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You got woken up by Mariah Carey blasting
You turn over to see what time it was and it was almost 10am.
You're shocked that you've been let to sleep in.
Normally on Christmas Day your mother wakes all of you up at 8am.
You get up and head to the bathroom where you take a quick shower before going back to your room to get dried and dressed.
You start to head out of your room until you forgot the presidents.
"Shit" you say under your breath.
You turn back to grab the bags of presents until you realise there's some that you've forgotten to wrap.
Great...I don't have wrapping paper
You rush to masons room knocking before you enter, you expect him to be in his bed but he isn't.
"He must be downstairs..ugh"
You come out of your room when you bump into your mother which makes you jump.
"Jesus you scared the shit out of me" you say.
"What were you doing in masons room?" She asks.
"Oh i was going to ask him if he has some wrapping paper..I forgot to wrap some of the presents and I don't have any wrapping paper"
Your mother shakes her head.
"What are you like" she tuts.
You give her a small smile.
"I have some in my room I'll go get you some"
She says walking off to her room.
You nod and go back to your room after closing masons bedroom door.
It doesnt take long for your mother to bring you the wrapping paper.
She passes the paper to you and you thank her.
"You're welcome"
She exits your room.
"Wait" you say.
She turns around.
"What?" She says.
"What time is tom coming?" You say nibbling your bottom lip.
She lets out a little laugh.
"Oh its a surprise" she says smirking.
You sigh.
"Mom please tell me its making me nervous and tom isn't telling me"
"Merry Christmas" she says leaving your room.
You groan and chat shit about her under your breath.
Your mother is probably at the bottom of the stairs now yet she shouts up that she heard that
So you stick up a middle finger to her.
You call tom while you wrap some of the presents up
Before you left his you hid presents for him under his bed so you tell him to look under his bed.
Tom: "why"
You: "just do it"
Tom: "fine, give me a second"
There's silence
Tom chuckles
Tom: "darling what is this?"
Is he serious
You: "tom..they're in wrapping paper what do you think it is"
Tom: "you didn't have to get me anything but thank you"
You: "you're welcome...so when are you coming"
Tom: " if you think telling me where my presents were is going to butter me up to tell you then you're wrong"
You pout even though he cant see you
You didn't do it for that reason but you'd hoped it would of made him tell you.
You huff.
Tom only chuckles
You:"please tell me"
Tom: "i will be there soon"
You roll your eyes
You: "you're an ass"
Tom: "thats not nice to call someone that on Christmas" tom says in a joking tone.
You just mock him.
Tom: "keep it up y/n"
You: "or what?"
Before tom could answer Scarlett barging in your room.
You throw a cushion at her.
"Scar! Get out!"
She throws the cushion back at you.
"Mom wants you downstairs" she says.
Tom:"see you later darling" tom says before ending he call.
"He just ended the call on you ha!" Scareltt says leaving your room.
Breathe y/n breathe the last thing you want is to be put in jail on Christmas because you've killed someone
You put all of the presents back in the bag and head down stairs with you.
You place them under the tree before going into the kitchen where you made some breakfast well plated up some breakfast since it was already cooked all you had to do is help yourself to what you wanted.
After you ate you and mason helped your mother with the rest of the cooking.
This morning she made a cheesecake for pudding but you and mason started to pick at it and eventually ate half of it.
Your mother had a go at both of you but you both promised to go out to buy another one after dinner.
By the time you and mason had finished helping your mother it had gone 1pm.
"Wanna go on the switch" mason asks
"Sure"you say making your way to the living room.
You and mason play mario carts for 10 minuets until the door bell goes.
Your too focused on the game to even noticed that someone's a. The door.
"I'll get it ellie shouts coming from upstairs"
She opens the door.
"Hi" a mans voice says.
Ellie backs away and shouts her mother.
"What honey" she says coming from the kitchen.
"There's a random man at the door" ellie goes back upstairs leaving the man standing out side the door.
"Can i help you?" Liz says.
"Im tom" he says.
"Oh my god come in come in" she says smiling
He puts his hand out to shake and Liz doesn't shake his hand but goes in for a hug.
"It's nice to meet you tom I'm Liz"
"Yes I recognise the voice" he says parting from the hug.
Neither tom or you have noticed each other until mason cheats on the game and you lose your shit that brings his attention to you and mason.
"Mason!" You shout
Mason starts laughing
"What?" He says.
"You've literally just cheated"
"Y/n you cant cheat on mario carts"
Then something Comes up on the screen about a cheating mod
"You little bastard!" You throw the controller on the floor and grab a cushion of the sofa and start hitting mason with it.
Mason put his controller down and starts doing the same to you but 10x worse.
Tom starts quietly laughing and your mother looks mortified.
Mason accidentally pulls your hair.
"Ouch Mason" you say dropping the cushion.
Mason laughs.
"I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to do that"
"Hmm I bet you didn't" you say sarcastically.
You look at Mason dead In the eyes.
"Why are you giving me that look?" He asks suspiciously.
You give him a smile before kicking him in his shin.
"You little bitch" he hisses
Getting Mason in the shin is his weakness as kids you'd fight and one way to win was to kick him there but it makes him feral.
"You're dead" he says getting up off the sofa.
You knew what was going to come.
he was going to chase you.
You make a leg for it when you pump into someone.
You look up to the person.
Fuck...how long has he been standing there
I know I've posted this 3 days late (I'm sorry Lmao)
But I've been super busy and to top that off my phone has been playing up and I haven't had time to get it checked out
I'm not sure when next chapter will be but hopefully at some point this week
(I'm going on holiday next week with my best friend and I'm so unprepared so I've got packing to do and things to sort out by Monday💀)

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