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Eventually last night you called your mother back and she said that she wants to pick you up
Which is weird since she's never bothered before but you didn't complain because you couldn't be bothered faffing about with trains.
Tom took you back to your apartment 3 hours ago because you had a few things to get before your mother picks you up.
30 minutes after you got back from doing a bit of shopping she messaged saying she's outside your apartment.
You get your suitcase and a few bags and put them in the boot of the car before going back inside your apartment to turn things off and double check to see if you've remembered everything.
After doing that you lock your apartment up and get in the car.
Your mother leans over and hugs you and you hug her back.
"It's nice to finally see you in person" she says kissing your cheek.
You just laugh and she starts the car.
"I've missed you" you say smiling.
"I've missed you too honey"
There's an awkward ish silence before she says something.
"Soooooo about this Tom"
You cheeks turn pink thinking about last night.
You clear your throat.
"What about him?" You ask.
"Why didn't you tell me about him or even your sisters, any other time they're the first to know"
You look out the window and sigh.
"It's kind of complicated and a long story" you say.
"Is he had to you?" She asks
You look at her and shake your head.
"No, he's amazing.." you reply.
"I sense there's a but coming"
"Mom like I said it's complicated and it's a long story can we just leave it at that"
Your mother lets out a small laugh.
"No we can't leave it at that i'm your mother I deserve to know"
She pauses
"you either tell me or your father"
Your eyes shoot towards your mother.
Your father can't know about Tom.
He's so protective and if he knew that Tom was roughly the same age as him he'd go crazy.
You open your mouth about to talk when your phone goes off, it's a text from Tom and you can't help but to smile at your phone when you open the text.

I hope you have an amazing time at your parents
I love you

You notice your mom looking at you in the mirror and you quickly put your phone away
"Is that him?" She asks
You nod
"Promise you won't get mad or tell dad about Tom"
She looks at you concerned.
"If he's hurting you or treating you badly I can't promise anything"
You nod and blur it out that he's your professor.
"Excuse me" your mother says in a shocked tone
"Say that again"
she didn't mean actually say it again but you did anyway.
"Tom's my English professor" you say nibbling your lip.
"Oh my god y/n what is wrong with you, do you know how dangerous that is for both you and him what if you get caught all that hard work for nothing"
"That's why I didn't tell you because he told me not to tell anyone so I didn't and we both know the risks and we won't get caught because we're careful"
kind of ..Sandy knows but no one needs to know that.
"How long has this been going on and most importantly how old is he?" She asks.
"I'd say 2 months maybe a bit more I'm not sure I haven't exactly been counting how many days/weeks we've been together"
"How old is he?"
Your mother asks again.
"I don't see why that's relevant" you reply.
"Your going out with a professor y/n"
"Yes and? I could understand if I was a child but I'm not I'm a woman an adult"
You roll your eyes.
"He's 42"
"Christ y/n he's four years younger than your father"
"And?" You reply
"And? Y/n he's old enough to be your father"
You laugh after remembering your mother telling you the story of when she was 14 and she kissed a 20 year old.
"What's funny?" She asks.
"Your going ape over this yet when you was 14 you made out with a whole ass adult so you can't say anything"
She doesn't say anything after that.
For 20 minutes the journey was quite and awkward...
When out of the blue she talks again ignoring what you said a few minutes ago.
"Have you and him yknow"
Is she seriously asking me if we've done the deed after making me feel like shit about going out with a guy older than me.
You don't say anything you just nod.
"Is that what you was doing on the phone?"
Your face heats up.
"What no!...he was just we he.." you take a deep breath
Breath y/n breathe
"He was just messing about"
Your mother nods.
"Ah right...does he want kids?"
What the fuck
"I'm not sure we haven't talked about it"
"Do you?" She asks
"Why are you asking me this?"
"I'm just curious" she replies.
"I don't know" you say quickly.
"Have you met his friends family or been to his house or gone out on dates with him?"
"We've been on many dates and I have been to his house and met his friends but not his family"
Your mother interrogates you the rest of the journey.
Before parking up on the driveway she says that she's sorry for how she first reacted and she's happy if you're happy it just came to her as a shock.
To make it less awkward between you both you guys hugged it out.
"Don't tell dad"
"I won't"

Soooo I watched M.o.M and idk it was good but I should of lowered my expectations
I thought i would of cried but I didn't so that's good😌😂
Now I'm counting the days down till the new Thor comes out (praying Loki is in it if not I'm having a full on meltdown)

Next chapter comes out tomorrow not sure what time since I'm going out for a meal with the family so I'll probably do a announcement so make sure you follow me or idk stalk my account💀😂

I hope people are enjoying this so far :)

Stay hydrated stay safe and make sure you eat :)

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