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Small warning
Tiny bit of smut(more like fluff tbf) at the start
I'm hesitant to write smut because some like it spicy spicy but then some like it just spicy
Anywaaay that's all🧘🏼‍♀️

Tom mumbles something that sounded like what are you doing.
You smile to yourself as you take him into your mouth after teasing him for a few minutes
Tom finally opens his eyes and quickly sits up.
He blinks a few times before registering that you're in between his legs
"Jesus christ" he breathes "what are..what are you doing"
You look up at him before taking him out of your mouth "I'm trying to make you feel good"
Tom has never looked more confused than he does right now.
He looks at the clock "shit I should be half way to work by now..i must of forgotten to put my alarm on"
While he's rambling on you take him back into your mouth, tom flops back down on the bed and covers his face with his hands.
"Darling youre going to kill me"
You let out a muffled giggle.
Tom sits back up.
"work I need to get ready for work"
"Take the day off"
you say before going back down but tom stops you.
"Sweet girl if you carry on doing that i'm never going to get to work because i'm going to spend the day making sure you wont be able to walk for the next week"
You smile.
"i like the sound of that"
you place kisses from toms waist until you reach his neck where you start nibbling.
"This has to be the best morning ever" tom says before moving you so you're straddling him.
He copies you with nibbling your neck but he leaves the odd kiss now and then.
"So take the day off so i can make it even better"
"I can't darling"
You pout.
"I've took a lot of days off recently"
You unstrandle yourself off tom and move to the side of him.
"Okay" you kiss his cheek.
"You best be getting ready then professor"
He nods "I do but i need a minute" tom says as he adjusts himself.
Tom groans as he gets up off the bed.
You cover your mouth so he doesn't see you smiling.
He gets a shirt and some trousers out of his wardrobe and puts them on.
"Bollocks"tom mutters
"What's wrong"
"Uh nothing"
You get off the bed and go up to tom hugging him from behind.
"Tell me?"
Tom clears his throat "i'll tell you after i just need to take my mind off it"
You nod "okay"
You get back in bed while tom goes and does what he needs to do in the bathroom

"Right i need to go"
"You haven't had breakfast"
"I'll get something from the cafeteria"
You take a sip of your cup of tea before going up to tom and hugging him.
"I don't want you to go"
"Neither do i"
Tom kisses you before leaving

You-you didn't tell me what was wrong
Tom-oh..I didn't
You-nope so will you tell me now
Tom-how do i put this without sounding crude
Tom is typing
He's been typing for what seems like 10 minuets is he writing a book.
Tom-you didn't let me come and i can't do anything about it which is painfully driving me insane
You-i'm sorry..i'll make it up to you when you get back ;)
Tom-so my for taking things slow
You-i've been trying but a girl has needs
Tom-first night we got back together you wore that incredible thing to bed and i could of took you there and then but I didn't and I also have needs.
You-you've got your hand for your needs and it doesn't take that long to satisfy them but us women's needs are harder to satisfy.
You-hey its the truth
Tom-if you say so
You-anyway wacha doiiiin?
Tom-i'm having a drink and a chat with Richard what about you?
You-sounds fun,im doing some of your washing but before that i was having a date with joe
Tom-thank you darling but you didn't have to do that..wait you watched you without me? I feel betrayed.
You laughed at toms message when the post comes through the letterbox.
You let tom know he has a letter
Tom-it's probably a spam letter I've been getting them a lot lately so just throw it away..I'm heading back to class now i will text you later xx
You-Okay xx

The letter looked too important to be spam
What if its something private and he gets mad..
Screw it
Your curiosity got the better of you and you opened the letter

{Dear mr Thomas ellis we have revived your email and the video you sent us and we think you suit the character perfectly so congratulations you have gotten the role of the main male character however we would like you to re do the video but in your british accent because we think the American accent doesnt quite suit the character.
We will send you the first few  pages of the  script via email
Do not share it with anyone if you do there will be consequences
Filming will start in two months time however this could change so keep an eye on your emails
More details about this will be sent to you via email or someone from our team will contact you via phone call
*Someone's signature* }
What the hell is this

"Darliiiing I'm homeee" Tom sings then laughs at himself.
"That sounded so strange..wow this place looks good"
Ever since reading the letter you've been stress cleaning.
You come from upstairs with a black bag and a bunch of cleaning stuff in your hands.
"Hi" you smile at him.
"Everywhere is so clean" Tom says as he takes the things from you.
"Yeah I um I got bored so I needed to keep myself occupied"
Tom looks at you strangely
"What?" You ask
Tom places the cleaning things on a cupboard and the bag on the floor before taking your hands into his.
"Is everything alright? Because you seem different"
"Mhm" you nod
"_____" Tom says your name in a serious tone
You nibble your bottom lip before giving in
"Have you applied to be in a porno"
Tom lets out a laugh.
"a porno? Darling what on earth are you talking about"
"So the letter looked too important to be spam so i might of opened it and" you pull out the letter from your pocket and hand it to him
"It says that"
Tom reads the letter and theres a little smile on his face before it goes back to a neutral expression.
"Wow uh come sit down" tom takes your hand into his before leading you to the living room where you both sat down on the sofa
"So you know how i studied drama"
You nod.
"Well a few weeks back i applied for a role i have been since leaving university I've had the odd ones come back but they've mainly been roles that are done in theatres but this one i applied for is for a Netflix series its based on a comic and when i was younger i used to collect comics and the sandman was one of them so no I'm not doing a porno but I'm going to be doing a Netflix series up yours penn Badgley"
"Oh..oh my god shit tom i'm sorry for acting weird and congratulations" you give him a little smile

Wattpad was sacrificed Hence why I haven't posted for what 3 days?

I had to satisfy my 14 year old self so I
went to see panic! For their last tour and as I was recording my storage was getting low so I deleted everything on my phone including this🥴

Next chapter Wednesday:)

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