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The drive back to toms seemed quicker than going from there to Cardiff.
It seemed like an hours drive instead of a 3-4 hour drive.
When you arrived in toms drive way you said bye to everyone and give them hugs.
Lauren told you she might stay till your back from your parents so she can see you before she goes back to La.
You and Tom stood by the door of the house and waved at them.
When the van was out of sight you and Tom went in.
You headed straight to the bedroom to change into something more comfy.
"Where are you going?" Tom asks.
"Upstairs to change" you reply.
"Do you want any help?" Tom says giving you a smile.
"No I'm fin-"
Then it clicked what he meant by that.
"Actually..yes I do" you smile at him before Running up the stairs.
Tom chases you.
When you both get into the bedroom he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist.
He spins you around placing kisses on your neck.
"I miss you" he says in the crook of your neck
You let out a small laugh.
"How can you miss me when we've been together all day"
"You were with Lauren most of the time" he puts you down and kisses your lips.
You nod "true..I'm sorry"
Tom holds your hands, lightly stroking them with his thumb.
"There's no need to be sorry, I'm glad you and Lauren are getting on."
"So do I" you smile.
You start to take off your top before Tom stops you.
"Let me do it" he says quietly.
You nod and he slowly takes off your top and places it on the bed.
He kisses your neck before taking a good look at your chest.
"You're beautiful"
"Stop it" you blush covering your face with your hands.
Tom moves your hands from your face and goes in for a kiss.
Your hands go around his neck and he picks you up moving you to the bed while still attached to your lips.
You wiggle on the bed getting yourself comfortable.
Tom takes his top off and then starts on taking off your trousers off before moving your legs apart so he has access to your middle.
You gasp feeling his breath but then you start to hear buzzing which makes you sit up.
Then you realise that your phone is flashing.
Tom looks at your phone and rolls his eyes.
You sigh.
"Can you pass me my phone please" you ask Tom.
Tom comes from in between your legs.
"Sure" he says picking up your phone and passing it to you.
"Thank you" you smile.
Tom moves so he's now lying next to you.
You roll over to lean on his chest.
You look at your phone to notice it was a miss call off your mother.
You kiss toms chest and he kisses your head.
"Who is it?" He asks
"My mom" you sigh.
You dial her number and she picks up.
Your mom-"hey honey"
You-"hi" you say in a confused voice.
You-"I noticed a miss call from you, what's up?"
Your mom-"oh I was just wondering when you're coming over tomorrow"
You could of texted me that
You look up at Tom.
You move off toms chest so you're just besides him.
You-"I'm not-"
Tom then goes to your neck, he starts leaving little kisses.
You cover your mouth so you don't laugh because it's tickling you in some spots.
You-"I'm not sure fuck"
You basically moan out you look at Tom and he's sucking your neck while caressing one of your breasts.
Your cheeks go red and your heart starts to pound.
Your mom-"honey are you alright"
You clear your throat.
You-"yes I'm ok I mean I'm not sure yet..maybe I'll come around dinner time since I still need to get some bits for Christmas" you say in a shaky voice.
Tom moves his mouth from your neck to one of your breasts.
"Tom stop it" you whisper struggling not to moan.
Your mom-"Tom? Who's Tom"
You-"um no one" you say quickly.
Your mom-"do you have a boyfriend?"
Your mom-"don't lie to me y/n"
Tom doesn't listen to you so he carries on.
You-"I'll call you back give me 5 minutes"
You end the call throwing your phone on the bed.
"God damn it tom" you say arching your back.
He only chuckles.
"You love it" he says coming up to your lips.
"I know I do but not when I'm on call with my mom" you say stroking toms cheek.

Next chapter will be out at some point on the 5th of may because I'm staying off social media/my phone tomorrow because I don't want to see spoilers from M.O.M😌

Anywaaay I hope whoever's reading this likes it so far lmao
My plan was Just to do 20 chapters but I've got a lot more planned for this fic.

Make sure you eat something and stay hydrated < 3

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