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Within 5 minutes the lesson went back to normal.
Vicky decided to do her own lesson about poems which was making the 1 hour lesson drag.
Someone tapped you on your shoulder and you turn around to see a girl with black and purple hair.
She leans foward so her mouth is close to your ear.
"Are you and professor a thing?"
Your heart starts to pound and you clear your throat.
"Uh no why"
"Because I've been watching you since you came in this class after being ill and you seem territorial over him..it's like any slutty looking girl that comes near him you want to rip them to shreds"
I do
You let out a little laugh,
"Im not..i just-"
"Y/n right?"
"Great, my sister lives in Scotland"
You give her a confused look.
"Okay..I'm not sure where this is going"
"She lives next to professor Ellis's sisters and a few weeks ago i was there..okay so i seen you both together and i seen him kiss you and you guys acting like parents with her kids"
Shit shit shit shit this cannot be happening
The colour drains from your face and you feel like throwing up.
"Lilly and y/n pay attention please" tom says.
You move your attention to the front of the class but you wasn't paying attention because what Lilly said kept bugging you,
What was she going to do?
Tell people?
blackmail you?
Force you to break up with him?
"Right you lot take a break and be back at half past two"
I need air.
You quickly get out of the class but you hear someone call your name, you turn around to see Lilly coming after you.
Oh god.
"Can we talk in private?" She asks.
Here goes the blackmailing or whatever
"I guess" you say.
"Great follow me"
"To where?"
"My car, its parked in front of the building and no one will hear us in there"
Not sure how i feel about this but okay

You follow Lilly to her car where you both get in.
You look at her awkwardly.
"So yeah i know you and him are a thing"
You nod and let out a little laugh.
"I suppose you're going to tell people or blackmail me"
"What? No"
You look at her confused.
"Then why mention that you know I'm with him"
Lilly is quiet for a few seconds.
"Because I know what you're going through and"
She pauses and starts playing with her bracelets but then continues.
"I wanted to know for sure if I was seeing this all right so I could be your friend"
You're now looking at her as if she's talking to you in some other language.
"Lilly I'm really confused.." you say
"Okay so me and professor Roberts or Jeramy have been going out since around about the same time as you and Ellis and I know how hard it is especially when you don't have anyone to talk to about it and I guess I just wanted someone like me to be friends with but your other Friend was always in the way and me and her don't get along..I have her in maths and she's a bitch"
Your jaw practically dropped.

You and Lilly spoke some more about your relationships with the professors and then the drama between you and Marie.
Then you spoke about what you both did around Christmas time then after that you both spoke about random things.
"Shit" you say looking at the time.
"Lilly we are 15 minuets late"
"Oops" she says giggling
"Right come on we best go back to your man" Lilly says as she gets out of her car.

Again you dont bother knocking the door, you and Lilly come in giggling which disturbs the lesson.
"Ladies you're almost 20 minuets late" tom says.
You give him a guilty looking smile.
"We're sorry sir it wont happen again" Lilly says.
"I sure hope not because i wont hesitate to throw you out of this class all together and i know the first person i will remove" Vicky says looking directly at you.
You and Lilly make your way to your seats, as you sit down Lilly whispers "damn whats her problem with you"
You shrug you shoulders "i have no idea..maybe because i basically called her a slut"
Lilly laughs "or she could be ellis jr where shes being a bitch because she is into you"
You scoff "i would rather sleep with a homeless person than have her into me"
you and Lilly look up and Vicky is fully screaming at you both, you notice everyone in the room has a shocked expression on their face..tom can be harsh but he's never as bad as how she's being.
You and Lilly get up fro your seats and make your way to the door.
"Tom darling can you deal with them..i will join you when the lesson is over"
Lilly's eyes widened probably for the same reason as your did.
It's fine its just a name she probably calls it everyone.
"Sure" tom says.

Tom opens the office door for you and Lilly and you both go in and take a seat.
Tom sits down on the other side of the desk.
You and him haven't made eye contact with each other.
The room is oddly quiet for a bit until Lilly says something.
"Is it okay if i go to the toilet" Lilly asks tom
He nods "go ahead"
"Thank you" before Lilly leaves she winks at you.
When the door shuts you finally speak.
"Whats her problem?"
You laugh
"She hasn't got a problem..what makes you think that"
"Oh the fact since i walked into the class she decides to be a bitch then 10 minutes after me someone else came in and she never batted an eyelid"
"Y/n you practically verbally assaulted her, she isn't going to be nice to you"
"Fair enough i guess..hey are we okay"
"Of course why do you ask"
You shrug " i dunno you're just more formal around me when i see you and things dont feel right"
Tom nods "I'm sorry..I've just been busy"
Yeah so have i but i haven't changed towards you.
You get up from your seat an go over to tom where you sit on his lap.

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