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You start heading towards your seat but then turn around
The teacher looks at you confused
"Is everything okay?" She asks
You nibble your bottom lip and nod your head
"Yeah I..actually got my days mixed up"
You place the booklet what she gave you on the desk "I'm in this class today"
Without looking back you exit the room and rush to the toilets
Once you got to the toilets you took a deep breath
What's going on..
You took your phone out and called Tom
It went straight to voice mail
Other times you didn't bother leaving him a message but this time you did
"Hey I'm starting to get worried
You're not answering my calls or texts and now you're not in class
I hope you're okay and I hope we're okay"
You hang up and send him a text

Just please answer me even if it's Just an emoji
I want to know if you're okay

You're about to put your phone away when you get a text
Your heart skips a beat thinking it's Tom
But it isn't It's Alex

Hey how's class going

I walked out

How come?

My professor isn't in and I didn't see the point in staying so I said that I wasn't meant to be in the class

If you're skipping another class
Come back to the café

Alright, give me 20 minutes

"Don't you have class?" Sandy asks you as you walk in the cafe
"My professor wasn't in so I didn't see the point in staying in the class" you reply
"Ah okay fair enough,here your uniform"
She passes you a bag
"Thank you" you smile
"No problem, want me to get Alex from the back?"
You nod "sure"
Within a few seconds Alex comes
"Heeey skipper" he smiles
You laugh and roll your eyes
"Would you like anything?" He asks
"I will have an Oreo milkshake and some chips"
Alex stands there with his arms folded and an eyebrow raised
"Please?" You smile
Alex laughs "that's more like it"
"Small medium or large"
"Small please"
You get your purse out
"Put that back" Alex tells you
You look at him confused
"It's on the house"
You shake your head "no I'm paying for it"
"Your not" he replies
"Fine I'll tip you how much I owe you"
You're about to put the money in the tip jar until Alex takes the jar
You roll your eyes "Alex let me pay"
"I technically own half of this place so I can say wether you can pay or not" he says with a smug smile
You put your hands up
"Fine fine fine"
You sit down at a table
Alex makes you your milkshake then cooks the chips
Before bringing them over to you
"Thank you" you say smiling
He takes a chip off the plate and eats it
Alex doesn't say anything but bobs his tongue out
You've known Alex for roughly 4-5 hours but it feels like you've known him for months
You check your phone to see if Tom or even Marie has messaged you
You aren't surprised when you don't see any texts off either one of them.
Aimee slides next to you
"Hey..so what are you doing tonight?"
She asks
"Nothing except nursing my friend who's got a hangover" You reply
"Sounds boring"
You shrug your shoulders "why do you ask"
Aimee's face lights up
"Okay right me and Alex are going bowling
At this sick place and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us"
You think about it for a second
You were kind of nervous to go out since the last time you went properly out you ended up getting spiked but this time you're going to be with people so you should be ok.
You nod "you know what sure I'd love to come"
Aimee squeals and hugs you
"Yay okay give me your address and we'll pick you up around about 7:30pm"
You give Aimee your address and she gets up and skips to Alex "she's coming with us tonight" she says in an excited tone.
"I hope you didn't force her to come"
Aimee shakes her head "no I just asked her..anyway my shift is over I'll see you at home?"
"Can't you stay with me till the others come on their shift so we can go home together"
Aimee groans "ugh fine"

You stay at the cafe till 5pm chilling with Aimee while Alex works and waits for the other staff to arrive for their shift
You told Aimee about how Marie has been acting weird with you ever since you came back from a guys house that you're speaking to
You couldn't really say when you came back from the professors house and at the moment you didn't know where you and Tom stood
Anyway it turned out that a while back her and Marie used to be friends a while back meaning before you and Marie became friends until the same thing happened between Aimee and her bf at the time
Aimee said that she only acts weird if it's someone who she likes it's this toxic jealous streak she has and for her being kicked out of the dorm it was all her fault
She said a few other things about Marie which made you shocked.
It felt as if Marie was living a double life
And isn't who she says she is which hurts because you've been friends with her for 6-10 years.
The part that stuck in your head was when Aimee mentioned Marie would only act that way if she liked the person so that made you wonder if she knew you and Tom had something going on
But how would have she found out?
Then it clicked the night you came back after you and your shower she acted all weird with you
Could she have gone on my phone maybe?
"I'm a few years too late but just be careful around her"
You let out a small laugh "I will"
"What are you guys chatting about" Alex asks
"Oh nothing just girl things" Aimee replies
You just smile
"I'm getting my coat and we can go home" Alex says while walking off
Aimee nudges you "saves you walking back I will give you a lift home"
You shake your head "'no it's fine I don't mind walking back"
Aimee puts her hand on your arm "I insist"

"Remember we will pick you up at 7:30" Aimee shouts out the window of her car
You smile "I know"
Both Aimee and alex say bye
"Cya guys" and you wave before opening your front door.
When you get into the apartment you see marie sprawled on the sofa "hey" she says
"Hi" you place you head up to your room to put your uniform away not wanting Marie to know.
You come back down and Marie's now sat up
"So how was your day" she asks
"It was ok...how about yours?"
"It was decent I finally got rid of my head ache" she replies
You nod "that's good"
"Yeah, so how was professor ellis?"
You look at Marie
Heart beating faster
Is she going to say she knows
"Excuse me?"
She moves her hands about "his class how was it"
"Ohhhh..he wasn't in today so I had a cover"
Marie smiles "fair enough..how come your back late?"
Why are you asking as if you're my mother
You let out a small laugh "wait do I have a curfew now?"
"Of course not it's just late you know so I'm just wondering"
"I met up with a few friends, we had coffee and a chat, that reminds me I'm going out with them in a few hours do you want to come" you ask
Marie shakes her head "nah I'm good"
"Right okay..I'll just go change" you say before making your way upstairs
That was probably one of the most awkward conversations I've ever had
By the time you had a shower put your make-up on put something more cute on clothe wise and made yourself a quick snack it was almost 7:30pm.

We're outside

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