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"I thought you were coming home tomorrow" you say to mason.
He gets up from the floor.
"So did I but i got sent home early" he smiles.
You and mason keep smiling at each other until your mother comes in.
She rolls her eyes.
"God hug each other already" she says in a joking tone.
You were kind of nervous to hug him because you haven't seen him in ages.
You just give her the daggers.
Mason puts his arms out.
"Come here then" he says
You walk towards him smiling and then hug him.
He hugs you back.
His hugs are the best.
"I've missed ya" he mumbles.
You giggle
"Aww" you reply.
"I've missed you too" you add.
"Hey guys I'm needed at the office I'll be back in 40 minutes ish"
your mom says heading to the living room to get her bag.
Both you and mason roll your eyes
"Alright" you say.
She gives you and mason a hug and a peck on the cheek before heading out.
You jump up on the kitchen counter and mason makes himself a drink.
"I feel sorry for Scarlett and Ellie" he says.
"How come?"you ask.
"Well ever since she's owned that company she's put that before everything else meaning she's home less and they don't see her much"
You nod.
"Yeah...she's changed a lot"
You say remembering your little moment with her in the car.
Normally she wouldn't react that way.
"What's wrong"
mason says turning towards you.
"She went all bitchy with me in the car on the way here"
"Oh? How come?" He asks.
You fiddle with your hands.
You sigh.
"Promise me you won't react like how she did"
"You're a hooker aren't you? Hey listen I support you but if you need money I can give you some" he says
Your eyes shoot towards him and your face goes slightly red.
"What god no"
He laughs.
"Thank god, not that I have anything against them I just don't want to picture my sister yknow"
You nod and laugh.
"Yeah I get you..but no I'm not a hooker..I um I'm going out with my English professor"
His smile drops.
Ahhhhhhh I knew I shouldn't of told him
His quiet for a bit.
"Oh wow" he finally says.
He takes a sip of his drink.
"How old is he?"
"42" you say awkwardly
Mason nods.
"Could be worse I guess.." he says
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well he could be a pensioner" he says laughing.
You cover your mouth with you hand and smile.
"True" you reply.
"How long have you guys been going out?" He asks.
You shrug.
"A month or two..but it feels way longer"
Mason smiles.
"Does he treat you good?"
You nod.
"He does"
"Well I have no reason to be pissed at you, but if he does something to hurt you I don't care how old he is I will end him"
You laugh.
"I'm serious y/n I might get booted out of the army for it but at least a guy ain't hurting you anymore"
"I appreciate that"
you say smiling.
"you're his student right so that has to be like against the university's rules so how do you guys do the whole relationship thing" Mason asks.
"Well we keep things low-key..like if we go out with each other we go out of the city or we just go to his house and chill out"
Mason nods.
"Fair enough..so who knows about you two apart from me and mom"
"His 6 friends from La, my manager at work she's nice she's like a second mom to me and she took it way better and my own mom did and Marie figured it out but she thinks I was just pranking her because she likes him"
"I can't stand Marie" he replies
You laugh.
"Yeah same"
"When is she moving out of your place?"
"Hopefully after Christmas"
"Good" he replies.
The door bell goes and you and Mason look at each other.
"Who's that?" You ask.
He shrugs his shoulders.
"Could be mom"
"Nah she has her Keys" you say jumping off the kitchen counter.
"Go have a look" he says.
You roll your eyes.
"That's what I'm doing"
You make your way to the front door.
You unlock it before opening the door.
You smile

Next chapter~ tomorrow :)

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