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"Hi darling" tom says.
You step away moving a strand of hair from your face.
"Tom..hi" you say shyly.
Fuck fuck why is this awkward..just hug him it will make it less awkward.
You smile at him and hug him.
Tom hugs you back and kisses your forehead.
"Missed you" you mumble into his chest.
"Ive missed you too" tom replies.
"Ugh get a room will you" mason says in a joking tone.
Shit right mason
You part from the hug and turn to mason.
"Mason this is tom, tom this is mason" you say.
Tom puts his hand out for a hand shake.
"Nice to meet you mason" tom says.
Mason shakes toms hand and nods.
"Like wise" mason says.
You look at tom and mason giving them a small smile.
Then you face your mother and tom.
"You guys have probably introduced yourselves already" you say.
Your mother clears her throat.
"We have indeed" she says winking at tom.
The fuck was that.
"Im going to get an ice pack because some bitch decided to kick me" mason says walking past you.
"You should think before cheating and pulling my hair" your reply.
"Language" your mother says.
Mason stops.
"Im an adult so i don't need to watch my language" he says continuing into the kitchen.
You smile at your mom awkwardly.
This is so awkward.
"Honey why don't you show Tom to the guest bedroom" your mother says putting her hand on toms arm.
You pout.
"The guest room? But-"
"Don't give me but's y/n I don't want to hear them"
You look at Tom and back at your mother.
She's seriously treating me like I'm 15 again I hate this.
You roll your eyes.
"Fine fine" you say.
"Follow me Tom"
You and Tom make your way upstairs to the guest bedroom that's in between Noah's and Scarlett's room.
You open the door and say "the guest room" in a posh voice.
You were basically mocking your mother.
Tom places his things on the bed and turns to you and holds your hands.
"How have you been" he asks.
"Not bad" you say nodding.
"What about you" you ask.
"A few students submitted their work in late so I've been pretty stressed but apart from that I've okay" he says.
It's never really hit you this bad before
Your going out with a professor.
Your professor.
The professor who is 18 years older than you.
You don't know why it's hit you since it's nothing major you're not a child your an adult so this isn't wrong.
Or is it.
If someone from the university found out you both would be in serious trouble.
You subconsciously let go of toms hands and zoned out.
You noticed that when you snapped out of it and heard Tom call your name.
You blink twice before looking at him then looking back at your hands.
"Sorry I was miles away" you say.
"Is everything okay?" He asks.
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" You reply.
"Since I replied to you asking if I was okay you went in your own little world"
You don't know what to say so you just say "sorry"
Tom says nothing but kisses your forehead.
Forehead kisses are cute and all but I would really like a proper kiss.
As if he just read your mind he leans in and kisses you on your lips.
You smile agains his lips.
I've missed this.
The moment doesn't last long because you're interrupted by your mother.
"Oh dear god" she says as if she's just walked in on you and Tom having sex.
You and Tom part from the kiss and you wrap your arms around his waist and he leans his head on yours.
"What?" You say smiling
"I wasn't expecting to see you guys making out that's all"
You roll your eyes.
"Mom you're being dramatic"
She scoffs.
"How?" She asks.
You let out a small laugh.
"I could understand if we were both naked but we were only kissing" you say.
"Kissing? He was inhaling you honey"
You don't know if to laugh or cry.
"Anyway both of you downstairs now" your mother says while walking out of the room.
You take your arms from toms waist.
You look at him.
"I'm sorry about her..I don't know why she's acting all weird" you say.
Tom smiles before shaking his head.
"Darling don't be sorry it's fine"
You pout.
"She's cringing me out though" you say.
"I can tell but that's mothers for you" he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Y/n help your brother set the table"
I don't see the point because we're not going to be eating till a few hours from now" you say.
"I will help him" Tom says getting up
"No no sit back down" your mother says.
"You're our guest you're not here to help"
Tom sits back down.
Both you and Mason Laugh and give each other a knowing look.
Your mother looks at both of you.
"What's with the eyeballing each other" she asks.
You shake your head.
"Nothing nothing"
"Mason? Spill" she says looking at Mason.
He takes a deep breath.
"We're also your guests but we've been helping you with all of this" he says.
"You're my children you're supposed to help your mother."
"Y/n just get up and help me"
You repeat what Mason said but in a mocking tone and get up from the sofa and head to the kitchen to get more cutlery.
"Keep it up and I'll shave head when your asleep" Mason says smiling.
"You will not" your mother says.
She turns to Tom.
"Y'know when they were kids he actually did that to her"
Tom stars giggling.
"Really?" He says.
"Yes I did" Mason says.
"She stabbed my favourite ball and I got pissed off at her and at the time she was obsessed with brushing her hair so one night I got my dads clippers and shaved her hair off it took her years to grow out her hair again"
Tom takes a sip of his beer that you gave him a while ago and starts laughing.
"I can't believe you're still alive" he says.
"Honestly same" Mason says putting napkins in the middle of the table.

10 minutes later you and Mason had set the table.
"Shit the sauces" you say.
Ellie comes down stairs and Mason spots her.
"You going to the kitchen?" he asks her.
"Yeah why"
"Get the sauces will ya"
"Why can't you get them?"
"Because me and y/n have just not long set the table and because I'm your older brother and I asked you to"
"Plus you haven't exactly done anything today" you add.
"Ugh whatever" Ellie strops into the kitchen.
Tom has his hand on your knee and he's stroking it.
Your leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Psst Mason where's mom"
"By the looks on it she's in the garden why?"
You smile.
"She got all weird when she walked in on me and Tom kissing so now I can do this"
You lift your head and move toms hand off your knee and straddle him.
Tom places his hands around your waist and you put your arms around his neck before doing a little wiggle in his lap to get comfy
Tom breathes in air and you smile before going in for a kiss.
"That's my cue go, I don't want to see my sister and her sugar daddy boning on the sofa"
Before Mason could get off the sofa the front door swings open.
Both you and Tom are too occupied to notice.
Mason eyes widen.
"T-Thomas ellis?" They shout
You jump and quickly get off toms lap.

I'm so sorry for not updating for so long
I went on holiday last week and before going on holiday I had a shit Ton of stuff to do where I didn't have time to update this fic which I regret doing because ever since I came back I've struggled to get into it.
But I'm back now so yay

2k reads? Wow that's insane thank you!

I hope everyone's doing okay
Make sure to eat and stay hydrated < 3

I don't want to say next chapter will be out tomorrow because I'm not 100% sure but when I update you'll probably get notified anyway so tis cool.

(If there's any spelling mistakes just ignore it lmao it's currently 1:13 am and I've been up since 8am so I'm literally exhausted)

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