79.(toms pov)

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Since it's toms birthday here's two chapters < 3

a few days ago

"hey sweetheart will you be okay by yourself for about an hour because joe has called me because i'm desprately needed on set"

she nods
"yeah i'll be all good"
"call me if you need me and i'll be home straight away" i say as i kiss her on her forehead

i feel so bad for giving her the bug i caught off set,
she was getting better and she even went back to work and finished the movie she was working on,
I'm so proud of her especially considering she's never acted professionally before.
i hate leaving her when shes ill so hopefully whatever joe wants me to do it's something quick..I'll say one thing about her being ill..she's been throwing up a lot and yeah I did too but not that much which is quite concerning,
we've probably just got different immune systems and hers is choosing violence..I did speak to Lauren about it because at one point _______ was constantly getting up to be sick in the night and I was tempted to call an ambulance because that amount of vomiting can't be normal,
anyway Lauren suggested she might be pregnant which made me laugh I mean yeah we have had unprotected sex before but she's never gotten pregnant and she wouldn't risk getting pregnant knowing we aren't ready for a baby yet though if she did fall pregnant by accident wait never mind..I just can't think about that..I want a family one day but the thought of it happening right now scares me and I just don't think i could do it...I chuckle to myself thinking of the conversation me and Lauren had.

"I'm sorry to call you in at last minuet" joe says as i walk in
"its fine honestly"
"how is ______"
"she was okay but now shes ill again and i feel terrible" "hopefully it will pass soon my girl had it for two weeks and she was so ill contantly throwing up and eveything"
a flush of relife goes through my body as he says this "you okay?"
i nod "yeah shes just been vomiting a lot and i got worried"

i was on set longer than i had planned to be which was making me increadibly guilty for leaving ________ alone,
i haven't heard off her since i left so she's probably sleeping this bug off.

i tell joe and the rest that im heading home and before i start driving off i give her a quick message letting her know i will be home in 20 mintues. i stop at a shop and get her a couple of things that will hopefully put a smile on her face.

"sweetheart I'm home"
i call out and close the door behind me
theres no answer and the house is quiet
i chuckle to myself "someones snuggled up in bed"
i head upstairs and knock the bedroom door, theres no answer so i open it to not see her in the bed..
it feels strange as if things have been moved but i can't place what's been moved.
i look out of the bedroom window to see if she's out in  the garden. when i dont see her i start to get worried so i send her a message asking where she is..she hasn't been active in a few hours which is unlike her...
i sigh and make my way down stairs and place the bag of stuff that i bought her on the table that's when i see a note and so i pick it up.

it reads

dear tom dont panic, i havent been kidnapped ive gone back to the uk because theres a family emergency i will be back soon i love you

from _______

i blink and read over it..why didn't she send me a text or call me..the writing looks rushed so maybe she was panicking i don't know..i don't think much of it i just hope evrything is okay on her end i send her another message saying that ive found her note and to let me know of any updates

i make food and i do a bit of browsing on social media then i go through emails, a lot of people want to callab with me but nothing takes my fancy so i gently let them down

by the time i finish replying to messages emails and browing through golf related things its almsot time for bed so i send ________ a good night message

before bed i go jump in the shower

it takes me a while to sleep so i just give up on the idea thats when i see that shes been active and she's viewed my messages..when i got out of the shower i was being tagged in this picture by so many accounts so i check it out and its a picture of _____ with a fan at the airport she looks beautiful which makes me miss her even more though i see sadness in her eyes but that's understandable considering shes's got a family emergency, i hope her brother hasn't been hurt in the army, him and her are so close and it would destroy her if something happended to him.

i try calling her but it goes to voicemail but 7 minuets later she calls me back which brings a huge smile on my face

"hey darling" i say

"hi..i had a missed call off you so i thought id call you back"

"yeah i was getting worried because you hadn't replied to me but you saw the messages"

"oh yeaah i completely forgot in  sorry"

"so whats happening over there" i ask her

"my um someone tired taking scarlett on the way home from school and ellies gone looking for her and she hasn't came home"

"oh sweetheart..is scarlett okay"

"yeah shes fine..."

my mind is slightly confused by what she said considering it slightly makes no sense but i pass it off as lack of sleep so i don't question her

"how are you"

"stressed" she says with a sigh

"i saw that picture" i say to her remembering the picture i saw on instagram

"which one" she says in a panicked tone

"the one at the airport with the fan"

"oh she was sweet" she says

i sigh wishing she was next to me and not in a different country "i miss you sweetheart"

"i miss you too" she says in a sad tone..

"do you know when you'll be home"

"um no not at the moment its hard to tell..the family is a mess and they just need the support"

i don't have time to say anything back to her because shes telling me someones at the door

i tell her that i love her and she says it back and then the call ends

5 minuets after the call i sit back and go over the conversation we had..i trust her i really do but how can scarlet be taken but be back home and ellie is out looking for her..am i over thinking eveything i mean she might of messed up on the wording due to being stressed and overwhelmed by whats happening, i just can't wait to have her home so we can plan more of the wedding and spend time with each other.

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