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"Shit you scared me" you gasp.
Mason starts laughing.
"Sorry sis"
"It's cool" you reply.
"What are you doing out here anyway it's freezing"
You look at Mason to say are you serious
"Pussy" you say in a joking tone.
"But I'm playing with the dog out here" you add.
Mason raises an eyebrow.
"Are you sure because he went back in the house like ten minutes ago"
You let out a small laugh.
"Well I was playing with the dog until I went into my little world and he went inside"
"Fair enough" Mason replies.
There's a silence for a few minuets before mason asks you if you're okay.
You nod "yes"
"Then why do you seem a bit down?"
You shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know i guess because this Christmas is going to be different without Noah and dad being here it just seems odd"
Mason nods.
"How about you?" You ask.
"Are you okay"
"you have to be don't you"
Mason sits on the other swing thats next to you.
"I spoke to mom earlier" Mason says.
You look at him.
"About what?" You ask.
"Noah and dad, he called her this morning saying that him and Noah are going to try and get a flight back home a few days after Christmas"
"I know, Noah messaged me saying that earlier
first time I've heard off him in weeks"you reply.
Ellie comes out from the house.
"Y/n mason"
You and mason turn around.
"Yeah?" you say.
"Mom is going over to next door with Scarlett so she wants you both to start on the turkey and the veg for tomorrow because by the time shes back the meat wont be cooked for tomorrow"
You sigh.
"Why can't you do it" you say rolling your eyes.
Ellie doesn't say anything but folds her arms and gives you a look that speaks many words.
"Y/n shes a kid" mason says trying to hide a smile.
You scoff.
"Yo dad got us cooking at 14 so i don't see whats stopping her from doing this, its always us who has to do it not even Noah is asked o help"
Mason get off the swing and helps you off it
"Stop moaning y/n" he says jokingly before you both head inside.
You were greeted by a huge turkey, the biggest one you've ever seen next to it was the veg that needed to be peeled or cut.
You were on the verge to have a meltdown because you honestly couldn't be arsed
You had to be in the right mood to cook and right now you wasn't.
You asked Ellie why your mother and Scarlett had gone next door and apparently Scarlett had now classed the next door neighbours as her nan and grandad which was kind of sweet since shes never met her real ones since they died 4 years before she was born.
After around 45-50 minutes you and mason had sorted the food out however you both were hesitant to out it in the oven because you wasn't sure what temperature to put it on and how exactly to get it in the oven since it was huge so you agreed to wait till your mother go back from next door.
"She's going to kill you both" Ellie says
Neither you or mason didn't have chance to say anything when the door swings open and Scarlett comes running in with the dog followed by your mother.
She puts a few bags down on the floor before making her way to the kitchen.
Shes got a smile on her face but it soon disappears when she notices the turkey is not in the oven.
"Is that my phone i hear damn i best go answer it" Ellie says before rushing up to her room
You little shit
"Why is the turkey not in the bloody oven"
You look at mason expecting him to sa something but he doesn't so you give him a dirty look and answer your mother.
"Well me and mason didn't know how exactly to put it in the oven and what time and temperature to put it on for so we agreed to wait till you got back" you say quietly
"Se goes to the fridge and takes off a sticky note that has 'turkey instructions' written on it and slams it on the table that the turkey is on
You and mason both look at each other trying not to laugh.
"Oh" you both say at the same time.
Your mother rants to her self before grabbing the turkey and putting it in the oven.
"See now wasn't that easy" she says.
You and mason nod.
"Why did you get one that big anyway" mason says.
Your mother puts her hair in a pony.
"Well if we had a small one they wouldn't be none left for your father and brother the way you lot eat and besides we will have another person eating with us"
She says the last bit while looking at you which you found weird until you remembered.
"Have you asked him yet?" Your mother asks you.
But you play it dumb.
"The Virgin Mary ..who do you think" she replies in a half playful tone.
"Yes y/n"
"Oh..no i haven't asked him yet" you say looking at your mother awkwardly.
"For god sake y/n" she says
before you could stop her she grabbed you phone.
"Hey" you say in a slightly raised tone.
She scrolls through your  phone then puts the phone to her ear.
You start to panic slightly.
"Mom what are you doing"
"Im calling him, if you wont ask him i will"
Mason starts laughing before laving the kitchen.
Before you could rob the phone off her tom had answered the phone.
You didn't know what was being said on toms end but you did on your mothers end which made you want to rip your ears off as she slightly flirted with him.
If this was someone else who was flirting with him and knew you and him was together you'd of gone down for murder.
Tom: " hello darling"
Your mother giggles
Your mother: "hello to you too Thomas" she purr's
Tom clears his throat.
Tom: "who's this?"
Your mother: "this is y/n's mother Elizabeth but you may call me liz"
Tom: "right" he laughs.
Tom: " is everything okay?"
Liz: yes, i was just calling because i asked my daughter to ask you if you would want to come over for Christmas dinner tomorrow if you're free but this was this morning and I was just told that she hadn't asked you yet"
liz: "so would you like to come over?"
Your mother then told him the address and what time to come over before ending the call and giving you the phone back while smiling.
"Sorted" she says.
"What time is he coming" you ask
Your mother hakes her head
"It's a surprise"
You roll your eyes and head to the living room
Just as you walked out your mother says that tom has a Gorgeous voice.
"Watch it" you warned her jokingly.

Small heads up i notice every comment so if you've been commenting I appreciate it
If i don't reply don't think I'm being rude lmao I'm just an awkward person and at times i'm not sure what to reply back with
It's killing me because i want to get to the juicy bit of this story already lmao
Anyway i hope whoever sees this is okay :)
Next chapter should be out either tomorrow or Friday (follow me so you get the announcements I make)

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