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7 days later

its been 7 days since i found out i was pregnant and four days since i havent replied to tom

he's getting angry worried concerned..he can see that ive saw the messages which is making him message me even more i know comunication is key but that night is getting in my head again and i just cant get the guts to tell him

"hey are you listening to me" mason asks
"I'm sorry.." you reply
"what's wrong"
you laugh "what isn't"
"no seriously _________ is it tom has he got back to you"
"about what?"
"hi tom i'm pregnant surprise"
"oh..uh no"
"you didn't tell him" mason sighs
"you told me that you told him" he adds
"i can't do it" you whisper
"the longer you leave it the worse the outcome will be and the older the baby jelly bean thing in you will get"
you cringe
"your phone is going off again"
"yes i know" you sigh and watch notifocations pop up and then switch off your phone.
mason is about to say something when his phone rings "give me a sec moms calling" mason answers the phone and all of his color drains then he steps outside..you close your eyes and sigh
"alcahol would be really nice right now"

mason comes back in a while later
"that was a long call" you say as he walks in the living room
mason sits down and nods "it sure was..."
"whats wrong" you ask
"tom called up mom"
"okay and"
"he knows theres no family emergency and mom n dad are confused about what's going on with you..apparently tom went out of his mind and accused jeffrey whoever that is of cheating with you and apparently paps have got a photo of tom punching him and now theres rumors of you running away or being kindapped..its just blown up so you really need to tell him ________ like right now"

"any luck?" mason asks

you shake your head.."no it keeps going to voice mail" you try calling him again
"hey tom it's me whenever you get this i need you to call me back i promise i can explain"
"mom is wanting to speak to you"
you groan "okay..tell her to call me"

your phone rings and its your mother
"what the hell is going on? are you in trouble or something?" is the first thing she says
"no im not in trouble"
"then what is it and why lie to tom like that and ghost him for a week..christ he's the best boyfriend you've had don't screw things up now when things are going good for you"
"mom im pregnant" you whisper
"of course it's his"
"then why go do all of this"
you try and not tear up "because he doesn't want kids right now and he made it pretty clear that it wouldn't work if we had them now"
your mom sighs "oh honey..you should of came home and told me and we could of handled this better"
"you guys were mad at me for not telling you about tom proposing to me and i just didn't feel like you'd want to know if i came home crying because i was pregnant and tom didn't want it"
"okay yes i admit i was really angry with you, I'm your mother and my eldest daughter didn't tell me about her engagement insted i had to see it on a bloody facebook group but no matter how angry i was with you i would of still been here for you"
theres silence for a while until you speak again
"how was he..when he called"
"at first he was okay then he got confused and panicky then the next minute he calls back saying he's hit someone because you and him was close on set and he got seen hitting him..he was a mess..you should contact him"
"i have but he isn't answering..I've sent him a voice mail i just hope hes sleeping or at work"

you wince while you cut up some fruit
"hey you good?" mason asks 
you smile "yeah"
"you sure because you look like youre in pain" you nod and carry on cutting
"i promise i'm okay..do you want some" he nods "sure..there's cream in the fride so when you put them in a bowl add some of that on top for me"
you cringe
"youre actually gross"
mason laughs
"hey you eat strawberry's and cream its basically the same"
"its not..theres apple watermellon grapes and peach..you don't add cream to them"

a few hours later

"hey tom its me again please call me back"

a few more hours later

"look whos up, you feelin better" you wasn't feeling too good so you took a little nap
"yeah sort of..has tom called" you ask
mason shakes his head you sigh but then theres a knock at the door, mason is about to get up but you stop him
"i'll get it since I'm already up"
you head to the front door and open it not bothering to look though the peep hole

Next chapter coming soon(most likely Sunday or Monday < 3)

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