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⚠️topics in this chapter may trigger some people read with care⚠️

You're now proper sobbing "im cold and got no keys" you pout.
You stop sobbing and start laughing.
Tom looks at you confused.
"Darling come here"
"No sir" you say shaking your head.
"Tom steps out of the door way and grabs your Hand"
"Christ _____ it's freezing" you let him pull you inside and you look around the place as if you've never been here before.
You look at tom as he shuts the door.
"Hello" you say.
Tom smiles at you "hi darling"
Tom studies you "i take it you've had a few drinks tonight"
You nibble your lip "i think so" you say.
"Happy birthday darling" tom says kissing your cheek "i'll give you your card and stuff in the morning when you've sobered up"
You ignore him and head to the kitchen "I'm hungry" you open Tom's fridge and spot some watermelon "fuck yeah..hey sir can i have this"
Tom chuckles "of course you can darling "
You close the fridge door and sit on the floor while taking little bites of the watermelon.
"Hey why do you keep calling me darling" you ask tom.
Tom sits next to you on the floor "because you're my darling and I've called you it for a while"
"Yknow i have a boyfriend and he would kick your ass if he heard you call me that"
Tom cocks hos eyebrow up "your boyfriend huh? Who is he"
You take a big bite of the Mellon and moan "oh man he..he is incredible he is actually a teacher at the uni i'm at but don't tell anyone i told you that he is gorgeous and i would be happy to give him head every single day for the rest of my life he is so tall too this man can hit me with his car and I'd say thank you also this melon is so nice god I just wanna shove it down my throat it's so GOOD anyway yeah my boyfriend would really hurt you though I'm glad I'm not a man because I'd totally have a boner..he does this thing with his eyes when his angry or turn on and they go all dark and my insides go gooey and i Almost die this is the most juicy melon ever whoever planted this Mellon should get a raise I'm thirsty wait have you got any milk I need milk"
you stand up and go back to the fridge and get the milk out of it before shutting the fridge and returning back to the floor.
You swig half of the bottle
"Jesus Christ how many drinks did you have"













Ice cream

Head ache











You open your eyes your heart starts to beat fast because you don't recognise your surroundings.
There's movement besides you
Oh no oh god no
You look to your side
"Good morning darling"
You blink at him "morning..um..how am I here"
You sit up and so does he.
"You don't remember last night?"
"No..the last thing I remember is Lilly giving me some sweets a girl gave her in the bathroom" you wince "my head kills"
Tom passes you a glass of water and some paracetamol
"Thank you" you say
"Wait Lilly gave you sweets a girl gave her in the bathroom and you can't remember anything after that?" Tom asks.
"Mhm" you say taking a sip of water.
"_____" Tom says in a serious tone.
"What did these sweets look like?"
You try remembering "uh..they um they were cute little bears but god they tasted awful"
Tom sighs and goes on his phone.
Ooookay then
All of a sudden your heart starts to pound
And you struggle to breathe.
"Tom..my heart my heart is going so fast I can't breathe Tom"


"Yes ambulance my my girlfriend she her friend gave her something a some sort of drug last night and she's just passed out but before she passed out she complained that her heat was going fast hurry the fuck up please she needs help"

Wow that's bright too bright what the fuck is that


Ouch that hurt

I wonder if I can touch that light

"Come on darling"

This feels nice

I'm floating

You take a deep breath
Someone comes rushing over
"Baby darling god you're awake"
You open your eyes and see Tom.
"What's going on" you croak removing the mask from around your mouth.
A nurse comes into the room and you try to get up
"Miss Tomlinson I wouldn't recommend you getting up please slowly lower yourself back down and put your mask back on"
"What's going on" you ask her since Tom didn't answer you.
"We were informed that last night you was given a class A drug and because of that you had a heart attack and we lost you for 5 minutes you're very lucky to be alive miss Tomlinson"
"Drugs? Lost me..what do you mean" you say confused.
Tom holds your hand "the sweets Lilly have you were really dangerous drugs which made you have a heart attack and..you stopped breathing for a while"
You shake your head "but..wait I died"
The white light
The floating
Tom and the nurse nods.
"Right hun I need to check your obs"
Tom let's your hand go as the nurse checks you over.
"Everything seems fine at the moment but I would like to keep you in for a few days just incase the drug hasn't left your system and it causes another heart attack or something else" she says.
"How long does it take for it to get out of my system" you ask
"Normally 42 hours but we've tested your blood and it looks like you took more than one so it could say in your system longer..we have given you an antidote sort of injection to neutralise the drug in stopping it from giving you any effects wether that being good effects or the bad effects but because how much you took it might not work as well as it would with someone who only took one"
You nod "I took 4 maybe 6 I don't know but there were a few"
"Was you aware that you were given drugs" the nurse asks
You shake your head "no..um my friend just told me a girl in the bathroom gave her teddy bear shaped sweets and asked me to take some with her so I did"
"Someone else took the drugs with you?"
"Yes..oh shit Lilly um my friend Lilly do you think she's had the same effect as me"
"That's hard to say, everyone's body is different so she might of just had a high and nothing else..your boyfriend informed us that you can't remember what happened after you took the drugs is that correct"
You nod "yes it is..all I remember is taking them then the next minute I'm waking up in my boyfriends bed with a pounding headache then my heart starts to race really quick and then I feel weird I see a bright light and as if I'm floating then I wake up here"
"Okay because of your lack of memory I would like to take some swabs"
"Swabs what where"
"incase  someone took advantage of you" she adds.
The colour from toms face drains and you try not to panic.
"Do I have your consent" the nurse asks.
"Um..yes you do"
"Great I'll be back in a minute" she gives you a small smile before heading out.
You start to cry and tom comes and hugs you.
"Hey hey it's okay darling don't cry"

Within 5 minutes the nurse comes back and takes swabs from your mouth and both your front and back.
"When will I get the results"
"The results come back quick so say 2-3 minutes"
The nurse leaves the room again and you try and not panic because you don't want to start your heart off.
Finally she comes back "I've just got the results back and everything has came back clear" she smiles at you and you let out a deep breath

A while passes and you've had some food
Tom joins you on the bed and you both snuggle up to each other

"What on earth are you doing here"
"I'm here to see my best friend"
"Oh please"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're the stupid fuck who gave her drugs who caused her to have a heart attack and fucking die"
"She's died what? Oh my god"
"She died for 5 minutes I thought I'd lost her because of YOU"
"Tom I didn't know I was given drugs"
"Bullshit I saw the message you sent her how's the cute bear drug hangover I was bouncing off the walls all night" 
"Don't Tom me she could of been took advantage of she doesn't even remember anything after you giving her the drugs"
"I'm so sorry"
"I want you to leave"
"I can't leave her I need to see if she's okay"
"It was okay yesterday for you to leave her otherwise you'd of been with her when she turned up to my house"
"Is everything okay"
"Yes everything is fine she was just leaving"

The sound of arguing wakes you up.
Tom comes back in the room
"I'm here"
"What was all that shouting about"
"Nothing darling go back to sleep you need it"
You shake your head "I know your lying"
Tom sighs "it was Lilly"
You sit up "Lilly's here? Is she okay"
"She's fine she's more than fine" he replies
"Where did she go"
"I told her to leave"
"What why?"
"She knew that she gave you drugs because I saw a message from her mentioning it"

You've been quiet since Tom told you about Lilly that was 20 minutes ago
You love Lilly but how could she do that to you
"It's probably a bit late in asking this but do you want me to notify your parents"Tom asks breaking the silence.
"No they'll only make a huge scene out of this"
"Are you sure?"
"Positive" you smile.
Tom gets up "I'm going to go get you some spare clothes and toiletries..is there anything else you want me to bring"
"Umm..maybe a book and a charger if you dont mind"
"Okay darling i wont be long" tom says as he kisses your head.

Wow I actually posted when I said I'd post

Next chapter will be out on Thursday if not Thursday then Friday

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