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Notes-I feel so bad lmao so I seen a tiktok of someone going on about Bridgerton so I decided to binge watch season 1 in one sitting
And by the time I finished season 1 it was 5am then I realised I hadn't updated this💀

Saturday was finally here
You sat at your window waiting for the taxi to arrive that Tom had booked for you
You checked you bag to see if you had everything before texting Marie

Hey I've left a spare key Under the plant pot outside the door because Gary wants me to stay over the weekend so that means I won't be here when your dad comes because I'll be home late on Sunday
I'm sorry if I've pissed you off
When I'm back I'll treat you to a takeaway and a bottle of wine ;)

Girl there's no need to be sorry that's completely fine
I hope you enjoy yourself and remember to use protection i'm not ready to be an aunt yet

Thank you, I will don't worry
If you need anything don't hesitate to call or text

Noted :)

You put your phone down and that's when the taxi arrives
You grab your things lock up and head to the taxi
You go around the drivers window and ask if the taxi is for you
The driver nods
So you get in on the other side
The drive there you and the driver make small talk which made you feel awkward because he'd ask you a question you'd answer it and then they'd be an awkward silence until he asks another random thing
After what seemed like an hour you finally arrived
You lean over "how much do I owe you"
The driver looks at you and shakes his head "mr ellis has already paid for the taxi"
"Are you serious?" You reply
"Yes ma'am"
"Right okay...thank you"
You get out of the taxi and head to tom's front door
You hesitate to knock it because you're a bit nervous
Cmon knock god damn it
You get your hand ready to knock when Tom opens the door with a huge smile on his face
You put your hand down
"Hello darling"
Ahhhh the name
Your legs feel like jelly and your stomach feels like it's full of butterflies
"Hi" you reply
Tom steps away from the door so you can come inside
He shuts and locks the door and you put your bag down
Without saying a word
You both come closer and kiss each other
After the kiss Tom hugs you "I've missed you"
Them words make you feel all fuzzy
He misses me?
You smile "I've missed you too" you reply
You break from the hug
"Here let me take your bag upstairs"
You pick up your bag and hand it to him
"Take a seat in the living room I won't be a minute"
You nod "okay"
While Tom makes his way upstairs, you make your way to the living room
You wonder what he was doing before you got here because everything looks untouched
The tv isn't on the sofa Doesn't look like it's been sat on
However there's a fait sound of music on in the kitchen so perhaps he was doing something in there?
You didn't really take in toms house when you were last here so right now that's what your doing
You feel a pair of arms make their way around your waist
You jump because you were in your own little world
You move your head so you could see who it was even though you already knew
"Jesus Tom give me a heart attack why don't you" you giggle
"I'm sorry" he kisses your neck
You turn round so you're facing him, his arms still around your waist
You put your hands on his chest "so what have you got planned for the week end" you ask
"Nothing yet but I can think of a few things we could do" he gives you a smirk and you know what exactly he means
You playfully slap his chest
"It's something we both enjoy"
"What? You can't tell me you don't enjoy it"
Your face goes red
"I- well obviously I do but"
Tom kisses you before you could finish your sentence
Son of a bitch
"On a serious note though I do have plans.
For tonight since you decided to come here when the day is almost over I was thinking we could get a takeaway and watch a movie and for tomorrow well that's a surprise"
You nod "sounds good"
"What do you fancy to eat?" Tom asks
Your eyes roam over his body
I meaaaann I wouldn't mind you
You look up to him "I'm honestly not fussed..whatever you want"
Tom rolls his eyes "what's with women and being unsure what they want to eat..pizza it is"
While Tom was ordering the pizza he asked you to pick out a film to watch
What if I pick one that he doesn't like?
You was finding it hard to pick one so you got your phone out and searched random movie generator.
The first one to come up was due date
It had Robert Downey jr in and anything with him in is a good movie
that will do

20 minutes later and the food had arrived
You went and collected it from the door and put it on the kitchen counter where tom plated it up
You were expecting just pizza but he brought some chips battered mushrooms onion rings and other things
He takes a beer out of the fridge and looks at you "do you want one?"
You're not really a beer kind of girl
Fuck it you thought "yes please"
"Do you want me to put it in a glass or"
You laugh "Tom are you serious who on earth drinks a bottle of beer out of a cup when it's already in a bottle for you to drink out of"
"Well you could of wanted ice with it"
"Having ice with beer sound illegal"
Tom just laughs
You take the beers and put them on the coffee table while Tom takes the food
You sit down and he passes you the plate with your food on "thank you"
"You're welcome" he kisses your forehead and sits next to you "so what film have you picked"
"Welllll I was unsure so I picked a random one called due date"
You explained what it was about and who was in it and then you put it on
After you and Tom finished eating you had another beer before cuddling with each other on the sofa while watching the movie
The odd occasion he kissed you and talked to you
Times like this with tom you'd wish time would stop they were so wholesome

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