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"Wake up"
"Wake up"
"Wake up"
You open your eyes and yawn
"What!" You groan
"We're gonna be late get up"
"What time is it?" You ask
Marie looks at her phone "it's 7:30"
You pull the bed sheet over your face "marie go back to sleep we don't have to be there till 9am it's too early"
Marie sits on your bed "come on get up I want to go for some breakfast before we go to class"
"The go by yourself and let me sleep" you mumble
"No you're coming with me"
"Ugh fine" you get up "but you best not make a habit of this"
Marie just laughs and heads to her room
Your phone goes off so you pick it up
It's a message off Tom and all of a sudden you're in a happy mood

Good morning
I can't wait to see you in class today xx

Morning < 3
I can't wait to see you too xx

Please come in early I don't want to have a go at you in front of everyone

Marie's making me get up now so we can get some breakfast so I'll probably be there before everyone else

You put your phone down and get dressed
When you're done you make your way downstairs where you see Marie on the couch with her bag and her coat on
You give her a playful dirty look for waking you up 30 minutes early
"Don't look at me like that" she laughs "at least professor ellis won't have a go at you today"
You roll your eyes and smile "yeah true but it's not worth me losing 30 minutes of sleep"
Marie stands up "so are you ready?"
You nod "I am"
You grab your bag and a random coat that's in the hall and you and Marie head out
"So where are we going for breakfast" you ask
"McDonald's obviously" Marie replies
It takes you 10 minutes to walk to the nearest McDonald's
"I'm paying" Marie says
You shake your head "no I'll pay for my own"
"I'll make you a deal you pay for the drinks I'll pay for the food"
You sigh "fine"
"So what do you want" Marie asks
You look through the menu and choose what you want
"Do you want some hash browns with that"
You nod "sure why not"
"How about you what do you want drink wise"
Marie looks at the drinks menu "what are you having?" She asks
"I might have the toffee late"
"Go on then I'll have the same as you"
You smile "okay"
You and Marie place the orders on the touch screens and then sit down at a table
You looked at the time and you had about half an hour before you had to be at class
It didn't take long for the food and drinks to arrive
"So what do you think prof will get us to do today" Marie asks
You shake your head "honestly no idea probably something to do with the book we're reading"
"Yeah maybe"
You look up at her "yeah?"
"Just out of curiosity what's the oldest you'd date would you date say someone who's..the professors age?"
You almost choke on your coffee
Would I date someone who's the professors age? Absolutely.. I mean I am
You look shocked
Shaking your head "god no he has to be like 40-50 right?"
He's 42 to be exact
You continue "I'd probably date someone who is like 4-6 years older then me max"
Marie slowly Nods her head "fair enough"
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh like I said out of curiosity"
"How about you, would you date someone who's around his age?" You ask
Marie smirks "100% imagine the experience he has in the bedroom and the amount of money he has I'd definitely go with someone around that age
That gives me an idea..I might flirt with professor ellis and see where it goes..he seems like someone who would go out with someone way younger than him"
If it was someone else saying this you'd leap over the table and strangle them
Jealousy rushes through your body
What if Tom does fall for her
I mean Marie is hot and she is more outgoing
You pull yourself together because the last thing you want is Marie to see that you're jealous and that you could kill her right now
Then she'd find out that you're going out with the professor
(Even though she already does but you don't know that yet)
"So what do you think?" she asks
"About what?"
"About you know flirting with the professor"
Flirt with him and I will put you 6 feet under
You put a fake smile on "I- yeah go for it"
You get up from your seat "I've got to pee"
Marie nods "okay girl"
You notice you're clenching your fist that hard that there's imprints of your nails in the palm of your hand
You know how bad Marie can get with flirting
And it pisses you off knowing she's going to be doing it to the one your seeing
You quickly rush to a cubicle and put the seat down
You take out your phone and text Tom

Marie is acting all weird
she's just told me she's going to be flirting with you and I guess that's making me uncomfortable knowing she'll be like a bitch on heat around you..just thought I'd warn you :)

Professor ellis (X reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ