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Two weeks later
Since the day of the test Tom has completely took over your mind your constantly thinking about him and what he's doing with Vicky and why he would do that to you of all people
You've been tempted to go to the higher people in the university and say what's been happening but Lilly and Aimee have stopped you every time you've attempted because you'll get into trouble not just Tom and it's he's not worth getting into trouble for so Lilly says but at this point you couldn't care less.
You've been talking to your parents a lot more and you've stopped Mason from slaughter Tom multiple times he even turned up to the uni with a hammer
As much as you wanted to see him smash tom's and Vicky's heads in you didn't want him to go to prison over it.
Tom has contacted you almost every day but you've ignored him however last week you messaged him how much you missed him and hated him thanks to alcohol which he probably noticed because your spelling was a mess
You expected him to message you some mushy shit but all he put was "be safe and don't drink too much" you laugh at his message because at the time you were in a park at 2am till 4am with drinking bottles of alcohol.
You've been staying at Alex and Aimee's thankfully Their parents are on a business trip so they're not there to see your meltdowns.
Alex came up with the idea you move in for a bit after Tom came barging into your apartment.

"Your coffee my queen" you laugh swatting Alex on his arm before taking the coffee off him
"Thank you"
You and Alex are currently sitting in the canteen, you have English next which you're dreading.
Since the test you've avoided your English lessons which isn't great but you can't cope being in the same room as tom.
"Stop fidgeting" Alex puts his hand into yours
"I can't help it what if I see him before English"
"Then you see him and pay him no attention"
"Y/n bounce that leg once more and I'm going to chop the fucker off"
You smile at Alex "please do I think the pain of that will be a nicer pain than what I'm going through mentally"
Alex gives you are you taking the piss look.
"Hold on girl let me put some my chemical romance on so it matches this emo vibe"
Your jaw drops
"You did not just say that"
"Hey I've been supportive through this whole mess so it's about time I be a dick" he winks
Which is true Aimee and Lilly have been amazing but Alex has been even more amazing which you didn't expect from him.
Alex looks at his phone before standing up
"Right emo queen we should make our way to douches lesson"
You raise an eyebrow at him "are you turning into an American? Since when do we say douche"

"Ladies first" Alex says as you reach the door
You go in and you're instantly greeted by Vicky
Your heart hurts.
It's pounding as if it's about to blast out of your chest.
You feel your eyes start to water.
This ain't the time to cry man up
You haven't seen her since seeing her since that night.
Your breathing quickens but it slows down as you feel Alex put his hand at the small part of your back.
"Y/n it's good to see you what's happened you haven't been attending for a while"
Is she taking the piss right now
You look over to Tom and his jaw tightens
He looks angry
Why do I care
"I've had things going on" you eventually say to her
"Weird because you've been attending other lessons"
"Oh have you missed me vick? Or have you missed acting like a slut around my boyfriend I mean ex" you smile
Before she could answer you Tom comes over "Enough"
You put your hands up in defence before going to sit down
You're followed by Alex which doesn't go unnoticed by Tom.
"Excuse me you" both you and Alex turn around.
You point at yourself and Tom shakes his head "no him"
"Yes?" Alex says
"Who are you and why are you in my lesson"
Alex let's out a little laugh
"Cmon Tom you should know who I am
You practically pushed me out of the way to get to the girl you cheated on"
Tom ignores Alex's comment.
"Why are you in my lesson"
Alex sits down "I've moved classes"
"It's on the register if you want proof" he adds
"Why?" Tom asks
"Because I want to and because I asked to and because my old professor agreed that I should move"
More students come through the door so Tom just nods.

The lesson wasn't as bad as you thought it would be sure the start was uncomfortable but the rest was decent
Half way through the lesson Lauren randomly messaged you

Lauren: hey x
You: hi x
Lauren:is Tom okay? I haven't heard off him for a good few weeks now and it's really unlike him to not contact me x

Is she for real

You:are you being serious x
Lauren: yes I genuinely haven't heard off him x
You:right..paragraph incoming x

You explain to Lauren what has happened in detail.

Lauren: oh y/n I'm so so so sorry
I have no idea what to say I'm in so much shock Tom cheat? That's insane he was obsessed with you
I wish I could give you a huge hug you don't deserve any of that he's been putting you through xx
You:don't be sorry it's okay xx

A hug from Lauren would probably break you

Lauren:you're coming to LA xx
Lauren: I've booked you a flight on Wednesday and you're coming to la and you're staying with me and we're going to have the best time ever xx

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