46.Toms pov

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Buckle up This is a long chapter but it's been split into two parts

Aimee's birthday

That had to be one of the worst classes I've ever taught, if ever I'm asked to cover that class again I'm seriously going to throw myself off the top floor..that's a bit deep but seriously primary school kids behave better than them and they're adults.
After class ended I was due a break thank god.
I head to my office.
Once I got in I locked the door
I will not be disturbed on my break.
I open my bag to see that I had packed some cookies y/n had made
A smile formed it's self on my face god I was truly in love with this girl.
I've never been this happy in my life
Speaking of y/n my phone lights up with a text from her and my stomach goes all funny
What have you done to me girl.
We exchange some texts when she asks me what I'm doing tonight
I know what she's going to ask Because she's been on about Aimee's birthday for a while and I hate letting her down but Vicky emailed me saying she'd like to meet up to discuss something about work and she needs help with marking some tests which I found weird but hey I'm supposed to be helping her so what can I do I can't just say no.

A few hours later
Im on my way to the location Vicky emailed me to meet her.
I searched it up and it's a little club not far from town which I guess is a weird place to meet up for work but then again it is Vicky so I'm not surprised.
I took a short cut so it doesn't take that long to get to the club
Wtf I mumble under my breath
When I arrive I see Vicky standing there in a party dress
a party dress cmon who wears this to a work meeting meet up whatever this thing is
Obviously there's alarms going off here and I can see the red flags but I might be over thinking this whole thing and she means no harm.
Soon I get this shit done the sooner I can go back home or even meet up with y/n
I get out of my car and head towards her.
"Hiya" she says smiling
"Hello" I must look like somethings wrong because she asks me if there's something up
I shake my head.
"nothing it's just a weird place to discuss work I thought you'd chose a coffee shop or something"
She nods "oh yeah I was going to but I never been here before so I thought why not change things up a bit"
I basically grunt "okay then shall we?" I gesture to the door.

We go in and sit down at a table.
Vicky orders some cocktail and I order a tea
She covers her mouth and lets out a little laugh
"Oh nothing I mean we're in a club and you order a tea you take being British a bit too seriously don't you" she laughs again.
"I'm driving" that's all I respond with
"Oh Tom lighten up let your hair down"
I ignore her comment
"So what did you want to talk about and have you got the Papers with you" I say
"Oh shoot no I don't I left them on the table in my living room I was meant to grab them but my stupid Uber wouldn't stop calling me even though he came 10 minutes early and I didn't want to be charged extra for not going to his car on time " she says rolling her eyes.
A person comes over with our drinks and we both thank them.
I take a sip before Vicky starts talking about work related things.
Thank god I think to myself hopefully she hurries up and says what she has to say so I can go.
Vicky did not hurry up I looked at my watch and we had been talking for a whole hour
She was giving me a headache everything she was saying we had gone over ages ago.
I pretend to have a text off someone so I can make an excuse to go.
"Everything okay?" She asks
I shake my head "uh no I have to go sorry"
I get up and she stops me I look at her confused.
"Before you go can you come with me to the toilet I wanted to go earlier but I saw some dodgy people linger down the corridor"
For fuck sake
I mean if I don't go with her and something happens then it's my fault.
I give her a small smile "sure"
We walk to the ladies toilets and I wait for her outside.
5 minutes later she comes out
"You all good" I ask
"Yeah" she says
Something catches her eye and I move my head to look but she moves my face and kisses me
My body freezes
"Touch me" she whispers as she tries to put my hand on her waist.
What the fuck
"No what the hell Vicky"
I back away from her
A mischievous grin is painted on her face
"What the fuck was that about"
"Cmon don't act like this you're single I'm single it's fineee"
"No Vicky I'm not single"
Her face changes
"Oh I know you've been fucking that bitch in your English class"
"Don't try to deny it either I've seen the way you look at each other and how she reacted to me
You're with a student Tom what the hell is wrong with you
You've got a full on woman right here and you're with someone who's basically a child" she adds
I let out a laugh "Vicky jealousy looks ugly on you
For your information she is not a child she's a full on adult and we've been together for a while and I love her"
She raises her eyebrow "love? Oh god Tom she's a uni student shes probably doing everyone in the class especially that Alex she's been hanging out with you and her won't last and I can give you more than what she can give you
I really like you Tom"
I can't do this I have to go
Without looking back I leave the club

When I get back I make get out the bottle  whiskey and take a few mouthfuls
What the fuck just happened
I have the urge to go report her but then she could report me for being in a relationship with a student but it's my word against hers and I could ask y/n to pretend that she's in a relationship with Alex and I'm sure he'll go along with it
I sigh putting the bottle of whiskey back in the cupboard before sitting on my sofa
Y/n comes to my head
Fuck I need her right now
I need to tell her what happened because if I don't this is going to eat me
Pulling out my phone from my pocket I see a notification from her and my heart flutters and a smile appears on my face she has no idea how crazy I am over her
The notification comes up with that she's sent me a picture
Knowing her it's probably a picture of her with drinks or a cute picture of her with Aimee and the others.
I open her message and i feel like I'm going to be sick
My heart pounds to hard that I think I'm going to have a heart attack
We're over repeats in my head
"FUCK" I shout this cannot be happening
I send her a shit ton of texts and call her over 30 times
No answer
My hands shake as I dial her number again
"Cmon sweetheart answer me please it's not what you think it looks like"

The next day

I must of fell asleep because when I open my eyes again it's morning
I check my phone and there's nothing from y/n
I get a shower and change before making my way to hers

I knock on the door as hard as I can
Open up baby please
The door opens and I'm greeted by Alex instead of y/n
"What are you doing here" he says
"Where is she?"
Alex looks at me in disgust
"She doesn't want to see you"
"Alex let me see her" I demand
"Over my dead body"
"Alex" I say In a warning tone
I'm not afraid to barge past him
"Just get lost man you've hurt her enough"
I roll my eyes
I warned you
"Move out of my way" I barge past Alex
"What the fuck man"
I barge into y/n's room and my heart skips a beat as I see her jump
"What the hell get out right now" she says standing up
"Y/n listen to me"
She laughs
She actually laughs
That's not a good sign
"What listen to your bullshit excuses?"
"It looks wrong but it's not what you think it is" I say
"Tom so was you kissing her the part of the mentoring bullshit then?"
I wince
I didn't kiss her
I wouldn't do that to you
"No listen I didn't know she was going to kiss me she just did it out of the blue"
She takes a deep breath
"You think I'm stupid just because I'm younger than you don't you?
Tom I've been cheated on before I know how this shit works"
"Y/n I haven't cheated on you"
Her exes probably said the same thing to her but I'm genuinely being serious.
"WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS THEN YOU LITERALLY KISSED HER" she screams holding up her phone showing me the picture
My blood boils
"You've probably been at it for months behind my back but I knew it I knew something was up with you two and I don't understand why you didn't just end it with me"
Y/n starts to cry
My heart aches I feel so useless
Don't cry darling please
"I fell so fucking hard for you and you've hurt me"
I can't do this I need to hold her
I step closer to her to pull her in a hug
I could see in her eyes she wanted to hug me
She moves closer but then goes back
Her face changes and she says
"Get the fuck away from me Tom I swear to god if you touch me I will hurt you" she sobs
My heart is shattered
I'm in pain because she's in pain
I'm in pain because she's no longer mine
"Y/n please believe me..there's no me and Vicky there were never a me and Vicky"
Please believe me please please please
"It's not..here take my phone and look at our messages"I give her my phone and she pushes it back to me
Baby just look at it
"No because you've probably deleted the messages off it..I don't want to know Tom
You fucked up and now we're over"
We're over
We're over
We're over
Those words float around in my head again
We're over
It's my turn to cry
Fucking pussy I think to myself
"Y/n I don't want to lose you I can't lose you this whole thing is a miss understanding" I say choking on my words a bit.
"Too late you've already lost me" she says
Getting stabbed would hurt less than this
"Y/n" I say
"I want you to leave" she says with tears in her eyes.
"Don't do this y/n" I beg
"Your kidding DON'T DO THIS?
WHO'S THE BAD ONE" she shouts
Alex comes into the room
"I suggest you leave Tom" he says
I look at him "Keep out of this"
"Excuse me?
While you were out with some slut I was here looking after y/n all night so i am not keeping out of it"
You have no idea how much I want to punch him
I look at Alex and her
She looks so small and vulnerable
"Y/n please"
GET OUT"she screams and hits my chest which catches me off guard.
I grab her wrists to stop her
"I will go but I'm not giving up on us" I say before leaving.

Professor ellis (X reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن