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Before i start i'm going to change things up a bit y/n gives 2014-2016 vibes so i'm changing it  to ____ so if you see that just imagine your name being there also as someone who speaks welsh i can't help but to read it as yn and i dont know if others are the same💀

"Damn what took you so long" Alex says as you help him get up off the floor.
"Richard wanted to speak to me about something and i guess it took longer than he expected" tom shrugs and opens his office door
"Ladies first" he says to you but Alex barges past you.
"Screw ladies first my ass hurts i need to sit down on that sofa"
"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what we've done on there"
Alex looks at you horrified.
Tom shuts the door after him.
"Don't worry it has been thoroughly cleaned" he says to Alex
"It best"

"About time" one student mutters .
"Sorry I'm late guys I had a meeting then the photocopier decided to break on me"
He looks at you and Alex.
"Can you hand out one of these work packs to everyone please also don't forget to take one for yourselves.
There's a few grumbles from students.
"Yes yes I'm aware some of you hate these things but I've been away and didn't prepare a lesson because i thought the sub teacher would but obviously they didn't"
A girl puts up her hand.
"Yes Kara"
"Can we listen to music"
"Sure as long as you do the work"
Kara smiles "thanks prof you're the best" she says it in a sickly sweet tone.
Alex looks at you and cocks his eyebrow.
She's a dead bitch if she tries something.
Okay calm down ____ that was a bit aggressive.
You and Alex finish giving out the work packs.
Work packs are 10-20pieces of paper with different activities on that's in an envelope every single one is a different one so no one can copy each other.
They come in either a brown envelope or just stapled together.
"Thanks you two" tom
"You're welcome ba-ro"
Shit i almost called him babe
"Yeah thanks bro" Alex says right after you.
You look at him and smile
Thank you for covering my ass again

"Guess who's back"Alex calls out as you and him walk into the cafe
Sandy comes out from the back
"Oh my god my precious girl" she runs to you and hugs you.
She places many kisses on your head.
"I've missed you so so much"
"I've missed you too" you mumbled into her chest.
"How've you been" she asks.
"I've not been my best but i'm getting better how about you"
"You poor thing and that's good to hear keep your chin up I'm alive so I'm good"
You've hardly seen sandy for a good few weeks because you haven't  been to work since the whole break up stuff happened.
"Alex has updated me on eveything that's happened so you don't need to spill the tea "
You laugh "okay"
"Are you here to work or"
"I'm here to work but shes not" Alex says.
"Will you be coming back"
You nod.
"I will but i don't know when hopefully next week or the week after i just need to get back on my feet because these past two days have been insane"
"That's alright take as long as you want..anyway do you want anything to drink or eat" sandy asks.
"I'll have a mango ice tea to go please because i need to get back home"

There's a knock a your door.
"Give me one second" you shout.
You make your way to the door and open it.
"Oh hi come in"
"What's up" he asks you.
"Nothing i just wasn't expecting you" you say closing the door.
You follow tom into the living room.
You go up to him and hug him and he hugs you back.
"I've missed you"
"I've missed you too daring"
You part from the hug and sit down on your sofa.
"So how come you're here" you ask him hoping you don't sound rude.
"Two reasons one being because i've missed you and want to spend time with you and two being i want to tell you what happened after you and Alex left"
"Richard knows about us"
The colour drains from your face.
"Oh my god he's sacked you hasn't he"
"No no he hasn't which surprised me to be honest but he has been keeping an eye on us and he asked me a few questions one being what my intentions with you were and because i gave him the right answers and the truth he is not going to get rid of me He's also got a girlfriend or should i say fiancé who was a student"
"Oh wow..i dont know what to say to that" you say quietly.
Tom holds your hand "I know we agreed to take things slow but come stay at mine for a long weekend"
"Your bed is more comfortable than mine so okay" you give tom a little smile.
"Who says you're getting in my bed? The sofa has your name on it or if you want you can sleep in the bath" tom smirks
"Hey that's mean" you pout.
"I'm joking darling now go get a bag ready"
You get up off the sofa "yes sir"
"Watch our mouth"
You raise your eyebrow "why I'm just saying yes sir"
Tom clears his throat "darling go get a bag packed"
You're about to say something else until tom stops you.
"You'll kill me if you say something else so go"
"Jesus Christ who knew a word can get you all hot n flustered"
Tom laughs "darling you can look at me a certain way and it makes me want to take you there and then"
Now it's your turn to get all hot and flustered
Sweet baby Jesus
"I'll be right back" you practically squeak out.

Dw I didn't forget to post💅🏻(for a change)
Next chapter will be out either tomorrow or Wednesday, I was going to post it after this one today but I want to add more to it.

Professor ellis (X reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن