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Your eyes go wide and you spit out the tea by mistake.
"Excuse me?" You say in a serious tone
"I- I looked at your phone when you came back one of the days"
You nod "okay..?"
"And I seen the messages.."
You gulp.
"Marie I can explain" you say quickly
She shakes her head and laughs.
"I actually believed that you were going out with professor ellis..but then someone in my language class went to Scotland a few days ago and she seen him at the hospital with his wife and kids apparently..then it hit me that you're just fucking with me..you never leave your phone around me so I know you did it on purpose and getting Gary to send a picture of himself that was edited so it looked like him" she laughs and continues "at the time I was raging I was literally about to tell the uni about you guys until the person said that in langue class then it all made sense and he would of came into me if he was into younger people especially when you was Ill"
The more she spoke the more your heart was beating faster.
You felt like passing out.
So she did know
I mean does
But..now thinks it's a joke?
What do I say
You forced out a laugh "I can't believe you fell for it oh my god"
"This is why I've been such a bitch to you because I really like prof and knowing my best friend was fucking him just got me vexed but I'm glad your not..I'm sorry how I acted"
Marie gets up and hugs you.
you hug her back.
You felt so awkward.
What the fuck was going on.
If Tom never told you where he was you'd of flipped out and ended things with him after hearing what someone from Marie's language class told her.
"It's fine Marie" you eventually say
You part from the hug forcing a smile
You look at the time 2:30pm.
"I need to get ready" you say to Marie
Marie frowns "why?"
"I've got a job"
"Omg congrats..where?"
You didn't want to tell her where because you don't want her to find out who you're working with.
"Oh just this place a few minutes from the uni"
Marie nods "I'm happy for you"
"Thanks"you say getting up
You head upstairs and once you're in your room you let out a deep breath and whisper "fuck"
That happened so fast if Marie never interrupted you, you'd of admitted to going out with Tom.
You go in the bottom drawer and pull out a bottle of whiskey and take a sip Before putting the bottle back.
You then get changed into your uniform
Putting your shoes on you're interrupted by your phone going off.
You pick it up to see a notification off Alex

Hey I'm on break and happen to be outside your apparent and it's almost 3pm so I thought I'd pick you up and take you to work

You look at the time and you had 10 minutes to get to the cafe
If he wasn't outside you'd of been late

Thank you!
I wasn't looking at the time I'll be down I a second

Alright and no problem:)

You grabbed your things and headed out of the door before saying bye to Marie.
You got into Alex's car and off you went.
The drive was less than 10 minutes.
You and Alex got out of the car and walked it to the cafe which was seconds away.
You were greeted by Sandy.
You hand her your cv and she scans over it nodding her head then giving it you back
"Right missy come with me" she says
You follow her to the room she took you to yesterday.
"Okay" you say sitting
She sits in the other side of the desk.
"What is it?" You ask
Sandy clears her throat "Aimee was concerned about you yesterday and I made her spill what she was concerned about which has now got me concerned about you"
You scrunched your eyebrows "I'm confused"
Sandy then explains that she's an older woman and that you can trust her and she's gone through some dramas with boys then she goes to tell you that Aimee told her you were upset at the bowling centre and that you're living with a toxic friend.
"I know you're holding stuff in y/n and that's not good you need to let it out, I might be your manager but I'm also someone you can talk to"
Sandy was coming across so comforting and these past couple weeks you've been dying to tell someone but you couldn't.
"What's going on y/n..talk to me"
You sigh "you're going to judge me"
"It takes a lot for me to judge someone so try me"
What if she tells the uni
What if she will judge you
What if she sacks me
But she's someone I can talk to
At least someone will know what's going on
What if Tom finds out I've told someone
But imagine how it will feel when it's all out
"You can't tell anyone.."
Sandy nods
Well here goes
"I'm seeing a professor" you mumble
Sandy stares at you blankly
"From the uni?"
You nod "yes..I don't know where to start"
"Start from the beginning"
You nod
"Okay so I was Ill for a week and when I got back my English professor left and when I came back I had a new one professor ellis
Marie told me he was hot but her hot isn't my type of hot but turns out he was hot
Anyway as soon as me and him met he was such a dick to me so I ranted to Marie when we were getting food and in the middle of ranting I called him hot and obviously I sort of insulted him, turns out he was behind me the whole time then the next day I had to go to his office
It was really awkward..all he was concerned about was me calling him hot and apparently it wasn't professional so I had a small dig at him
Anyway skipping forward a bit
I went to a club got a bit tipsy ended up being spiked by some creep and ended up in Toms house"
"Tom?" Sandy said in a confused tone
"Professor Ellis's name is tom"
Sandy nods "okay continue"
"So I ended up In toms house"
You go into explaining everything what happened and how you ended up in Toms house
you mentioned about kissing him
Then how he went all mushy with you which freaked you out
You then went on the whole drama between marie and him in the class to her finding out to him ghosting you
You took a deep breath
"So yeah..."
Sandy had a shocked expression on her face
"You've kept this all to yourself the whole time?"
You nod
"Have you and him yknow" she wiggles her eyebrows
You go red
"We have...many times...even in his office"
"How long has this been going exactly?" She asks
"I think like coming to 3 maybe 4 weeks" you reply
"And he's told you he loves you?"
"Y/n can I ask you something?"
"Did you tell him you loved him because he told you that he loved you or did you say it because you genuinely do love him"
Her question caught you of guard
"I" you pause
Thinking about it this whole relationship was going way too fast considering you and Tom were meant to take it slow
"I don't know if it's love but there's something there..I just didn't know what to reply apart from 'I love you too'"
"I can't believe you've been holding all of this in" she says with a sympathetic expression on her face
"Tom told me I couldn't tell anyone because if the higher people at the uni found out we'd be in trouble but once I graduated I'm no longer his student that's when we can be open about our relationship"
Sandy frowns "but his friends that are coming over from LA they know about you?"
You nod "apparently so yes.."
"If I'm being honest Y/n I don't think that's fair
It's okay for him to tell people but not you"
You shrug not knowing what to say
"How old did you say he was?" Sandy asks
You clear your throat
"And you're 24?"
You nod "yeah"
"Do you see a future with him?"
You haven't thought about this,so it takes you time to answer.
"I've not exactly thought about it..everything's happened so fast..I think so.."
"What's with the questions" you ask
"Y/n you're young I just don't want you wasting your life on a guy who is 18 years older who isn't letting you tell anyone about the relationship not even a best friend when he's told a group of friends..who slept with you within 5 minutes of you knowing each other"

You and Sandy spoke more about Tom and then about Marie, some of the things she said sounded like she didn't like Tom and she was making out as if he was taking advantage of you which made you have a small go at her but then she told you how it looked like from her perspective.
Going back into the topic about Marie Sandy suggested to you that you should tell her to leave Because you mentioned that hour apartment don't feel like your home anymore it feels more  like Marie's how her things are everywhere etc.
After speaking to Sandy about everything it felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off your shoulders.
You and Sandy get up to go out of the door but before she opens the door she turns to you
"If you've got things on your mind from
Now on come to me and we'll talk about it"
You nod
"I will..thank you"

You'd been working for a few hours
Things got busy just as it hit 5pm but later calmed down at 7pm
You were in the middle of cleaning a table when the door opened
Without turning your head you said
"We'll be closing shortly so we're not doing table service"
"I'm not interested in table service unless it comes with a shit ton of painkillers"
You turn around and you see Aimee by the door
"Omg hi..how are you doing?" you ask walking towards her
"I'm fine apart from the head ache..how's your first day going?"
You nod "it's been fun"
"Oh how was things when we left you last night"
You nod "well I argued with him but then I was in the wrong and I felt really bad but apart from that it was okay"
"I- I might of told Sandy about you coming out of the toilets and looking as if you'd been crying" Aimee says while looking guilty
You nod
"I know she had a word with me about it"
"I'm sorry"
"No no don't be sorry..I'm glad you did..I needed that conversation"
"So why are you here for since we're about to close soon"
"I left my phone charger here,I couldn't text Alex to ask him to bring it back because my phones dead so I had no other choice but to come here"
You laugh "you know you could of gone to a shop and bought another one right?"
"God no, I'm not paying £20 for a new charger when I already have one"
You roll your eyes and put the cleaning stuff away
"Where's Alex and Sandy?" Aimee asks
"Oh they're at the back"

When you finished your shift Alex asked you if you wanted to go grab a pizza with Aimee
You declined because you were tired and knowing Aimee she'd get you to drink which you wasn't in the mood for
Alex took you home because he refused to let you walk home in the dark
When you got home Marie ordered some food in and you both ate it while talking about random things
It felt like old days which made you happy but then the memory of Aimee telling you about Marie hit you which triggered you into quickly
Changing the subject
"So have you found a place of your own yet?"
You ask
She shakes her head "no but I'm tempted to move back in with my parents after Christmas"
You nod "fair enough"
Marie laughs "want to get rid of me already?"
"No" you said shaking your head
"I was just wondering" you say taking a bite of your food
After you ate you watched some things on the tv before having a bath and then going to bed

Edit- I posted this 4hours ago💀 to then find out that I didn't post it and it was still in my drafts
Notes~ I had to split this chapter into two parts because it was too long plus next chapter there's a time skip which would look strange in this chapter

If you want to know when I'm posting new chapters make sure you follow me :)
Because when I'm editing and doing the notes I have no idea 100% when I'm posting the new chapter

Also for fellow mcu fans I've got a fanfic that I'm in the middle of writing
That mainly involves
You Peter and tony and some of the other avengers

I might start doing deckerstar one shots since I've had a shit ton of ideas but Idk💀

Anyway I hope whoever is reading this is having a good day/night :)

Next chapter~no idea but I'll do an announcement probably some point later today

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