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I feel one of those people who over share on wattpad and are like sorry guys my dog got hit by a car then my nan died and on her funeral i got food posisoning but then my exes nans daughter got a heart attack so thats why I haven't been posting

But on a Real note ive felt like a bag of dicks and I couldn't be bothered posting so ive treated you to a long ass chapter🤝

When tom left you went back to sleep until you were woken up by voices

"How is she"
"She's stable but were keeping an eye on her"
"Is it okay to go in and see her"
"It is unless you're someone she doesn't want to see i don't want her to get stressed and that to put pressure on her heart"

You open your eyes to see Alex.
"Oh my god Alex"
"Hey" he gives you a weak smile
"How did you know i was here"
"Lilly told me that you were here"
"Oh..did she tell you why I'm here"
He nods "she's a mess but I'm not being funny but i can't sympathise with her because she knew what she gave you and didn't tell you"
You nod.
"Yeah um she tried visiting me but tom wouldn't let her see me at first i was pissed at him but now I'm glad he did what he did"
"Is it ture" Alex says quietly
"Is what true"
"That you died"
You let out a little laugh "apparenly so"
"How was it"
"How was it are you serious?" you laugh covering your mouth with your hand.
"I'm sorry but how was it to die did you meet Jesus or did you vibe with Satan and the gays in hell"
"Unfortunately i missed the fun with the gays theys and my boy Beelzebub but I felt like i was floating and there was this white light that i was attracted to and i wanted to touch"
"That sounds like you were reincarnated into a moth"
Both you and Alex laugh.
"Knowing my luck i probably did"
"How's Aimee" you ask.
Alex shrugs.
"I wouldn't know she didn't come home"
"The last I remember she was going gaga over this stripper I think that was called zach"
Alex rolls his eyes "typical Aimee but if i don't hear off her in a few hours i will go to the police"
"Bit extreme"
"Not really when she could of been kidnapped"
"Shit true..she's probably having a 24h dick appointment zach him and his mates seemed harmless"
"Gross i don't want to picture my sister..changing the subject I've got you some cherries and some grapefruit that i cut up and put sugar on annnd some pink lemonade" he puts them on your table.
You start crying.
"what the fuck why are you crying oh god did i say something wrong"
You shake your head "no um that's just really sweet thank you"
Alex blinks at you "you're welcome" it comes out like a question.
"Apparently whatever I've took fucks with your emotions i was crying and then laughing when i was with tom and then i had a literal feast on his kitchen floor too apparently"
"Jesus Christ"

Alex was with you for an hour but he had to go because he had work
He said he'd tell sandy and come visit you after his shift.

Not long after Alex went tom comes back while you're eating grapefruit
"You look more perky" he says as he comes through the door"
"Alex came to visit me and he bought me this" you say pointing to the bowl of grapefruit
"What is it" tom comes over to you.
You put some on your spoon and feed it him
"It's grapefruit and sugar"
"Mmm that's actually pretty good"
Tom has some sugar on his bottom lip so you suck it off before kissing him.
When you part from the kiss toms eyes have dilated and he's breathing heavily
You let out a little laugh.

You're reading and tom is putting away your belongings he bought for you when two police officers come through the door
Your first instinct is to panic and you must show it because one of the officers say
"Miss please don't panic you aren't in any trouble"
You take a few deep breaths and nod at them
Toms attention quickly goes to them "how can we help you" he says
"We would like to talk to _____ in private so if you don't mind leaving the room for a second that would be great"
Tom looks at you for confirmation and you nod at him then he leaves.
"We were informed you were given a drug but at the time you didn't know it was a drug is that correct"
You nod "yes it is"
"Do you know who gave you the drug"
"I do it was my friend"
"And can we have the friends full name please"
"To confirm the information we have been given is correct"
You think for a second before giving the police officers Lilly's full name.
"Is she in trouble" you ask
They nod "she's in a lot of trouble yes"
You start to panic again even though she isn't your favrouit person right now you don't want her to get into trouble for something like this.
"She didn't mean no harm by it" you say
"She might not have but she told you the drugs were sweets when she knew it was drugs..we class this as spiking and spiking is very illegal some cases the person will be given a warning or a short sentence but in this case you died even if it was for 5 minutes so because of that theres a bigger consequence"
"And what's that"
"You're looking at 10 to 30 years in prison"
All of the colour from your body drains and your heart rate picks up.
You grab the oxygen mask and inhale.
"Are you okay" one of the officers ask.
You nod before taking off the mask "yeah just shocked..um this will go to court right"
"Yes it will"
"Okay so if i uh i dont know how this stuff works but if i was to tell the judge she didn't mean it would she get less time in prison"
"It all depends on how the judge sees it"
You slowly nod.
"Who..told you all of this"
"It was Lilly herself she handed herself in but we got her checked over since she took the drugs too but she's okay..it looks like she took something before to sort of neutralise the drug"
At first you was in shock how she handed herself in but then hearing she took something that weakened the effects of the drug and she didn't give you that really hurts you.
You start to tear up.
"Is that all you guys have to say"
"Yes miss..we will be back once we have more news we wish you a speedy recovery"
With that they vanish and tom comes back in
He gives you a weak smile "i heard what was said"
"Good because i don't feel like repeating it"
Tom gets on your bed and wraps his arms around you and you wrap yours around him before crying.

It's been 6 days since you were admitted into hospital you've got one day left till you're discharged.
Since then you've had many blood tests.
Vitamin infusions.
Even water infusions because you were severely dehydrated even though you have been drinking a decent amount of liquids.
You've been fitted with a loop monitor normally they stay in for a few years but yours is only in for a month just so they can keep an eye on your heart.
If it comes up with abnormal readings they'll keep it in longer and possibly do further tests to know why they're getting these readings.
Lilly was arrested on the day after you came into hospital and they've charged her with attempt murder and the possession of drugs and something else that comes under spiking.
She's going to do 45 years in prison but that could all change when she goes to court which is in two months.
They've also arrested the girl who gave Lilly the drugs and sent a 20k fine to the club for having this incident happen on their premises because apparenly the club owner was aware that people did drugs in the club but he didn't know that they were doing the hardcore stuff.
What you hoped to be the best birthday ever turned into the worst one ever.
Aimee was found safe and she has now three boyfriends,she and her men have came to visit you multiple times.
Tom ended up telling your family about what happened which you wasn't happy about because they made a massive scene out of it like you predicted.
Your oldest brother was raging that you told tom not to tell your family and that lead to you and him arguing but tom calmed the situation down.
Lilly's parents came to visit you and apologised for what she did to you.
You were expecting them to be ass holes towards you but they weren't.
You and tom are going to be officially moving in with each other which you're excited about but tom doesn't want you to do any heavy lifting because he's scared that it might put some strain on your heart.
You're totally going to ignore what he wants and do what you want because you're an independent woman
All through this tom has been amazing.
He's stopped with you as long as he can then as early as he can he comes and visits you.

"What do you want for dinner hun" a nurse asks you.
You scrunch your nose "i don't want anything" you reply.
"You've got to have somthing or they'll keep you in longer"
"I'll get my boyfriend to get me something"
"Honestly i don't blame you..the food isn't the best here"
You laugh "yeah"
"Is your boyfriend that man who is always here or is that your dad"
Your cheeks blush at the dad comment.
"Yeah that's my boyfriend"
The nurse raises her eyebrow up "good on you girl if i was your age I'd eat him all up"
What the fuck
"Talk of the devil" she gestures to the door and there is tom walking through it.
"Evening Brenda" he says smiling at her "hiya hun was just talking about you to your other half"
"No wonder my ears were burning" he says in a playful tone.
"Right i will leave you two love birds to it"
The nurse says but before she leaves she tells you to eat something  you scrunch your nose at her.
"Can you order me a kfc after please i'll give you the money"
Tom laughs "what's wrong with this yummy hospital food you've been eating so far"
"Ugh it's gross god i don't know how people survive off it"
Tom laughs again.
"Sure i will but theres no need to give me the money"

So I've made an Instagram to update people on when I'm posting chapters and other fics and idk the bts of writing
The name is Sparetoenails
At the moment it has a raccoon profile picture

I'm currently writing the 64th chapter
I find it funny because I was fully expecting this fic to be just 20 chapters long
Anyway next chapter will be out soon😌

Professor ellis (X reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt