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6 weeks later
Your heart is pounding as you drive to the set of 'unfortunate events'
You've been a fan of Christen Paulette for ages and to be asked to write for the movie and act as the main character doesn't seem real to you.
Unfortunate events is your favourite book by her it's about a girl who moves in with her boyfriend and his who's called James.
the dad starts to catch feelings for her and theres sparks between them and they get into awkward situations but she's madly in love with her boyfriend so she doesn't cross that line with his father however little does she know that her boyfriend has been cheating on her this whole time and his father has known this whole time, eventually she gets feelings for his dad so she finally breaks up with her boyfriend to be with his dad and she then finds out she's pregnant with his baby but then her now ex confesses that he's been cheating on her this whole time and that his dad has known about it and from there everything goes wrong but after everything there's a happy ending.
You get out of your car and make your way to the set where you're greeted by christen.
"Hey" she smiles
"Hi" you say nervously.
"Is someone nervous?"she asks
"Absolutely" you nod
"Oh my god _____ don't be you're going to smash it"
"My audition was so bad" you groan "I don't know why you even casted me as the main female character in this amazing movie"
"Your audition was amazing and you suit Amelia's role perfectly anyway we've found our James and not going to lie i was going to pass out when I seen his audition and I'm really jealous of you because you'll be kissing him and doing intimate scenes with him" she laughs.
James is the name of the father in the book and Henry is the son.

"Jeffrey nice to meet you" he puts his hand out for you to shake it
My god
This cannot be real
Act normal
It's fine
You nod "it's nice to meet you too I'm _____"
Tom is going to lose his shit
And so am I
He laughs
"What?" You ask
"You're going really red and I find it quite adorable"
Is he flirting with me?
Wait no he's married right and I'm engaged so we can't go there
You laugh "yeah I wasn't exactly prepared to meet the dude who plays negan from the walking dead and to be his love interest in a movie so all of this is pretty wild"
"You wasn't told?"
You shake your head "nope" you let out a little laugh
"Jesus" he laughs "this is going to be an interesting day"
"It is indeed" you say
"Okay guys places places please" someone says
"Wait what's happening" you ask Jeffrey
He looks around "I have no idea..hold on let me ask"
He walks off and then comes back after a few minutes.
"So they're filing scenes that don't involve me and you at the moment so we have the day to practice out lines and get comfortable with each other and a person is going to speak to us about the none PG scenes then we might be filming bits today" he grins

"Wait please don't go" Jeffrey holds you by the wrist
You frown "I can't do it..not to him"
"Okay pause stay like that..321 okay cut..that was beautiful"

"____ move closer to him"
You let out a little groan.
"I won't bite" Jeffrey winks and you smile before moving closer
"Okay when the camera moves to your side I want you both to kiss for 6 seconds after that I want you Jeffrey to pick her up and place her on top of the kitchen counter"
"You ready" he asks
You nod "yup"

"Okay ____ you need to slap him"
Your eyes go wide "I can't do that"
"Just do it"
"But I thought in acting you fake hit people" you question
The director nods "yes we do but in some scenes real hits will be used so please just slap him"
You groan and Jeffrey laughs.
"Hit me it's fine I've had worse when I was filming for the walking dead..a guy even broke my nose so a small slap won't be a big deal" he reassures you

After 4 hours of acting and re doing scenes you go to your trailer and take a rest.
Your phone rings and it's Tom so you answer it
T: "hey baby"
Y: "hi"
T- "how's your first day going sweetheart"
Y-"good I think..bit exhausting when you have to re do scenes" you laugh
T-"tell me about it" Tom chuckles
T-"what time will you be home?"
Y-"maybe like 10pm? How about you"
T-"roughly the same time, do you want me to pick you up?"
Y- "I took my car instead of getting an Uber"
T- "wow makes a change"
You laugh "yeah it's not as scary as I thought it would be"
T- "why do I feel like you're holding something back"
Y- "okay oh my god don't get jealous because I know how you can get but guess who my co star or whatever it's called is" you squeal.
T-"bob Ross?" Tom says jokingly
Y- "that would be quite cute but no it's frigging Jeffrey dean Morgan"
T- "what?" Tom sounds shocked
Y- "Jeffrey well James is my love interest in the movie and this other dude who seems really sweet he's from France but yeah when I saw Jeffrey I wanted to die he's so big and pretty in real life and oh my god his voice does things to me"
T- "darling you know you're telling this to your soon to be husband right?"
Y-"I do but cmon you even said you find him attractive when we was watching one of his movies"
T-"I did..but he's married right?"
Y- "yes"
T- "good because if he wasn't I was going to come on your set and have a word with him"
You laugh "oh my god..he's harmless it's me who should be worried about"
T- "again you're speaking to your future husband"
You groan "let me have my little fan girl moment"

At bang on 10pm you arrive home and to your surprise the lights are on so Tom is home already
You walk in and hang up your keys before heading tin to the living room where Tom is on the sofa asleep
You smile at the sight of him but as if he could sense you he wakes up as you approach him.
"Oh hey" he says sitting up
"Hi" you say smiling "did you get home earlier?"
He nods "I did by like an hour and I came back and must of fell asleep" he yawns
"You're so cute when you're sleepy" you smile and kiss him.
"I've missed you"he mumbles
"I've missed you too" you kiss him again.

Next chapter Thursday :)

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