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Small heads up there's smut at the start :)

Last night you and Tom had three rounds of sex.
You wanted a fourth but he was done after the third 
But he did do other things to satisfy your needs which got you seeing Jesus a few times
You opened your eyes and panicked for a split second because you didn't recognise where you were until you remembered what happened last night.
You turned over to face Tom and surprisingly he was fast asleep which is strange since Tom is the one who normally wakes up first.
You stare at him for a few minutes admiring the view until an idea comes into your head
Tom normally sleeps on his side or on his stomach but he's sleeping on his back which makes your idea a lot easier to do because you wouldn't know how to do it without waking him up if he was in his regular sleeping position.
The idea came to you when you remembered a memory to when you and Tom were up Scotland.
He had been bored so he borrowed one of your books to read and in one of them the character got woken up by his wife giving him head and Toms eyes lit up as he read that bit of the book which got you asking him if he were okay and he said yes then explained how amazing that would feel especially after having a stressful day.
You wouldn't be about to do it if Tom didn't say that it was okay for you to something like this to him when his asleep because In your head that just seemed wrong especially if the person who the thing is happening to hasn't given consent or is aware of what's happening.
You go under the covers and straddle toms legs carefully making sure you don't wake him up
Before taking him all into your mouth you do a circular motions with your tongue on his head which gets a reaction out of him
After a few minutes of teasing you finally take him all in your mouth.
You hardly did this to your exes because you didn't really like it but doing it to Tom is addictive
You'd be happy to spend however long he wants you on him like this.
Before long Tom starts to sir so you pick up the pace letting out a few moans
You hear the covers moving then you hear Tom call out your name
You reply with a "yeah" but it's muffled.
"Fuck" Tom moans.
"Darling what-"
You let out a little moan again because you know whenever you moan or speak it sends a vibration on his cock that drives him crazy
"Jesus Christ" Tom says arching his back which pushes himself even more into you
You try hard not to gag but thankfully he goes back down.
Tom moves the covers so he can see you
"What a sight" he says breathlessly
"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now"

When you're finished with Tom you lie back down.
Tom kisses you which shocks you because you've literally been sucking him off and now he's kissing you.
You back away from him "wait don't you want me to brush my teeth or something before you kiss me"
"Y/n yesterday I went down on you after I came in you"
Your cheeks go red and you cover your face with your hands Tom just laughs and moves your hands before kissing you again.
"I love you so much"
Your stomach flutters when those words come out of toms mouth especially when he's voice is deep
it just makes your insides melt.
"I love you too" you reply
"What time is it?" Tom asks
You grab your phone from off the cabinet
"It's just gone 8am"
Tom sits up and gets out his phone and dials a number While he's doing that you look at him with curiosity.
What on earth is he doing
"Hi hello uh it's Thomas ellis speaking"
"Yes from the English department"
"Hello I'm sorry to call this late I should of called a bit earlier but I just had a rough night"
"Yes I know I've got a class on but I'm calling to let you know I won't be in"
"Vicky can handle it I will email her what's happening in the lessons today"
"Why? Oh I went out for dinner last night and I must of ate something that was off because since I got back I've been unwell and I'm not able to make it in today"
"I'm not sure how long sorry"
"Okay thank you"
"have a good day"
"Thank you good bye"
Tom ends the call and puts his phone down
"Sorted" he says as if he's proud of himself.
"What was that about" you ask
"I've just told the university that I won't be in today so you my darling have me to yourself"
"Yeah about that..I've got work today"
"Then call in sick"
"I can't do that"
"Y/n if I can do it you can do it"
"Okay fine" you say grabbing your phone.
"Hi it's me"
"I know it's a bit early but I'm calling to say that I won't be in today because I don't feel good i uh I've been throwing up and I've got a temperature"
"What! Oh my god no no I'm not no I probably ate something dodgy"
"I can't believe you're asking me this..I'm on the pill and we sometimes use protection"
"Yes I'm sure"
"I'm sorry if I've pissed you off"
"Okay..thank you..you too"
You end the call and put your phone back on he cabinet.
"Well that sounded interesting" Tom chuckles
You cover your face in embarrassment.
"My manager boss whatever she is thinks I'm pregnant"
Tom rubs your stomach which sends a wave like feeling down your body.
"Well you must be since you've been throwing up all night and you've got a really bad temperature" he jokes
You giggle "oh don't start"
"Do you want to go for a picnic" Tom asks
"A picnic? Tom are you feeling alright" you put your hand on his forehead.
Tom takes your hand into his and kisses it Then shrugs his shoulders
"Yknow what Thomas I would love to go on a picnic with you"
Tom smiles "alright then we'll have some breakfast and prepare the things we need for the picnic"
You nod "okay, but you're forgetting one thing"
"And what's that?"
"We need to get dressed" you say looking at yours and toms naked bodies
"I quite prefer you without clothes if I'm being honest" Tom says before he kisses you.

Tom takes you to a beautiful park 30 minutes away from where he lives.
In the middle of the park there's a huge pond with swans and ducks in.
It reminds you of something you'd see in one of those Victorian Netflix series.
Everything's just so pretty and prefect.
You and Tom pick a spot underneath a tree
Tom didn't want to bring a blanket but you said it wouldn't be a proper blanket if you didn't bring one.
You're lying on toms lap while he feeds you grapes when your phone goes off.
You sit up and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before answering the phone.
"I'm alright thanks how about you"
"Good good"
"Yeah she did mention she would"
"I have apologised"
"I understand"
"It won't happen again"
"Oh right okay..yeah that's fine"
"Will it effect me graduating this year"
"You too"
You end the call and put your phone back down before returning to the position you were in before the call.
You let out a little sigh.
"What's up darling" Tom asks.
"I've been suspended from uni for two weeks"
"What why?"
"You're best friend Vicky put a complaint in and they asked her what she would like and she chose suspension"
"That's unfair"
You shrug your shoulders "it is what it is..but at least I don't have to deal with looking at her in English for two whole weeks and i can get extra shifts at work"

Next chapter will be on Monday (it's already written so I won't take a week to post it💀)

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