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Small shoutout-
Thank you Emily for messaging me about this chapter otherwise I'd of posted chapter 53 without realising this chapter didn't post.🙃

"Here's fine mate"the driver nods.
You let out a sigh.
"Are you going to be okay?"
You nod.
"Yeah..i think, Alex is coming over soon to update me on things, are you going to be okay?"
Tom smiles.
"I have to be i just want tomorrow to be done and over with already"
You rest your head on his shoulder.
"Me too" you sigh again.
"I best get out of this taxi before he starts charging you extra" you gesture to the driver and he lets out a little laugh and shakes his head.
"Alright darling i will see you tomorrow"
You smile and kiss tom.
The kiss lasted longer than you expected which caught you by surprise.

30 minuets later
Knock knock
You turn the volume down on your tv
Knock knock
You head to the door but then turn back to pause the film you were watching .
You finally open the door to see Alex with a couple of bags at his feet.
"Oh theyre your things you left at ours ..thought you'd want them back"
"Thank you..come in and just leave them in the hall way ill move them after"
Alex comes in and you shut the front door behind him.
He places the bags on the floor but takes a little one into the livingroom with him.
"Wow imagine watching a marvel movie without me how dare you"
You smile at Alex.
"Im sorry but I was inpatient besides the avengers told me to watch them without you and well ive gotta listen to my babies"
Alex shakes his head and laughs.
"Fuck sake ive head it all now"
He passes you the little bag.
"What's this?"
"Open it woman"
"Okay okay"
You open it and theres a few things inside
One being sushi
But theres two little boxes on top of the sushi so you open them
One box contains a necklace with "Alex" on
And the other containing a ring that has both of your initials and a random date.
You cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.
"The jewellery was Lillys and Aimee's idea" he says then adds "ive also got matching ones" and he shows you the necklace round his neck and the ring on his finger.
"Honestly im not even surprised..but his is actually cute" you laugh.
"Thank you for the sushi I'm starving"
He nods "you're welcome i kinda guessed you hadn't ate anything because you didn't when you went though that shit with tom"
"If I wasn't in love with my English professor id totally be boning you right now"
Alex laughs.
"You cant be saying that Jesus Christ woman do you want your man to end me"
"Just did and no because if he ends you ill have to end him..honestly without you Aimee and Lilly I wouldn't know what id of done"
"Speaking about us" Alex says sitting down next to you on the sofa.
"Here take my phone and check my gallery and social media"
So you do.
You look in his gallery first where you find amazingly edited pictures of you and Alex.
"Holy shit Alex oh my god"
Alex smirks.
"Pretty cool huh?"
"Im speechless"
"Now Check our social media"
He nods.
Alex made a joint facebook and instagram account.
"The pictures date back to when i didn't even know you..hows that possible"
"If I tell you ill have to kill you"
You giggle.
You give Alex a hug
"This is amazing al thank you"
"You're welcome..one more thing"
"What's that" you ask
"Im coming in with you"
"What do you mean"
"Im coming in the meeting with you..say im here to support you or something if they ask why im there"
You nod.
"Okay..i dont know if its weird but do you want to stop over"
"Sure but i will need to go back and get some clothes because as much as i love you i dont vibe with your style"
You slap Alex's arm.
"Hey thats not nice to say to your fake girlfriend"
Alex laughs "gotta be truthful plus its the least you deserve after starting a movie without me"
You roll you eyes and Alex gets up.
"Right ill head back now saves me pissing about after"
You get out and follow Alex to the front door.
He turns around.
"Make sure you eat your sushi or i will get my sister to bully you"
You smile at him.
"I will mom don't worry"

While Alex was gone you did eventually eat the sushi.
After that you did a bit of cleaning.
Multiple times you have been tempted to either call or text tom but you both agreed not to talk until tomorrow is over.

"Where are we going?"
"We are going to the cinema" Alex replies while looking at you in the mirror.
When Alex got back he told you to meet him outside.
Once you got outside 5 minuets later he arrives and tells you to get in the car.
He wouldnt tell you where you guys were going at first which made you suspicious of him.
"We're going to watch Megan" he adds.
You start shaking your head and before you even say a word Alex starts laughing.
"No no no we are not Alex you know i hate horrors oh god i cant i cant do it"
"Stop being a pussy a movie about a talking doll isnt scary"

Few hours after
You and Alex walk out of the cinema.
"Okay okay" you put your hands up "it wasn't even scary im sorry for not believing you"
Alex chuckles "told you"
"Im so tired" you yawn.
"I keep forgetting you got back from la today..tell you what how about we go back to yours have a cup of tea and go to bed"
You nod and smile.
"I like the sound of that"

When you and Alex get back you do just that"
"Your cup of tea" Alex passes you the cup,you take it off him.
"Thank you"
"No problem"
"Have you put alcohol in this" you ask after taking a sip.
"I have its whiskey..nice huh"
"Surprisingly yes it is"
You and Alex chat a bit after drinking the tea then you both head to bed.

I had a memory come up on Snapchat about this fic and it's been 2 years since I started it which is crazy since I didn't plan on it being this long💀
That being said it's almost over but it's far from over at the same time which is kind of annoying since I want to move on to the fic I started a few months ago called "the new detective" or something like that
It's lucifer related and it's in his pov and the other characters pov
I posted a few chapters months ago so if you want to check it out feel free but I'll be continuing that when this is over even though I've got drafts💀

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