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four minuets pass and you flip the test over so its facing you and you smile


"oh my god I'm not pregnant" you say relieved
"fucking aimee getting in my head"
you get your phone out to take a picture of the test so you can send it to aimee but then your smile drops.

"no no no no no"


"no no"
you shake your head..this cannot be happening

flashbacks to the night came back to you

"would you ever want to have kids"

"god if you was pregnant right now everthing would be a bit too much and i just couldn't see it working"

"i dont think we're ready"

"i couldn't see it working"

your heart pounds and you feel your stomach
"I'm pregnant..with toms baby that he doesn't want" you get slighlty dizzy so you splash some water on your face.
"its okay we're gonna be okay" you then burst out crying
"this is not okay oh fuck what have i done..toms going to hate me and he's going to leave me" you sit on the bathroom floor and cry even more
"i need to get out of here.."

you get up off the floor taking the test with you and head to the bedroom

you pack a bag of things and when you've done that you book a flight back to the uk

"when i arrive it should be 9pm" you see a picture of you and tom and tear up "I'm sorry" you whisper to it.

you grab a piece of paper and a pen to write tom a note

'dear tom
don't panic i haven't been kiddnapped I've gone back to the uk because theres a family emergency i will be back soon
i love you
from ________'

you grab your things after you leave the note on the coffee table and head out of the door and into your car
on the way to lax you hope you dont pass tom because he will end up calling you or attempt to pull you over

you finally make it to the airport where you get your things checked and you get yourself on the plane
the flight goes by really fast maybe because you zoned out half of the time it was as if the universe was punishing you because you was seated by a couple with a baby and they were so happy and loving..it hit you that it will never be you and tom in their possition

you're waiting for your bag when you get a tap on your shoulder "excuse me are you tom ellis girlfriend ______" a girl says looking excited
you could say no but wouldn't that be suspicious so you smile at her
"i am"
"oh my god you're the cutest couple ever and i love luicfer so much and I'm so excited to watch the movie you're in becasuse the book is my favrouite can i have picture with you..its fine if you say no"
you laugh and its a genuine laugh..she's making you forget all of your problems
"thank you and of course you can" you take a few pictures with her and she goes

you're tempted to get a taxi that are parked outside of the airport but if they know who you are theyll charge extra so you order an uber
when you do that you check your messages and youve got a few off tom

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