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Tom decided it was time to tease you
"Tom stop it and watch the film" you giggle
"But this is way more fun" he says before biting your neck
You stupidly told him your weaknesses and now his using them to piss you off
Just pretend he's not there
He goes lower and lower till he meets your breast
You were wearing a cami top with no bra on so it was easy access for tom
"Oh what do we have hear" he looks at you then back at your chest
"Don't you even think about it" you say
"But darling-"
Before he could say something else
You quickly straddle him "I said stop" You said in a joking tone
Tom doesn't say anything but has a smirk on his face
Why is he looking at me like that
Then he moves his hand up your thigh
It's game over
You're screwed
His got you
"Bet you wish you never told me them things now don't you"
"Shut up and take me to your room" you said placing your arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips
"Oh someone's changed their tone"
He gets up and you put your legs around his waist and he takes you up stairs
On his way up he whispers sweet nothings into your ear which makes you go crazy
God If this man hit you with his car you'd say thank you
"Are you ready?"
"Don't stop"
"Oh my god"
"I'm going to-"
"Don't you dare not yet"
You roll over and snuggle up to Tom "that was amazing"
He kisses your forehead "it was indeed"

Wakey wakey
You groan
Tom pepper kisses your neck "come on darling wake up"
"It's too early let me sleep"
Tom laughs "you haven't even opened your eyes to even see what time it is"
You groan again "I don't need to..go sleep"
"I really wore you out huh?"
"Mhm now go sleep" you open one eye and tom's hovering over you naked
Now that's a sight I won't get tired of
He kisses your forehead "if I go back to sleep we won't be able to go out"
You open both of your eyes and huff "fine"
Tom gets off you and you sit up
"So where are we going?" You ask
He smiles "ahhhh that's a secret"
You roll your eyes and flop back down on the bed
"No you don't" Tom gets off the bed and walks over to your side of the bed and scoops you off it
"What are you doing?" You say clinging to his neck
"We are going for a shower"
"Oh?" You smirk
"Don't give me that look"
You giggle
You and tom take a shower with each other
But halfway though it you both get distracted
Let's be real with a body like his and a body like yours who wouldn't get distracted
Eventually you and Tom get out of the shower and dry yourselves off before getting changed
"So are you going to tell me where we're going now" you ask Tom with you bottom lip pouting out
He shakes his head "nope"
"Oh come on please I hate surprises"
"And I hate not seeing you everyday but here we are" he replies
"You could always move into my apartment Marie wouldn't mind another room mate that way we see each other every single day" you say jokingly
Tom rolls his eyes "maybe one day" he winks
Now you start thinking about what it would be like to live with Tom
"Come let's eat some breakfast before we go" he puts his hand out and you hold it
You and Tom make your way to the kitchen
"So what do you fancy" he asks
"Umm cereal" Tom nods and makes you some cereal
While he's doing that you make both of you a hot drink
Your phone goes off and it's Marie she's calling you
You answer it
You-"is everything okay?"
Marie-"yeah I'm just letting you know that my dads on his way down and I'm in your apartment now
Where should i put your post"
You-that's good to hear and just put it on my coffee table I'll open them when I get back
Marie-okay..when are you coming back
You look at Tom
You didn't really want to hurry up back to yours
You-"I'm not sure yet I'll let you know when I'm on my way back"
Marie-"okay well I'll let you get on with what you were doing"
Marie-"love you bye"
You-"Bye Love you too"
The call ends
Tom looks at you "is everything okay"
You nod "yup"
"Good" he kisses your forehead
You and Tom finish you breakfast
"Got everything?" He asks
You check your pockets "I think so"
"Okay then let's go" both of you head out and make your way to his car

"I'm running low on petrol so I'll fill up at the next station"
"Okay..I need the toilet so I'll come with you"
"Alright" he smiles
After 6 minutes you reach a petrol station
Tom gets out of the car and you follow
You head in the shop while Tom fills up the car
"Is it okay if I use your toilet" you ask the cashier
"Only if you buy something after" he says
You nod "okay"
"Women's on the left"
While you're in the toilet Marie's dad comes in the shop and so does Tom
After doing what you needed to do you head out of the toilets and to the sweet section
You can hear Tom speaking to a man but you can't see who it is until you make your way to him
Oh shit
I hope Marie isn't here
Fuck what am I going to do
"Darling" Tom shouts
You slowly walk towards the two men
I hope he doesn't recognise me
Well obviously he's going to recognise me I'm his daughters best friend
Tom puts his arm around you and the man's eyes light up "oh gosh y/n"
Tom moves his arm and looks at you confused
"You guys know each other?"
You nod
"Yes we do she's my daughters best friend yknow the daughter i was telling you about
Marie told me you were with your boyfriend called Gary? But this gentleman said his name is Tom, no matter i probably just got the name wrong"
He looks at Tom "you don't look like a Gary"
And then he hugs you "how have you been dear Girl"
"I- I've been good, how about you" you reply
"Good to hear I've been alright"
You smile "small world" he adds
Tom smiles "it is indeed"
You clear your throat "is Marie here?"
Marie's dad shakes his head "oh no she's at yours"
You go to the till and pay for your sweets before turning around
"Well Stuart it was nice to see you but me and gar- Tom has to go"
"Right yes" he nods "I'll see you love birds later" he says
You and Tom wave at him before getting to the car
You let out a deep breath Tom looks at you
"I didn't know that was Marie's father"
"how could you..oh man if Marie was there I would of vomited"
Tom laughs "not on me I hope"

You turn into a forest looking place
Not going to lie you were getting nervous
is he going to kill me in a forest
Tom parks up and you both get out of the car
You look at him concerned
"Trust me" he puts his hand out and you take it
You walk along a path surrounded by trees
Till you get to this building
The closer you get to it the more clear you can see the name that's on the building
Crazy golf centre
You laugh "crazy golf really?"
He looks at you "what? Don't you like it"
You nod "no I don't mind it I just find it a bit strange"
"Well I quite enjoy golf but I'd think bringing you to a normal golf place would be a bit boring for you so I thought Crazy golf would be better"
You shake your head
You and Tom then had a few games of Crazy golf
Before going to the canteen bit and having something to eat and then before you went back to toms you had another game
On the way out there were a few carnival games
"Tom what are you doing"
Tom walks away from you and towards one of the stands
"I want to get you the teddy"
After a few attempts Tom eventually won you the teddy
It was half your size
"Oh Tom thank you" you say cuddling the teddy
"I would appreciate it if you hugged me instead"he says with a smile
You place the teddy on a bench and wrap your arms around him, he hugs you back
"Thank you for today it was really fun" you say against his chest
"Your welcome"
You stay hugging for two minutes before parting from the hug
You went on your tippy toes to kiss toms forehead since he constantly kisses yours
He lets out a small laugh "darling my lips are down here"
Then he puts his lips to yours

By the time you came back to toms it was almost 7:30pm
"I don't want to go"
He laughs
"oh darling I don't want you to go either but you need to get back because Marie is at yours besides you'll see me in class tomorrow"
You give him puppy eyes
"Stop that, go get your things from upstairs
The taxi will be here soon"
You smirk and twiddle your fingers "I think I need some help finding my way upstairs"
You could tell Tom was tempted to come with you but he didn't so you went off in a huff upstairs
By the time you had came down the taxi arrived
Damn it's here already
"Got everything" he asks while moving a stand of hair behind your ear
"Yeah" you reply
Tom opens the door and you step out
"I enjoyed this weekend thank you" you say
"I did too and you're welcome..come here" Tom says with his arms out
So you hug him "I miss you already" you mumble
"You haven't left yet" tom says giggling
"I know but still"
You look at each other and smile before making out
The taxi driver interrupts by beeping his horn
"don't keep him waiting"
"Bye Tom"
"Goodbye y/n"
You go in the taxi and put your seat belt on
"Where to ma'am"
You tell the driver your address and off you go
You text Marie saying you were on your way back

Hey I'm on my way back now

Omg yay I've missed you

Aww I've missed you too < 3

Did you remember the wine

Oh shit no sorry I forgot, I will older is off Uber eats when I get back

You put your phone down when it goes off again, you expected it to be Marie but it wasn't it was Tom

I love you xx

You could literally pass out
Is he serious
is this text meant for me
We've been together for less than a week and he loves me
I thought we were taking it slow
You've literally railed so many times
You started to panic
What do I say
Holy shit
You're probably going to regret this even though he said it to you first

I love you too xx

You could scream
Another text comes through

Tell me when you're in bed so I can call you xx

Okay :) xx

Enjoy the rest of your night darling xx

I'll try to, enjoy yours too xx

You look up from your phone and you're outside of your apartment
That was quick
"How much do I owe you?"
"Miss the fair has already been paid for"
Fuck sake
You exit the car and open the front door
Marie comes running at you and you hug her
"Ahh love bird is back"
"Wait your dad is here?"
"Yeah he wanted to wait till you got back before he left"
Please don't mention Tom
"So where did you and the handsome hunky Tom go off too"
Marie looks at you and looks at her dad
"Dad I told you his name was gary"
"Yes but he himself told me his name was Tom, isn't it y/n"
You feel your cheeks go warm "yeah we went to this place to play crazy golf"
"I would imagine so since he's 42"
Marie's eyes widened
You laugh it off
This man will be the death of me

Notes- to the people commenting/voting I appreciate you 💗
Next chapter will be tomorrow (it's already in my drafts ..I just need to edit a few things😌)

Edit-chapter 10 was apart of this chapter so I'll post it like an hour after I post this :)

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