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You've been messaging and calling tom for the past two days but he hasn't answered you
At first you thought he wasn't answering because he was busy but it was coming up to the third day of you not hearing off him and it got you worried.
Was he okay did you do something wrong when you last seen him?
Has Marie flirting triggered him into no longer liking you anymore?.
You was tempted to go to his house to see what was wrong but the only problem was that you didn't know his address
And you couldn't ask anyone if they knew where professor ellis lived because that would seem weird and they'd ask questions why you wanted to know.
You felt a bit of ease when you seen your timetable for tomorrow.
You had a lesson with him in the afternoon
So you plan on asking him if everything is okay after the lesson ends.
Right now you were currently out with Marie
She dragged you out shopping with her because she wanted to get a few things for when she goes back to her parents.
When you got back from uni the day marie flirted with Tom she had apologised to you about how she acted
You said it was fine and that you was only looking out for her.
"Y/n are you even listening"
You look at Marie snapping out of your own world.
"Sorry I was miles away what did you say"
Marie had a smirk on her face
She points at a shop
"We should go in there..get something for you to wear for Gary" she winks.
You squint to see what the shop was called and you felt your whole body warm up in embarrassment when you seen the name of it
Oh god
It was Victoria's secret
You didn't mind this shop but you felt awkward going in with people.
You shake your head "no not happening"
"Oh come on" Marie says pulling your arm

4 hours later and you and Marie got back
She convinced you to get a few things from the shop.
You texted Tom saying that you had a surprise for him hoping that would make him answer but no.
When Marie was out of the room you tried calling him again
This time his phone kept going to voice mail
But no matter you'll be seeing him tomorrow so it's fine.
Marie comes back into the living room
"Hey are you okay?" She asks
You smile "yeah I'm fine"
She folds her arms and shakes her head
"Don't lie to me what's up?"
You didn't want to tell her but it was bugging you and you needed someone to tell
You sigh.
"it's t- Gary he hasn't been answering me for the past few days and it's worrying me"
Marie shrugs "maybe he's busy, I'm sure he'll get back to you"
You give Marie a weak smile "yeah maybe"
"We should go out tonight" Marie says
You shake your head "I'm not in the mood but I'm not stopping you from going out"
Normally when you feel a bit off Marie would stay with you but tonight she didn't which seemed really odd.
For the past few days she's being cold against you
Which sucks since you've let her move in with you and the decent thing she could do is not change towards you
It felt like you were losing everyone.
When Marie went out you left it a few minutes before going out and getting a few things from the shop to cook for dinner.
After that you watched a few episodes of this new series and then went to bed
You were later disturbed by Marie coming in at 3am
She's going to be fun to be around tomorrow

For some reason you woke up before your alarm so you decide to make some breakfast for Marie to cure the hangover she probably has.
After that you get ready and eat something else before waking Marie up
Marie then decides to tell you that she wasn't feeling well enough to go to her classes
You then let her know that if she needs you to call you and you told her that there's breakfast for her in the microwave.
Before texting tom good morning and that you can't wait to see him today you exit your apartment and made your way to uni
You were excited to see him
But you had a lesson before his which sucked.

When you got to uni you didn't feel like going to the class that you had before toms so you headed to the class and told a student to tell the teacher you had a dentist appointment.
Before heading off site you decided to go to the English block and check to see if Tom was in his office.
You had to stop yourself from running there because of how excited you were to see Tom
You got to his office and knocked the door twice
There were no answer
You tried looking in the small window that was on the door and you couldn't see him
You shrugged your shoulders and made your way outside.
Maybe he's got a class or a meeting
Once you got outside you had no idea where to go
You could go back to your apartment but you didn't really want to be around marie
You looked at your phone to see what time it was
You had three hours to kill.
These are the times you wished you listed to your dad and learnt to drive
At least then you could of parked somewhere and chilled in your car.
Before putting your phone away you looked online 'what to do when you're skipping lessons'
There was a few suggestions but one caught your eye
Go for a walk in a park
There's a park near by that you've always wanted to go to but you've never had the chance.
Before you decide to walk to the park you make your way to the high street so you can pop in a cafe to get a drink and maybe some snacks
You came across this cafe called jumpin' beans
The smell of sweet coffee hit you straight away
Damn that smells good
A notice caught your attention
'Staff wanted'
You've been looking for a job since you left your last one.
You worked at an Italian restaurant a few months back, the pay was good but a few weeks in you were treated bad by the staff and you couldn't take it so you left
Ever since you've been hesitant to get a new job
Even though eventually you'd need to get a job to pay for things because what you had in the bank now wouldn't last forever.
"Fuck it" you said before walking in the cafe
When you got in the vibe of the place felt nice
You went to the counter "hi" a girl said
"Hey who do I see for the thing in the window about new staff?" You asked
"Oh my manager sandy,if you give me a second I can go get her for you"
You nod
While the girl was getting her manager you scanned the place.
Before you knew it sandy was infront of you
She was a middle aged woman with wavy black hair, her eyes was a deep green colour that you'd never seen before
She was pretty
"You're asking about the new staff ad?"
You nod "yeah I'm interested"
Sandy took a step back
She looked like she was scanning you which intimidated you a bit
You just nervously smiled at her
She nods "alright come with me"
You follow her to a small room
"Sit down please"
You take a seat
"Okay so my name is sandy I'm the manager so I keep things running here when the owners aren't in
I just want to ask a few questions" she says
"Okay" you nod
"How old are you?"
"I'm 24"
"What's your full name?"
You tell her your full name
"Right, do you currently have a job?"
You shake your head "no, I did have but I left because the way I was treated wasn't great"
"Sorry to hear,why do you want this job?"
Well for the money obviously
"Well it gets me out of the apartment when I'm not at uni and I need the money obviously" you let out a small laugh
"What uni do you go to? And when are you in"
"Oak hill..the one not far from here and well I'm only in a few hours a week..I graduate a few months after Christmas break"
Sandy nods "we've got someone who goes to that uni, you might know him"
You shrug "I doubt it..I keep myself to myself"
She smiles "fair enough..how are you with people"
"I'm fairly good..my last job I worked in a restaurant so yeah"
"Okay..do you believe in the customer is always right?"
You shake your head "depends on the situation"
Sandy starts to write a few things on a piece of paper
"When would you be able to start?" She asks
"I guess straight away"
She looks at you smiling "you're hired"
"For real?..don't you need to see my CV?"
Sandy chuckles "yes for real, and I do but it's not that important at the moment..here take this it has all my contact info on and how much you get paid etc..when you're free send me your CV and your timetable so I can put you down for some shifts" she hands you the piece of paper that she was writing on
"Thank you so much"
She stands up "you said you could start whenever right?"
You nod
"Okay so you can class this as a taster I'll get Alex to show you how things work he's the one that goes to the same uni as you..do you have any lessons today?"
You tried to calm your excitement down
You finally had a Job that took less than 5 minutes into getting
"I have one at 2pm"
It was currently almost half 10
"Alright come with me"
You follow her to the back where the staff take breaks and get changed
She hands you an apron "you can wear this for the time being..we have a uniform
While you're with Alex I'll sort you it out
Then before you go I will give it you"
You tell her your clothing size before she leads you to where Alex was
Sandy introduced you both and explained to Alex what he was meant to do
Before she disappears probably to sort your uniform out.
Since you worked in a similar place you knew how to work things like the till the coffee machine etc so it made Alex's job pretty easy
The only thing really you had to do is memorise how much the fresh cakes and deserts were because there wasn't any prices on them
With a few mess ups later you successfully memorised the prices

"How long have you been working here" you ask Alex
"Only four weeks, my dad owns this place and we've not long just opened up"
"Oh wow" you reply
Alex looks at his watch "you have got 30 minutes before you have to go..Fancy a coffee and a cake?"
You laugh "but aren't I meant to be leaning things from you"
Alex nods "you are but I think we've covered most of it besides you did say you originally came here to get a drink and something to eat before heading to the park you some how never been to" he jokingly rolled his eyes
"What's with the eye roll" you lightly nudge him
"So you've been at the uni for almost 3 years and you've never been to the park I don't see how that's possible..come let's sit down..Aimee bring us two cupcakes and toffee coffees please"
A girl nods "I'll be a few secs"
You and Alex sit at a table
"Okay so the first year I was at home which is 2 hours away then the second year I lived with my ex and his parents before then living in the place I'm at now so I haven't really had time to go adventure the town"
Alex stares at you smiling
He reminds you of bucky from the mcu
With his blue piecing eyes
Cheeky smile
His style,everything
He takes his eyes off you and brings them onto Aimee who has yours and Alex's coffee and cupcake
"Thank you" you both say
"I'm Aimee, Alex's sister" she puts her hand out and you shake it "nice to meet you" you say
She smiles "like wise, I'm glad you'll be working here you seem pretty nice" she winks at Alex
What was that all about?
"So tell me" Alex says while taking a sip of his drink
"Do you have someone?" He asks
You give a puzzled look "what do you mean"
"Boyfriend or girlfriend"
I mean yes but I'm not allowed to tell anyone
I could say yes and that it's "Gary" but what if he wants to see a picture of him and what if he turns out like marie
You was hesitant with your answer.
"No" you shake your head
"How about you?"
"Nope I'm a free man,I find the single life better you don't get hurt that way"
You giggle "agree"
You finish your coffee and cupcake before exchanging numbers with both Alex and Aimee.

You were five minutes late, any other time you'd care but since it was toms lesson you didn't.
You quite liked him shouting at you in front of everyone when you knew he didn't mean it and that he wasn't really angry with you.
You knocked the door and a woman opens the door
"May I help you?" She asks
Who is she
"I'm in this lesson, sorry I'm late I got held up"
She nods and lets you in
You scan the room, tom wasn't in sight
Where is he?
"Miss where is professor ellis?..."
You pause hearing yourself
That sounded a bit weird
"Because I think he told me I had a test to do last lesson" you lied
She clears her throat
"He isn't available today so I'm here to cover for him"
He wasn't answering your texts
He wasn't answering your calls
And now he isn't at work

Note-i feel like this chapter was everywhere💀

I didn't plan this one out so I went with the flow

Annnway I hope you enjoyed this also
I've now got an idea where I'm going with this story so that's swag😌

Stay hydrated and don't forget to eat

Next chapter tomorrow

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