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Hours later
"Someone just messaged me calling me a whore for being with you" you let out a little laugh.
Tom rolls his eyes "take no notice of them darling you're done with uni and i no longer work there we're both adults so there's nothing wrong about it"
You're driving back from having a meal with your friends toms family and yours.
"You didn't give me answer to why you quit your job"
"I didnt?"
"Nope you just kept avoiding the question"
"..i'll tell you when we get home"
The word sends shivers down your spine but good shivers.
"Okay" you say quietly

"Finally i can get out of this shit" you say as you take off the graduation clothes that make you feel like a nun.
Tom leans against the bedroom door frame "you're one beautiful woman" he says
You jump and put your hand on your chest "Jesus Christ you scared the living shit out of me"
Tom smiles and comes up to you "I'm sorry darling" he says as he kisses your neck
"Hmm i suppose it's alright"
You move to yours and toms wardrobe and pick out some fluffy trousers and a little cami top and change into them.
"Do you want me to put this in the washer" tom says picking up the clothes you took off
You nod "yes please"
"Alright" he says before heading downstairs
Before following him you go into the bathroom to freshen up.
Once you're done you head downstairs
Toms in the kitchen pouring him some wine "want some?" He asks "yes please"
You go into the living room and sit on the sofa.
Tom sits next to you and passes you a glass of wine and you takes sip "thank you"
"you're welcome darling"
Tom clears his throat "so i quit because i won't be able to work there anymore"
"What why"
"Because i need to be in la"
You looked at him confused "i don't understand"
"So for me to carry on with filming lucifer i need to be in la till we're done with a few series"
A few series theres like 20 something epidosdes in the third one apparently
"I was told i have to move to the us if i want to carry on filming and i said i would"
"Wait are you like breaking up with me or are we going to be some long distant couple"
Tom shakes his head "no darling i...i bought us a place in la and i'm asking you to move to la with me..it won't be permanent we'll eventually come back to the uk but not until im done filming"
It takes you a while to register what he just said "but my friends my family are here"
"I know and I'll be more than happy to fly them to la and they can stay as long as they want with us the place i've got is huge it has everything you could want like as gym an outdoor swimming pool"
"So what do you say..will you move to la with me"
I might die tomorrow so fuck it
"Yes?" Really?"
"Mhm" you smile
"You've made me the most happiest man ever"
You blush.
Tom kisses you and you put your arms around his neck and kiss him back.
Looking into your eyes Tom says " i love you"
Did i just hear that right
If you wasn't on the sofa right now you legs would of crumbled.
Neither of you have said those three words since the whole Vicky situation.
"Wh-what did you just say" you whisper
"I said i love you"
"I love you too..i never stopped"
"Neither did i baby" he says

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