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"Are we done with this meeting" tom asks.
Richard lets out a sigh.
"I suppose we are..I'm sorry for all of this"
"There's no need for you to be sorry you haven't done anything wrong it's Vicky who has and who should be apologising" you say.
"Right let's go then babe" Alex says taking your hand into his.
"Wait what period is it" you ask looking both at Richard and tom.
Tom looks at his watch.
"It should be third and I'm pretty sure i have you guys next"he says.
"Great we all can walk to class together" Alex says and tom nods.
"Sure, i need help with carrying some photocopies anyway"
"Wait tom may i have a word with you please"
"Sure" he says to Richard.
You and Alex sit back down.
"Alone" Richard says.
"Oh okay we'll meet you at your office" you say to tom.

You and Alex head out and you let out a huge breath.
Thank god that's over
"Right lets go to mr Ellis's office"
"Ew that sounds weird"
Alex nudges you and you both make your way to his office.

"So what did you want to talk to me about" tom asks.
"I know"
Tom raises his eyebrow.
"You know what"
"I know that you and y/n are a thing"
Tom laughs.
"Don't try and lie to me..again"
"Thomas i was out with my fiancé in Cardiff and i seen you and her with a group of friends at first I thought you all were friends until you couldn't keep your hands off each other and since that moment i've kept a close eye on you both"
Tom puts his head into his hands
"I suppose you're going to sack me"
"It depends what your answers to my questions are and i want you to answer them truthfully no bullshit"
Tom nods.
"What are your intentions with her"
"What do you mean"
"I mean is she just some pussy to please your dick whenever you get in the mood or is she someone you see yourself with for years"
"Jesus Christ theres no need to word it like that"
"You did ask me what i meant and that what i meant"
"Fair enough..uh with everything thats gone on its a bit early to say but i would really like to spend a long time with her"
"How long have you guys been a thing?"
"I think November last year i'm not quite sure its been a bit messy but were starting from scratch"
"Have you met her parents"
"I have and her siblings"
"What about her has she met yours"
"She met one of my sisters but not my parents however she's met my close friends the ones you saw in Cardiff"
Richard nods.
"What you told me about Vicky was that the truth"
"What did Vicky mean about someone cheating on her because i know that was recent because when shes came in shes looked like death"
Tom sighs.
"So when Vicky kissed me y/n was at the same club with her friends celebrating one of her friends birthday and as Vicky kissed me one of them was coming to the toilet and took a picture of us and showed her then it all kicked off..Vicky didn't help the situation she made it a hell of a lot worse hence why I reported her and out of jealousy or whatever she then reported me and y/n"
"Do you love her"
"Of corse I do..if i didn't I wouldn't be risking my job for her if i didn't..wait you've known about us since Cardiff why haven't you said anything"
Richard clears his throat.
"I can't really say anything to you when i was also involved with a student but shes graduated and now she's my fiancé but i wanted to keep an eye on you b0th because theres been times where professors have only just been interested in the young pussy and nothing else and i wanted to see if you was the same..if you was then id of sacked you"
"You'd of sacked me? So does that mean you aren't going to"
"No tom i'm not but if you purposely hurt her i will get rid of you and please make it less obvious
Ive seen her go into your office all pretty and come out as if shes been run over by a bus and then thrown in a bush"
"Only last question before you go whats the deal with Alex"
"Oh he's harmless he's her best friend and he's helped her a lot through the whole Vicky drama and me also hence why they were faking being in a relationship"
"Did that bother you seeing him all over her"
"I wanted to knock the bastard out but it was my idea so I couldn't"
"Alright..you're free to leave"
"So thats it?"
Richard nods.
"I'll probably pop by your office now and then for a chat don't worry its nothing bad..i just think we could possibly be friends considering were in a similar situation"
"Okay just make sure you knock"
Tom winks and then leaves the office.

Just pretend today is Friday🤝

Stay hydrated and make sure you've ate something.

Next chapter will be out most likely on Monday and depends how long the train journey is I'll post two chapters(I'm going for a one day holiday that I accidentally booked💀)

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