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Contains a bit of 🌶️ in this chapter(dw I'm cringing too)

"Y'know Jeffrey and his wife adopted a dog from here" you say as you sit down at a table with a puppy in your arms.
"Darling don't get any ideas" he chuckles and you pout.
"But look at these puppers they're too cute to leave them here"
Tom groans "I knew it was a bad idea bringing you here"
You laugh.
"One day we'll get a dog but not right now Kay?"
You nod "okay"
Tom passes you the menu.
"What do you fancy?"he asks
"You" you smile and he gives you a warning look.
You then look at the menu.
"Hmmmm I'll have the egg and avocado toasty thing with an iced coffee"
tom smiles and gets up from his seat and heads to the counter to order, while he does that you play with the puppy thats on your lap.
"You're such a precious little dude aren't you..yes you are" you say to the dog, you're about to say something else when your interrupted by someone clearing their throat trying to get your attention.
You look up and then down.
"What the fuck..wait but you've-"
"Shh just let me do this"
"Okay" you whisper.
"_______ when i took the job as an English professor at a little university 30 minuets from my house i did not expect to find one of my students madly attractive and getting excited when i had her class because i knew i'd see her let alone fall in love with her and then move to la with her and us doing completely different things than we were doing in the UK and going through the crazy things we've been through before getting where we are now..god this is a mess and it sounded so better in my head..sweetheart i love you so much..marry me?"
"Of corse i will i did say yes last time" you let out a little laugh.
Tom puts another ring on your finger that sits perfectly on top of the other one before getting up off one knee and kissing you.
"I know i proposed before but i feel like it was rushed and i was too nervous to say what I wanted to say so i thought id do i again but even then i messed up" he chuckles.
You smile at him "you didn't mess up baby, i thought it was perfect"
"I love you" he says kissing you again
"I love you too" you say kissing him back.

"Are you sober" tom asks you
You nod.
"Darling are you sure because i don't want to do anything to you if you're drunk"
"Tom I promise im not drunk im just what's the word?"
"N0,shit a lot of frat boys use it"
Tom laughs
"I think thats the first time I've heard you use the words frat boy"
"It's the word they use when they're about to head butt a can or something"
Tom looks at you confused
"Wait let me Google it"
You google the word youre after
"Aha god it im buzzed not drunk and not tipsy"
Tom looks at you suspiciously.
"Test me do anything please I promise I'm not drunk"
After the doggy cafe you and tom spent some time playing with the dogs then you headed to a cocktail bar  and you guys ordered some cocktails tom picked none alcoholic ones and you thought you did too until your fifth one you found out that the ones you picked had alcohol in them.
Tom sticks three fingers up.
"How many fingers am i holding up"
Tom nods
"Walk in a straight line"
And you do as he tells you to without messing up
"Okay now walk up the stairs and then back down them"
You go up six stars and then come back down giving tom a weird look.
"You walk up them strangely when you're drunk or tipsy" he says as he sees the confused expression on you face.
"So did i pass" you smile
"I suppose you did but if you want me to stop just tell me straight away okay?"
You smile.
"You're actually so precious but while you fuck my brains out i don't want you to ever stop" you grin
"Okay come on then princess" he says as he picks you up carrying you up stairs.

Toms lips meet yours,while kissing him you try and take his t shirt of but you fail so he helps you a bit.
You cant help but let out a little gasp as you see his abs.
Tom chuckles removing his lips from yours
"You're reacting as if you've never seen my body before"
You blush "i know but i can't get over how good your body looks now i mean it looked good before but Christ it looks even better now"
"My ego is big enough darling you're making it even bigger"
You laugh
"I dont really care about your ego getting big i care about the other thing"
"Darling it's always is when I'm around you" he says in a husky tone before placing your hand on his bulge, you look up and blush as you feel it strain against his pants.
You take this opportunity to unbuckle his belt,tom then takes off his trousers and throws them away from him leaving him in just his boxers.
Tom gently pushes you more onto the bed and then starts slowly taking of your shoes then he carefully takes off your tights, when he does that you help him take off your dress leaving you in your bra and knickers .
Tom hovers on top of you murmuring "you're absolutely Gorgeous sweetheart" before kissing you passionately.
Tom's kisses move lower to your neck and you arch your back trying to feel him as hes still hovering above you.
Tom goes in-between you legs putting one on top of his shoulder he then lowers himself.
"Oh my god" you whimper
"dont stop" you pant as tom keeps sucking and licking your sensitive spots on your pussy
Your hands quickly go into his hair and you pull him more into you.
"Yes tom..oh-"
You dont finish your sentence when tom inserts two fingers inside of you.
He starts slowly and then picks up speed while his mouth is still on you.
"Tom" you moan
You're seeing stars and he hasn't even put the actual thing inside of you yet.
You clench around his fingers.
"I'm going to-"
"Come for me sweetheart" and just on cue you do
Tom moans "you tase delicious"
You look down at him stunned and he chuckles.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" He asks with a smirk.
You nod "um..yeah i think..i..that was so good"
Tom nods "I'm glad you liked it because tasting you is my new favourite thing and i plan on doing it regularly"
"I've died and gone to heaven" you say covering your face with you hands, tom sucks his fingers and moves your leg from over his shoulder and moves up your body removing your hands from your face before kissing you again.

"Shit the condoms" tom says moving off you, you stop him by wrapping your legs around him.
"I'm on birth control remember so its fine"
Tom nods "I keep forgetting" he chuckles
He aligns himself with your entrance but before he pushes himself in you stop him.
He looks at you with worry in his eyes "are you okay? Do you want me to stop"
"Yes no..yes I'm okay and no I don't want you to stop"
you look at him with blush appearing on your cheeks
"We haven't y'know in a while and..what if it y'know doesn't fit so just go in slow"
Tom strokes your cheek and chuckles.
"Oh sweetheart I'll make sure it fits"
Tom leans over and opens his bedside drawer and takes out a bottle of lube and you frown.
"Why do you have that" you ask
Tom gives you a smirk
"At some point I was going to suggest we do something else"
You think for a bit
we do something else..
Your eyes widen the more you think
He doesn't mean..oh damn
Toms little chuckle gets you out of your zone that you were in
"I can see the wheels turning in your head"
"You don't mean an-"
"Yes" he nods "but we don't have to do it today and we don't have to do it at all" he adds
You nibble your lip and think some more when you feel something cold rubbing against your entrance, toms rubbing his lubed up head against you and your heart starts to quicken because of how good it feels
"I take it back I don't want you to go easy on me"
"Now you're just talking impulsively..I don't want to hurt you sweetheart so I'm going to go slow until you're used to the feeling"
Tom aligns himself with your entrance and slowly enters you.
"Fuck" you whisper just as tom whispers "Jesus Christ" as he fully pushes himself inside of you

20 minutes later you and Tom are cuddling each other in bed
Your both quiet which is more comforting than awkward.
"I love you" Tom finally says
You smile and kiss his chest "I love you too"
A question comes to your mind which you're unsure about asking Tom but he knows you better.
"What is it you want to ask?" He says
"How do you know I wanted to ask you something"
"You get this unsure look on your face whenever you want to ask a question that you stop yourself from asking"
"Okay so we're getting married at some point right"
Tom nods "we are indeed"
"Okay so people marry and then have kids or the other way round..what I'm saying is would you ever want to have kids..I know you're at the age where I could be your kid but yknow"
Tom laughs and pinches you
"Hey no need to say that Jesus I feel old as it is but I would in the future just not right now" Tom sighs "god if you was pregnant right now everything would be a bit too much and I just couldn't see it working especially with how busy we are and I don't think we're ready it's like we've not long gotten back together and moved to a different country and then engaged" Tom goes on and you nod in agreement
"Valid point" you smile "but when we're ready I can't wait to make a family with you" you add
"Neither can I sweetheart"

Next chapter soon :)

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