
59 3 1

the sound of seaguls wakes you up

what the hell since when do we have seaguls squawking in the morning
you groan and open your eyes "this isn't our room" you sit up in someone else's bed but then it all comes back.

finding out you're pregnant and then panicking
packing your things going on the plane to the uk to masons then you made a completely horrible lie up about your sisters but technically it wasn't a lie because someone did try and take scarlett a few years ago
you groan again
"what the hell am i going to do..everything was going so well"
you feel sick so you rush to the toilet once you do what you needed to do you go down the stairs

"Good morning" mason says as he passes you a cup of tea "morning" you take the cup off him and take a sip
"how did i end up in your bed" you cringe
"god that sounded so wrong"
mason laughs "well not to sound emo but you basically cried yourself to sleep in my arms on the sofa so i picked you up and put you in my bed and then slept down here incase you freaked out if you saw me next to you"
"I'm sorry"
mason looks at you dead in the eyes
"say sorry once more and im beating your ass"
you laugh "bit harsh"
mason shrugs "how are you"
"im not sure..i got confuesed when i woke up and then it all came flooding back and then i puked"
"yeah i heard..we should get you to camp soon so get the ball rolling in what you're going to do"
you shake your head "i'll go to the normal hospital" "but you said"
"i know but-"
"you dont need to explain ______"

"so we tested your urine and you are pregnant" the nurse says
"i sort of guessed that anyway with the positive test and sickness"
"right..but tests aren't always accurate and like you said your partner had a bug so the test could of been wrong and you could of just had what he had"
you nod "so what now"
"i would like to do an ultrasound on you if that's okay with you"
You nod.

"okay everything looks fine"
"how long is she" mason asks
"i'd say around 5-7 weeks"
you and mason look at the screen where you see this jelly bean thing floating about
"so that's it" you ask pointing at the screen
the nurse smiles "yeah..it's crazy how this little thing will eventually grow into a whole baby"
mason squeezes your hand
"now i know your position so when I'm done with this we will have a chat" the nurse says before she gives you some tissue to wipe off the gel.

"before we start i want to tell you if you go down the abortion route then you're able to get one up to 24 weeks any later than that its considered illegal depending on what stage you get it you'll either get surgery or we will give you a pill both will come with slight bleeding aftwerwards which is normal but if you go through a lot of pads i would advise you to come in and get checked"
you nod "okay"
"what are you thinking about doing" she asks you
and you shrug "i really don't know what would you do if you were in my position"
"I'm afraid i can't say, when it comes to things like this we nurses can't put ideas in your head"
you sigh "that helps"
"what i will say though is you could tell your partner" "she can't do that you heard what he said to her" mason says.
"did he seriously mean it..sometimes people say things but they don't mean it" she asks you
"he was serious trust me" you reply
she sighs "I'm not supposed to but i can see that you're in a pickle so I'm going to speak to you as a friend and not as a nurse..as long as you don't tell anyone" she says
"i wont tell if you dont" you say
and she frowns "what do you mean"
"you have a lucifer water bottle meaning you know who i am and the way your eyes lit up when we made eye contact gave it away"
she nods "deal"

"how long have you been with tom"
"coming up to two years"
"and theres a what 12-18 year age gap"
"i don't see how this is relevent to helping my sister" mason says
"it is I'm just thinking like he isn't getting any younger and suerly he doesn't want to leave it any longer to have children so maybe if you did tell him he wouldn't react badly and you would be avoiding all of this"
she does have a point but theres always the what ifs

you and the nurse talked for a while and then she gave you some anti sickness tablets before you left

"you know she could report you for threatening her"
"i dont care as long as she doesn't rat you out to anyone"
you shake your head and laugh
"how are you feeling now?"
he asks you.
"I'm not sure i guess i feel a bit better but there's still that feeling there that everything is going to go horribly wrong"
"well if it does i'm here with you and we will get through it..are you going to take her advice and tell him"
you nod "i will in a few days..and i know what you're going to say the sooner i tell him the better but i'm just not ready"

The way my jaw dropped when I saw Tom and Meaghans instagram post a few days ago (I predicted this shit *giggles in delusional* )

I'm a day late oops🥴 anyways next chapter will be out soon

Professor ellis (X reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora