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The rest of the evening the four of you chilled out after you ate your pizzas.
Scarlett got tired at 8pm so she went to bed.
"Right I'm going to bed" ellie says.
You look at the time.
"It's only 8:45pm" you say
"Yeah and I'm tired"
"Bullshit" Mason says.
"You'll be on FaceTime with your friends"
Ellie only laughs and makes her way up stairs.
You look at Mason.
"This is one long 40 minutes"
He raises an eyebrow.
"It is indeed" he says.
"What's that noise" Mason asks.
You look at your phone and it's going off.
"Shit it's my phone"
You pick up your phone and answer the call
Tom:"hi darling"
You: "oh hi"
Tom: "you sound surprised"
You: "I am, I didn't look who was calling and I thought you were my mom"
Tom: "what do you mean? Aren't you at your parents?"
You: "I am but a few hours ago she went back to work..so it's just me my sisters and my brother here"
Tom: "ohh..how's it going?"
You: "minus my mom leaving as soon as I get here it's going well"
Tom: "that's good, how are you?"
You: "I'm alright..missing you though..how are you"
Tom: "I miss you too darling and I'm okay I'd be even better if you was here with me"
You pout even though Tom can't see you.
You: "I'll be with you soon..so what have you been up to"
Tom: "well when I came back from dropping you off I got a shower and binged watched a show on Netflix before db messaged me saying if I wanted to get a few drinks with them lot so I did then after that I went and done a bit of shopping and came back here about 20 minutes ago"
You: "sounds fun"
Mason gets up and starts heading towards the kitchen.
"If you're going in there to do a drink can I have a cup of tea pretty please" you say to Mason.
He laughs.
"No get up off your arse and do it yourself" he says in a joking tone.
"Mason please stop being a jerk I got you food"
He nods "I'm only messing..how any sugars?"
"Two please"
You: "sorry about that"
Tom laughs.
Tom:"It's fine..which brother is Mason?"
You: "my older brother"
Tom: "does anyone know about us?"
You: "well my mom obviously from last night and I told Mason about you but that's it"
Tom sighs.
Tom: "you can't tell anyone else it only needs one person to tell someone and that person to tell someone else and it will get back to the university"
Is he for real he's told 6 people to what I know of about me and him but he tells me not to tell anyone else when I've only told family not including Sandy.
The only thing that annoys you about Tom is when he goes all weird with you about telling people.
It's okay for him to tell people but when it comes to you telling people all of a sudden it's not okay.
A few days ago you confronted him about it and you explained how it pisses you off and it don't seem fair but all he came out with it's only for the best that you don't tell people
You:hey listen I've got to go Mason needs help with something
Tom:"speak to you later?"
Tom:alright, I love you
You:"love you"
You then end the call and sigh.
Mason peeks through the door
"What do you mean Mason needs help with something"
You look towards him.
"Oh..it's nothing I just I'm starting to get a head ache and I didn't want to stay on call with him"
"Why do my sisters think they can lie to me" he folds his arms.
"I'm not lying to you" you nervously laugh.
"Spill it"
"There's nothing to spill"
"Alright then if you won't tell me I'm sure dad would love to hear it"
"Mason please just leave it"
"No not when you've told me he treats you good but then your making excuses to end the call..what did he say that upset you?"
"He didn't say anything that upset me..he just mentioned something that pisses me off"
"And what's that?"
Your hesitant to tell Mason but at least it will be something off your shoulders.
You sigh and tell him about the conversation you had with him a few days ago and what he said on the phone and how it makes you feel and how you just don't think it fair.
"I hate how he's treating you like a child when that subject is brought up" Mason says giving you your tea.
"Thanks" you take the drink off him.
"Y/n when you talk again you need to say something about it because he'll keep being weird about it"
"I have a few days ago"
"Yes but he was marking work so he probably didn't fully pay attention to you"
You shrug.
Before you could say something else the front door opened.
You and Mason both move your head towards the door.
It was your mother she had finally came back.
"There's no way you've been at work for this long" Mason says.
"Hello mom it's nice to see you, nice to see you too Mason" she Mocks.
Mason isn't amused.
"Right no I haven't I got caught up with friends" she says putting her bag down.
"And you didn't feel the need to text us and let us know?" You say.
"My phone died" she says lifting up her phone.
You look at Mason.
"Well anyway me and Mason were just about to go to bed" you say getting your phone and drink before slowly making your way towards the stairs.
Mason puts his hand on your shoulder.
"I'll be up in a minute I'm just going to have a word with mom" he says in a serious tone.
You nod.
"Alright, good night"
"Night sis"
You don't bother saying good night to your mother.
Next chapter tomorrow :)

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